Jeanette Winterson (Literature)
Recent papers in Jeanette Winterson (Literature)
Jeanette Winterson's latest novel Frankissstein (2019) re-animates Shelley's Gothic classic and brings it into a contemporary world of smart-tech and artificial intelligence. The novel mainly focuses on humankind's engagement with... more
Tanglewreck (2006) is Jeanette Winterson’s second book for children, the first being King of Capri (2004). It is a rich blend of fact and fiction, different writing modes such as the realistic and the fantastic, different genres such... more
Just like Winterson herself, The Passion is not an ordinary story yet an interesting combination of history and fiction with postmodernist touches. Therefore, this paper will analyse time, setting and narration of this novel in terms of... more
This thesis examines Jeanette Winterson's use of fantasy to explore and offer alternatives to the rationalised world of modernity. In doing so, this thesis proposes Winterson exhibits cultural politics which are Romantic in nature.... more
Öz: Britanyalı çağdaş kadın yazarlardan Jeanette Winterson gerçekliğin müphem doğasını araştırdığı eserlerinde modernist ve postmodernist teknikleri birlikte dokur; alegori, mit, sembolizm, masal, mistisizm ve tarihi kullanır. Edebiyatta... more
Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf, June 2001. An investigation of the intertextual references in Jeanette Winterson's novel The Powerbook.
Supernatural literature and the politics of Jeanette Winterson.
Published in 2012 for the four-hundredth anniversary of the 1612 Trial of the Lancashire Witches, Jeanette Winterson’s The Daylight Gate is set in the early seventeenth century during the reign of James I, when all forms of heresy... more
The new world -El Dorado, Atlantis, the Gold Coast, Newfoundland, Plymouth Rock, Rapanaui, Utopia, Planet Blue. Chanc'd upon, spied through a glass darkly, drunken stories strapped to a barrel of rum, shipwreck, a Bible Compass, a giant... more
'TWIXT THE LAND AND THE SEA: Poetiche dell'Isola nelle Letterature di Lingua Inglese
University of Siena
16-18 May 2018
University of Siena
16-18 May 2018
(co-authored with Katja Krebs) in Monika Pietrzak-Franger and Eckart Voigts-Virchow (eds), Adaptations: Performing Across Media and Genres (Contemporary Drama in English 16), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86821-148-1... more