Jeanette Winterson
Recent papers in Jeanette Winterson
Analysis of how Jeanette Winterson deconstructs notions of women in fairy tales to establish a more truthful portrayal of women, turning the passive female into an active one.
The Nets of Modernism and Postmodernism People are accustomed to the terms "modernism" and "postmodernism", however, pointing out the thin line between them is nearly impossible. Some of us may grasp the idea and attempt to draw... more
Jeannette Winterson’s novels can always be studied from a postmodern perspective. Postmodernism, though a loosely-defined term, makes reference to a cultural, intellectual, or artistic condition which does not have a direct predominant... more
BOOKS Alice in Transmedia Wonderland. Curiouser and Curio ser New Forms of a Children’s Classic. Jefferson: McFarland, 2016. (forthcoming) Body-Texts in the Novels of Angela Carter. Writing from a Corporeagraphic Point of View . Lewiston,... more
This essay springboards from a discussion of _Written on the Body_ (1992) to _The Powerbook_ (2000), drawing from critics like Celia Shiffer and Susann Cockal, to understand the goal of Jeanette Winterson's postmodern experimentation.
Just like Winterson herself, The Passion is not an ordinary story yet an interesting combination of history and fiction with postmodernist touches. Therefore, this paper will analyse time, setting and narration of this novel in terms of... more
This essay placed second in the Blackwell's Essay Competition and explores how we read, and the role of the reader. Through analysis of Jeanette Winterson's 'Written on the Body' (a postmodernist text) and drawing on the critical thought... more
In questo contributo affronterò il tema della complessa relazione tra sessualità, identità di genere e spazi, muovendo da un interrogativo centrale: qual è il ruolo dello spazio nella costituzione della/e sessualità e, contestualmente,... more
This thesis investigates acts of 're-telling' in four selected novels by Jeanette Winterson and Alan Warner. Re-telling, as I have defined it, refers to the re-imagining and re-writing of existing narratives from mythology, fairy tale,... more
With my fingers too, rather than with my eyes, I read these poems. Ionic volutes-delicate and ringed-white shells with the inner side of pearl-indented cup with the chiseling as fine as the pattern of the under-leaf lining of the wine... more
An exploration into self-reflexivity and linguistic virtuosity in Ishiguro and Winterson's work.
Jeanette Winterson’s novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1985) illustrates the story of a young girl, Jeanette, who experiences suppressive upbringing at the hands of her mother and her surroundings. Through the portrayal of her... more
After two devastating world wars, humanity witnessed the collapse of all of their facts, values and judgments one by one that had been accepted as absolute truth. However, this destruction did not mean the disappearance of everything that... more
Sexing the Cherry problematises the relationship between reality and fiction. Magic Realism, introduced by a German art critic Franz Roh in 1925 which got popular only in 1940s, is a literary genre which is a twisted form of reality with... more
In this essay, I explore the myths presented within two contemporary novels, Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Everything Is Illuminated. I propose that myths are used within these two texts... more
Jeanette Winterson attempts to provoke a new consciousness of existence in her 2007 novel The Stone Gods and stir the masses to re-evaluate the human condition under the encroaching shadow of death awaiting our mother earth. The Stone... more
This paper looks at modern appropriations of the Heracles myth, with particular respect to Disney’s Hercules (1991) and Jeanette Winterson’s novel Weight, but firstly with a historical perspective to demonstrate how Heracles’... more
This paper seeks to examine the depiction of the evil step-mother Queen in Snow White. The focus will be on examining the characterization of the Queen as both step-mother and evil witch as depicted in the traditional fairy tale and... more
This thesis examines Jeanette Winterson's use of fantasy to explore and offer alternatives to the rationalised world of modernity. In doing so, this thesis proposes Winterson exhibits cultural politics which are Romantic in nature.... more
The tradition of telling stories starting with the oral tradition continued with the emergence of fairy tales. Although their primary object is to instruct the readers and to impose what is good and what is bad, fairy tales throughout the... more
Jeanette Winterson’s infamous use of intertextuality and self-quotation, often dismissed as arrogance, compels her readers to locate her works within an interconnected cycle. This thesis argues that Winterson’s reference and repetition... more
""The current work aims to analyse the characters’ quest for the self and their process of growth throughout the narratives. This work is composed of an introduction on the similarities and the intertextual connections between the novels... more
Jeannette Winterson’s novels can always be studied from a postmodern perspective. Postmodernism, though a loosely-defined term, makes reference to a cultural, intellectual, or artistic condition which does not have a direct predominant... more
Postmodern Reinterpretations of Fairy Tales. How Applying New Methods Generates New Meanings
Edited by Anna Kérchy
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
Hardcover, illustrated, 520 pages
ISBN10: 0-7734-1519-X
ISBN13: 978-0-7734-1519-5.
Edited by Anna Kérchy
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
Hardcover, illustrated, 520 pages
ISBN10: 0-7734-1519-X
ISBN13: 978-0-7734-1519-5.
The refrain of Jeanette Winterson’s Written on the Body, “It’s the clichés that cause the trouble,” speaks to a lover’s anxiety: how to articulate love without resorting to practised tropes. Are the words “I love you” still potent when... more
Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) and Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods (2007) manifest an environmentalist awareness of the increasingly destructive power of human technologies while challenging the prevalent... more
Gender and Power in the New Europe
RESEARCH MA THESIS: The main research question this thesis investigates is: "how is the notion of the Anthropocene challenged, refined and reimagined in contemporary feminist theory and fiction and in what ways does an approach via... more
This dissertation contributes to scholarship on contemporary fairy-tale fiction and film by looking at the figures of the storyteller and listener and the act of storytelling itself in a range of texts produced or translated into English... more
Sigmund Freud's notion of the " phallic mother " is a significant concept to examine gender, sexuality and power relations not only in social life but also in a literary work. Although phallic mother/woman concept is mostly used to... more
Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods (2007) pictures a futuristic world in which every body is technologically, discursively, and materially constructed. First of all, The Stone Gods foregrounds the futuristic conceptualization of... more
The usage of self-reflexivity in Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body serves to emphasize the fictionality of its own narrative. By doing so, it highlights to readers the fact that many aspects of life's experiences, such as love,... more
In this paper, I strive to demonstrate how Jeanette Winterson, in The Powerbook, challenges the binary functioning of the Western Tradition and enacts the blurring of boundaries between male and female gender, between material and... more
In part because I'm now teaching at the alma mater of James Tiptree, Jr., I've decided to try something very different for me next semester. (...Also in part due to Chaucerian's Guilt?) Course Description: Some historians of... more
از میان سروده های مهدی اخوان ثالث «زمستان» از همه مشهورتر است. در سروده های کردی پرتو کرمانشاهی هم ظاهراً شعری که به «ارمنی» مشهور شده از همه نام آور تر است. در این پژوهش این دو سروده از دیدگاه محتوایی و نشانه شناختی بررسی و تحلیل شده... more
There has been an interaction between postmodern fiction and science fiction since the emergence of postmodern tendencies in literature. Postmodern authors’ willingness to incorporate elements from science fiction differentiates them from... more
The phrase "glimpsing the balance between earth and sky" in the thesis title is taken from Jeanette Winterson's Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit. In this novel, the central character Jeanette believes she has glimpsed the possibility that... more
This chapter examines recent changes in the treatment of time and temporality – past, present and future – in the work of Jeanette Winterson. Since she first started writing, Winterson’s work has corresponded closely with queer theory and... more
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