Jean-François Lyotard
Most cited papers in Jean-François Lyotard
Multiple perspectives concerning the burning question:What Knowledge is of Most Worth?
This article makes the case for rethinking the relation between poststructuralism and postcolonialism, by building on the claims advanced by Robert Young, Azzedine Haddour and Pal Ahluwalia that the history of deconstruction coincides... more
Der Beitrag diskutiert den Einfluss von Postmoderne und Poststrukturalismus auf die Organisationsforschung. Beide Denkrichtungen sind als ein Plädoyer für Differenz zu verstehen und zugleich durch eine Skepsis gegenüber den modernen... more
This essay concerns the role of political affect in cinema. As a case study, I analyze the 2006 film V for Vendetta as cinematic rhetoric. Adopting a multi-modal approach that focuses on the interplay of discourse, figure, and ground, I... more
This chapter argues that The Secret Agent functions as a sequel that offers the “alternative frame of reference” sought by Chinua Achebe to Marlow’s imperialist and racist discourse in “Heart of Darkness.” Drawing on theories of the... more
This paper asks whether the philosophy of Paul Feyerabend can be reasonably classified as postmodernist, a label applied to him by friends and foes alike. After describing some superficial similarities between the style and content of... more
Jean-Luc Nancy's phenomenology of listening (trans. 2007) makes a series of claims about the sonic / auditory nature of the subject. First among these is the claim that the subject is a subject to the extent that it is listening, that it... more
Reading Augustine's "Confessions" after Roland Barthes's "La Chambre claire" ("Camera Lucida") and "Journal de deuil" ("Mourning Diary") helps to delineate an often-overlooked problem in the "Confessions": the reality of the past outside... more
The subcultural practices of urban explorers are studied through an analysis of the accomplishments of Canadian Jeff Chapman. Using his zine Infiltration as a resource, this essay considers his key sites of exploration, two active... more
Article Length Editorial
Knowing Victims explores the theme of victimhood in contemporary feminism and politics. It focuses on popular and scholarly constructions of feminism as ‘victim feminism’ – an ideology of passive victimhood that denies women’s agency –... more
In this paper, I examine the politics of performativity that Judith Butler develops in Excitable Speech. In particular, I assess the usefulness of Butler's talk of performativity for describing discursive events involving victimised... more
Contemporary forms of anti-critique take issue with critical distance as the root of critique’s “Olympian” and hierarchical stance. Instead, they constantly call us to get closer: to immerse, network, touch, or skim. Against claims to... more
Interrogando-se sobre o lugar da filosofia de Theodor W. Adorno no âmbito do pensamento crítico contemporâneo, o presente artigo procura dar conta dos revezes da recepção político-filosófica da dialéctica negativa (das posturas críticas... more
This paper understands the basic elements of neoliberalism in education and governmentality to be the technologies for the neoliberal government of education. It outlines Foucault’s methodology for analysing governmentality and shows how... more
This article explores critically the relationship between capitalist performativity and the disability category. It draws on Jean-François Lyotard's analysis of postmodernity to define 'performativity' as the principle of performance... more
Contemporary Music Review 36/6 (2017), 530-543] 'Depending on Timbre' Anthony Gritten "Sounds, like explosions and concerts, occur, take place, and last." -Casey O'Callaghan 1 2
This article investigates Catherine Malabou’s claims to have produced some form of beyond of deconstruction with her reworking of the Hegelian concept of “plasticity” (Plastizität). In the light of Malabou’s critique of the unsuitability... more
Tesar, M., & Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2016). Cute, creepy and sublime unnamed childhood monstrosities. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37(5), 694–704. doi:10.1080/01596306.2015.1075708 Strangers, Gods, and monsters... more
This essay considers the shifting meanings and stakes of the sublime, from the Lisbon earthquake to Auschwitz and the unpresentable, from Edmund Burke and Immanuel Kant to Theodor W. Adorno and Jean-Francois Lyotard. This essay for The... more
