Jean Pucelle
Recent papers in Jean Pucelle
The study of color in Pucelle's works cannot be isolated from the question of a workshop and collaborators behind the manuscript paintings attributed to the artist. This subject has been treated in depth by Kathleen Morand and... more
Dans l’histoire de l’art du XIVe siècle, la notoriété de Jean Pucelle n’est plus à faire. Nombre de publications ont permis de reconstituer cette extraordinaire personnalité artistique depuis la découverte par Léopold Delisle de son nom... more
Focusing on the Breviary of Blanche de France (Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana Apostolica, ms. Urb. Lat. 603), this study proposes a revised notice on this masterpiece partially attributed to Jean Pucelle. The analysis of earlier literature... more
In De Gruyter Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexikon, vol. 97, pp. 117-119
The north transept portal of the cathedral of Bordeaux (also called "Porte des Flèches") is certainly the most well-preserved great sculpted portal of the first half of the 14th century in France, as well as one of the finest... more
Il volume analizza dal punto di vista stilistico-formale la Pulcella d’Orléans di Vincenzo Monti, traduzione-riscrittura dell’omonimo poema volterriano del 1798-’99. L’opera, autonoma e originale, riduce le componenti filosofiche ed... more