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Abstract version of an article with the same title published in my book: Holocaust Historiography: A Jewish Perspective
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineHolocaust StudiesHolocaust education
This article focuses on the precariousness of everyday life of half-Jews during the Nazi-regime in Vienna. Marriages between Jews and non-Jews as well as the presence of their half-Jewish children represented an antagonism that was a... more
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      German StudiesGender StudiesJewish StudiesOral history
הצורך לתעד ולספר את קורות השואה מצא לו אפיקים שונים, המהווים בסיס לחקר התקופה ולשימור זיכרונה. שני המאמרים שלהלן עוסקים בסוג ייחודי של כתיבת זיכרונות מתקופת השואה, שטרם נחקר. מדובר ברבנים (או למדנים) ניצולי שואה, אשר העלו את זיכרונותיהם... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaustHolocaust narrativesThe Holocaust
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesIsrael StudiesVisual Culture
Historical introduction to the medical protocol of the study Trauma and Resilience.
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      Genocide StudiesHolocaust StudiesHolocaust educationArmenian Genocide
Special issue on the Holocaust of the journal published by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesJewish Studies
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and RacismUrban HistoryGenocide Studies
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      Gender StudiesFascismUkrainian StudiesNationalism
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesLiterature
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      Holocaust StudiesNazisAdolf EichmannLithuanian Yeshivot
A selection of 37 poems in Yiddish, collected in 6 chapters, edited by Dorit Rubinstein: העניעלע (Henie) די ברוינע מגפֿה (The Brown Plague) פֿון יענע טעג (About Those Days) דרײַ געשרייען (Three Screams) קינות (Lamentations) די גלאָקן פֿון... more
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      Yiddish LiteratureYiddish LanguageHolocaust StudiesHolocaust Literature
Book by Jan T. Gross and Irene Grudzinska Gross
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
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      Soviet HistoryBelarusian StudiesHolocaust StudiesHistory of the USSR after The Second World War
This book focuses on the experiences of Vienna’s Jewish population between the years 1938 and 1945. It makes the persecution, expulsion, and murder of Jewish Austrians as a result of National Socialist persecution measures visible in the... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryMemory StudiesHolocaust Studies
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      Polish HistoryUkrainian StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryEastern European history
This article displays how Elie Wiesel portrays the role of the bystander in his fictional work “The Town Beyond the Wall” and connects this perspective of literature with psychological and ethical implications. Due to publishing rights,... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust LiteratureHolocaust and Genocide StudiesElie Wiesel
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
"If the international Finance-Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the peoples of the earth once again into a world war, the result will be ...the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." Hitler's speech to the... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust educationArchives of the HolocaustHolocaust Literature
In accordance with the von Ribbentrop-Molotov pact, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union occupied Poland in September 1939. Germany took control of the western sector and the Soviet Union the eastern sector. Families considered their options... more
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      Polish HistoryJewish HistorySecond World WarHolocaust Studies
Warsaw was once home to the largest and most diverse Jewish community in the world. It was a center of rich varieties of Orthodox Judaism, Jewish Socialism, Diaspora Nationalism, Zionism, and Polonization. This volume is the first to... more
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      Jewish StudiesUrban HistoryPolish HistoryJewish History
בתוך המכלול של יומני נוער מעת השואה, עוסק מאמר זה בדמותו של משה פלינקר, נער בן 16 מהולנד, שיומנו נתגלה עם תום המלחמה ויצא לאור לראשונה בהוצאת יד ושם בשנת תשי"ח (1958). הקטעים שנחשפו הם מהתאריכים 24.11.1942 - 7.9.1943. משה, בן למשפחה... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust LiteratureHolocaustHolocaust narratives
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageAestheticsJewish Studies
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      Holocaust StudiesProsecution of war crimespost-World War II politicsWorld Jewish Congress
One of Art Spiegelman’s motivations for using animal forms for the characters in the two volumes of Maus was to depict the dehumanization of the Jews during the Holocaust and as well the inhuman behavior of the Nazis and people of other... more
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      DocumentationComics StudiesComic Book StudiesHistory and Memory
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      Holocaust StudiesJewish Responses to the HolocaustDP Camps in Germany
‫ותיקים‬ ‫לאזרחים‬ ‫המשרד‬ ‫בתמיכת‬ ‫לאור‬ ‫יוצא‬ 4 ‫ואקטואליה‬ ‫חדשות‬ ‫הבדולח:‬ ‫ליל‬ 15 ‫הבדולח‬ ‫לילי‬ ‫לציון‬ ‫שנה‬ 75 ‫מפנה‬ ‫כנקודת‬ ‫הבדולח"‬ ‫"ליל‬ ‫פוגרום‬ 16 ‫גרמניה‬ ‫יהודי‬ ‫בתולדות‬ 18 ‫שם‬ ‫היתה‬ ‫קורצמן‬ ‫חנה‬ 19 ‫בגרמניה‬... more
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      Holocaust StudiesIsraeli CultureHolocaust MemoryCinematic representation of the Holocaust
A considerable number of first-generation Holocaust researchers were Polish Jews: Philip Friedman, Isaiah Trunk, Józef Kermisz, Nachman Blumental, Rachel Auerbach, Michał Borwicz, Joseph Wulf, Szymon Datner, Artur Eisenbach, Tatjana... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryYiddishEastern European and Russian Jewish History
The famous writer Grigoriy Kanovich in his article entitled "The Second Escape," wrote that after the first escape from imminent death, which was the escape from the IX Fort, Alex Faitelson, with his book "Unconquered" dedicated to the... more
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      Jewish StudiesHolocaust StudiesHolocaust educationHolocaust Literature
Front page, table of contents and introductory article to an edited volume of a conference at Yad Vashem in December 2010. Includes an introductory article by the editor: 'Beyond "Righteous Among the Nations" and "Altruism": On Rescuers... more
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      Jewish HistoryReligious ConversionHistory of The NetherlandsHolocaust Studies
English translation of the testimony given by Maurits van Thijn (1922–2011) and Catharina van Thijn-Blitz (1924–2018) in Dutch and published as Chapter 2 in: Steffie van den Oord, "Liefde in oorlogstijd" (Love in wartime).... more
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      TestimonyMemory StudiesHolocaust StudiesHolocaust education
Viktor Klemperer & The Language of the Third Reich. Philological Quarterly (Spring 2007): 129-133.