This paper explores the possibilities of examining four of Jim Jarmusch’s films (Stranger than Paradise, Down by Law, Dead Man and Ghost Dog) from the perspectives of various postmodern philosophies. It places Jarmusch’s opus within the... more
Heidegger’s critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical... more
This article discusses the way in which a group of contemporary cultural theorists in whose work we see a ‘‘new materialism’’ (a term coined by Braidotti and DeLanda) at work constitutes a philosophy of difference by traversing the... more
In this paper, I relativize the widespread representation of the generalized relativism of 1970s philosophy. I will show how the group of thinkers of this period often referred to as the 'French Theory' movement is not always defined by... more
Teaching poetry presents difficulties of various kinds, and these can be illustrative of wider curricular and pedagogical challenges. This paper considers questions of knowledge and remembrance as they arise in two poems-Paul Celan's... more
En el presente trabajo pretendemos abordar una problemática que tiene que ver con aquella hipótesis, erigida en corazón de la posmodernidad, que sostenía la radical imposibilidad de construir metarrelatos capaces de hallar un sentido... more
While the general intellect continues to provide a rich resource for understanding post-Fordism and for theorizing resistance, there remains a neglected aesthetic dimension to the general intellect and the role that art can play in... more
As social movements amplify across the globe, activists and researchers are increasingly interested in the pedagogies of revolutionary transformation. To provide a rich resource for political educators and organizers, this article... more
This article fo cuses in a comparative manner on the thought of Merleau-Ponty and Lyotard with a view to lending support to Busch's claim, that 'existentialism' preceded poststructuralism and postmodernism as far as criticism of certain... more
While research on sound and education has opened up important pathways, it dominantly approaches sound as meaningful. This paper charts another tendency, exploring sound as educational precisely because it resists our attempts at... more
One of the dominant themes structuring the trajectory of Jean-François Lyotard's philosophical work is his concern to think the event in a way that renders it intelligible, but that also respects the alterity and the uncanniness that are... more
In this article I bring Giorgio Agamben’s notion of ‘whatever singularity’ into critical pedagogy. I take as my starting point the role of identity within critical pedagogy. I call upon Butler to sketch the debates around the mobilization... more
The article presents an attempt to use the logical theory of Dignāga (ca 480 - ca 540) to address the critique levelled against the treatment of “truth” as an unattainable ideal in postmodern/poststructuralist philosophy. Dignāga has... more
While there was a flurry of articles throughout the 1990s in philosophy of education on Lyotard, there are still several key concepts in his oeuvre that have import for but remain largely underdeveloped or absent in the field. One of the... more
Dans « La dent, la paume » (Des dispositifs pulsionnels, 1973), Jean-François Lyotard envisage que l’aspect rituel de la représentation théâtrale puisse être aboli pour permettre l’avènement d’une nouvelle forme de présence scénique. Il... more
Many are in shock that today in politics truth doesn’t seem to matter. This analysis misses the mark: politics was never about a correspondence with an existing truth, but about the formulation of a new truth. The contemporary moment thus... more
Communist Study: Education for the Commons poses a series of educational questions pertinent to revolutionary movements: How can pedagogy bridge the gap between what is and what can be, while respecting the gap and its uncertainty and... more
Buddhism and Postmodernity is a response to some of the questions that have emerged in the process of Buddhism's encounters with modernity and the West. Jin Y. Park broadly outlines these questions as follows: first, why are the... more
In Australia in the 1990s, ‘reconciliation’ emerged as an organizing discourse for political debate and policy-making in relation to Aboriginal affairs and the unfinished business of decolonisation. Unlike in countries such as Chile and... more
Grebowicz argues from the perspective of Jean-François Lyotard's critique of deliberative democracy that the project of democratizing knowledge may bring us closer to terror than to justice. The successful formulation of a critical... more