Jean Sibelius
Recent papers in Jean Sibelius
As a long-time admirer of classical music, I was always particularly interested in symphonic descriptions of the Sea. Since several years I began taking notes of the pieces on the subject and finally it took a form of the current... more
This paper explores the formal structure of the final movement in Jean Sibelius’s IVth Symphony in regard to its uncommon harmonic evolution. The final Sonata-Rondo fully evolves from a tritone relationship: while the first subject is set... more
An assessment of SIbelius' early reception history including Adorno, Olin Downes, Constant Lambert and Cecil Gray.
The paper is published in Between Light and Darkness: New Perspectives in Symbolism Research. The volume is the first issue in the series Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century published by the Birch and the Star. This publication builds... more
This is the first large chapter of a book published 2013 as a necessary and organic extension of my "Jean Sibelius" (Boydell: Woodbridge, 2011) and "Poesie in der Luft. Jean Sibelius" (Breitkopf & Härtel: Wiesbaden etc. 2007). Even some... more
‘Hardly any of our other intellectual achievements, sporting victories or state events have succeeded in penetrating the consciousness of millions of people all over the world as much as Jean Sibelius’s Finlandia. Only the heroic story of... more
Keywords: Dream, music, modern music, Finnish composers, Finnish poetry, Kalevala, Jean Sibelius, Kaija Saariaho, Tapio Tuomela, Johan Ludvig Runeberg, Elias Lönnrot, Finland, Sámi, Nordic cultures. Based on a presentation given at the... more
The friendship between Busoni and Sibelius, dating back to the years of Busoni’s professorship in Helsinki, was a long-standing one, in spite of their differences. Close in age, they came from very dissimilar musical backgrounds and... more
The painter Akseli Gallen-Kallela and composer Jean Sibelius enjoyed a complex friendship across media in the final decade of the nineteenth century as members of a group of young artist-intellectuals that called itself “The Symposium.”... more
In 1987, Maynard Solomon published an article titled “Charles Ives: Some Questions of Veracity,” which challenged the priority and probity of Charles Ives’s technical innovations and ignited a scholarly firestorm. Nearly twenty years... more
Интерес к описаниям моря в симфонической музыке у меня появился довольно давно. И вдруг несколько лет назад появилась мысль собрать вместе наиболее интересную, на мой взгляд, музыку по данной тематике. В результате получился сборник из... more
I will examine the first movement of the Second Symphony in the context of the modernist movement of Sibelius and his contemporaries during the early twentieth century. This will involve an investigation of Sibelius's engagement with... more
<Cette note pertinente est publiie d l'occasion du 90e anniversaire du composileur finlandais et tirde d 40 exemplaires vdlin blanc et 1l exemplaires sur hollonde antique, numdrotds 1 d 51 par l'6diteur. Le tirage a iti exicutd le I... more
Keywords: Jean Sibelius, Viktor Rydberg, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Otto Andersson, Steinway & Sons; piano music, choral music, orchestral music, composition, creativity, improvisation; biography, music analysis, ecocriticism, history of... more
Texte original en français, publié en finnois "Musiikki ja hiljaisuus", dans la revue Taide-lehti 3-07, à l'occasion de l'exposition Musique et Silence. Symbolisme finlandais / Musiikki ja hiljaisuus. Suomalaista symbolismia, Ateneum Art... more
Sibelius’s late tone poem Tapiola is routinely held up as an exceptional example of a piece that is both monothematic and monotonal. Nevertheless, the broader notion of tonality transmitted by Tapiola invites deeper investigation, since... more
Sibelius e l’Italia Convegno internazionale di studi interdisciplinari, Roma 28 | 29 | 30 ottobre 2015
López Gómez, Lidia. (2014) 'El panorama musical de las salas de concierto en la Europa de la Primera Guerra Mundial" Revista Scherzo, nº 297 Junio 2014. ISBN: 60255
einige Gesichtspunkte iiber die Volksmusik und deren EinfluB auf die Tonkunst" zu behandeln trachtetel. Die Wahl des Themas war nicht durch wissenschaftliches Interesse begrtndet; denn Sibelius war weder Musikhistoriker noch... more
You would greatly oblige me by printing a declaration by me to the effect that up to this day, i.e. March twenty-seventh, 1938, I have not made, or sent, any statement to the German authorities." Ibid., s. 266. 21 "There is one thing I... more
Two operas - Sibelius's 'The Maiden in the Tower' and Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Kashchei the Immortal' - utilise the motif of the Tower of Virtue, often encountered in Western literature and music. This short article (written for the Buxton... more
In July–August 1892 Jean Sibelius spent his honeymoon in Karelia and then continued his trip alone to remote villages, on both sides of the Finnish-Russian border, to study kantele playing and rune singing. Afterwards he wrote a short... more
a cura di Annalisa Bini, Flavio Colusso e Ferruccio Tammaro. Roma, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (L’Arte Armonica n.18, Serie III, Studi e testi) Sono circa centocinquanta i film che utilizzano musica di Sibelius nella colonna... more
The history of programme music stretches back centuries, but only in the nineteenth century did it enter into widespread use. Indeed, seminal compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven and Frédéric Chopin to Arnold Schoenberg and Jean Sibelius... more
Sibelius composed for the piano throughout his productive life, over 100 opus-listed works. However, Sibelius's piano music is often disparaged, even condemned in Sibelius literature. Usually Sibelius's piano pieces are compared with his... more
In this paper, I propose that the “postmodern traits” that contemporary musicians have perceived in the music of Jean Sibelius can be described instead as manifestations of early twentieth-century ultramodernism. I link ultramodernist... more
Sibelius’s only balletic pantomime, Scaramouche, composed in 1913, remains one of his least-known works, even though it is one of his longest dramatic scores and belongs to his period of compositional re-evaluation. This article explores... more
Historically, depictions of Finnish landscape in Sibelius’s music have been attributed to Klangflächen, 'sound-sheets’, or other processes that involve harmonic stasis and expansive ostinato patterns. Through... more