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      German LanguageHolocaust StudiesJewish Cultural StudiesHolocaust and Genocide Studies
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      Jewish HistorySecond World WarHolocaust StudiesDiary Studies
While the revival of the Torah world among Jewish men after the Holocaust has been studied, the reconstruction of Orthodox Jewish women's society has been given short shrift. This study focuses on Bais Yaakov teachers and their reverence... more
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      Gender StudiesModern Jewish HistoryJewish EducationJewish Responses to the Holocaust
De Ratones y Héroes, debe ser leído para contemplar con la debida distancia la som­bra narrativa de Maus sobre la producción imaginaria contemporánea. En el hilo secre­to que anuda los campos de concentración con el campamento de... more
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      Comics StudiesComic Book StudiesComicsComics/Sequential Art
This work is a philosophical and historical exploration of religious transformation among Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. The research includes a substantial amount of unique survivor testimonial material from the USC Shoah Foundation... more
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      Jewish StudiesAtheismJewish HistoryTheodicy
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      Polish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesPolish Studies
À la suite d'Arendt et de Heidegger, le national-socialisme a été réinterprété comme un révélateur de la modernité technicienne au point que l'institution nazie des camps de concentration et d'extermination s'est vue érigée en paradigme... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMartin HeideggerHolocaust Studies
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust educationZionismHolocaust
This article deals with the process of rebuilding Jewish communities after the Shoah/Holocaust in Croatia. Examining history from the perspective of its Jewish protagonists and in a broader Jewish context the relationship between Jewish... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesJewish StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish History
‫ותיקים‬ ‫לאזרחים‬ ‫המשרד‬ ‫בתמיכת‬ ‫לאור‬ ‫יוצא‬ 4 ‫ואקטואליה‬ ‫חדשות‬ ‫הבדולח:‬ ‫ליל‬ 15 ‫הבדולח‬ ‫לילי‬ ‫לציון‬ ‫שנה‬ 75 ‫מפנה‬ ‫כנקודת‬ ‫הבדולח"‬ ‫"ליל‬ ‫פוגרום‬ 16 ‫גרמניה‬ ‫יהודי‬ ‫בתולדות‬ 18 ‫שם‬ ‫היתה‬ ‫קורצמן‬ ‫חנה‬ 19 ‫בגרמניה‬... more
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      Israel StudiesHolocaust StudiesIsraeli cinemaCinematic representation of the Holocaust
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      Polish HistoryJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesModern Jewish History
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      TheodicyHolocaustJewish Responses to the Holocaust
Jehovah's Witnesses: Memory and Forgetfulness in Israeli Culture
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust educationHolocaust and Genocide StudiesHolocaust Shoah
Holocaust research has expanded enormously in recent decades and consists by now of a series of subdomains. Nevertheless, the central domain was and remains the domain of “the core period”: the years of the Nazi regime, 1933–1945, and... more
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      Contemporary HistoryHistoriographyHolocaust StudiesNational Socialism
U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines La communauté juive de Reims des années trente à la fin des années quarante Romain Dupré Mémoire de master d'histoire sous la direction de Catherine Nicault A Stéphanie Corcy, qui m'a montré la voie et... more
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      Jewish StudiesFrench HistoryLocal HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
A short overview of historiography on the years 1933-1945 (surveying the period 1990-2018). This article was posted with special permission of the publisher. For the entire volume see:... more
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      Jewish HistorySecond World WarHolocaust StudiesWorld War II
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistorySecond World WarHolocaust Studies
On the eve of the war, Łódź was the second largest urban center in the Second Republic of Poland with population of about 233,000 Jews, accounting for almost 35 percent of the city's residents. 1 Most of them lived in the northern part of... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistorySecond World WarHolocaust Studies
The problematic representation of Mizrahi Jews in Israeli films has been extensively researched over the past few decades. The subject was first thoroughly analyzed in Ella Shohat’s comprehensive 1989 study, Israeli Cinema: East/West and... more
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      Film StudiesIsrael StudiesHolocaust StudiesIsrael and Zionism
According to Berghahn's rules, the last pre-print version of this article is herewith uploaded. This article is a programmatic one, tackling the following issues: how the terminology designating the persecution and murder of the Jews... more
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      Jewish StudiesGerman HistoryHistoriographyJewish History