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      Medieval ArtManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Jean PucelleFrench Medieval Art
In De Gruyter Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexikon, vol. 97, pp. 117-119
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsJean Pucelle
Focusing on the Breviary of Blanche de France (Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana Apostolica, ms. Urb. Lat. 603), this study proposes a revised notice on this masterpiece partially attributed to Jean Pucelle. The analysis of earlier literature... more
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      Manuscript StudiesJean Pucelle
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      Jean PucelleTrecento and Quattrocento Italian ArtLimbourg BrothersLate medieval and renaissance art in northern europe
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsJean Pucelle
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      Jean PucelleGautier de Coinci
The north transept portal of the cathedral of Bordeaux (also called "Porte des Flèches") is certainly the most well-preserved great sculpted portal of the first half of the 14th century in France, as well as one of the finest... more
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      Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)Medieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)ESCULTURAGothic architecture
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Wall PaintingsJean PucelleNotre-Dame De Paris
Il volume analizza dal punto di vista stilistico-formale la Pulcella d’Orléans di Vincenzo Monti, traduzione-riscrittura dell’omonimo poema volterriano del 1798-’99. L’opera, autonoma e originale, riduce le componenti filosofiche ed... more
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      VoltaireJean PucelleVincenzo MontiStilistica E Metrica Italiana
In: Chiaroscuro als ästhetisches Prinzip. Kunst und Theorie des Helldunkels 1300–1500. Lehmann C, Gramaccini N, Rößler J, Dittelbach T (Eds), Berlin, 2018: De Gruyter.
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      Manuscript Studies16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish ArtJean PucelleIlluminated manuscripts
Dans l’histoire de l’art du XIVe siècle, la notoriété de Jean Pucelle n’est plus à faire. Nombre de publications ont permis de reconstituer cette extraordinaire personnalité artistique depuis la découverte par Léopold Delisle de son nom... more
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      Charters and PaleographyMarginaliaManuscript IlluminationJean Pucelle