Jean-François Lyotard
Recent papers in Jean-François Lyotard
Car enfin on ne peint pas pour parler, mais pour se taire 1 . 1. Le propos L'enjeu des arts visuels au 20 e siècle est avant tout (mais pas seulement bien sûr) de donner forme et écoute au silence. Ce silence « n'est pas le contraire du... more
This paper explores the mechanisms of construction of ‘otherness’ at both the levels of language and content in Elfriede Jelinek’s text Die Schutzbefohlenen and in its English translation. Firstly, Jean-François Lyotard’s critique of... more
This essay compares the aesthetics of the sublime in the work of Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard, Julia Kristeva, and Frederic Jameson.
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
Heidegger’s critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical... more
RESUMO: A iconologia do anjo, analisada à luz das reflexões de Walter Benjamin e de Jean-François Lyotard, leva-nos a investigar os efeitos de presença e a presentificação da ausência que essa figura gera nos diversos meios da criação... more
Social acceleration may be described through the analogy of software updates. That is, updating to the latest requires some sort of forgetting of the former. This article argues that knowledge is increasingly severed from learning and... more
« Le visage et la parole » s’ouvre par le mimesis : Si nous retirons tous ce qui est sur la fiction, la mimesis et l’art – l’art qui, en s’excluant de la vie, s’oriente à résoudre les conflits dans son propre domaine (le domaine de la «... more
The Chinese translation of Jean-Francois Lyotard's seminal essay "Acinema."
Si Jean-François Lyotard et Thierry Chaput avaient fait appel à de nombreux concepts pour la réalisation de l’exposition « Les Immatériaux », celle-ci avait été en même temps pensée pour s’adresser avant tout à la sensibilité des... more
Section on the play by Marivaux cut from an article on Lyotard's "Discours, figure".
Dancefilm: Choreography and the Moving Image is a rich exploration of the choreographic in cinema. It traces the history of the dancefilm form from some of its earliest manifestations in the silent film era, through the historic... more
La società contemporanea sta vivendo un'epoca del frammento la cui complessità è determinata da una serie di fattori che hanno definitivamente mutato l'ordine della società moderna: l'innovazione tecnologica, la globalizzazione, la crisi... more
Il movimento della cosiddetta riabilitazione della filosofia pratica, nato in Germania agli inizi degli anni Sessanta con la formula di Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie, si connota come un movimento di rinascita dell’interesse... more
The field of the production of knowledge has moved from the guarded precincts of academia to the Internet with important and still unexamined consequences. This paper investigates the interaction between the end of the Modernist... more
The article presents an attempt to use the logical theory of Dignāga (ca 480 - ca 540) to address the critique levelled against the treatment of “truth” as an unattainable ideal in postmodern/poststructuralist philosophy. Dignāga has... more
Pojęcie piękna u Immanuela Kanta W refleksję o sztuce nieodłącznie wpisane są rozważania o pięknie. Za ojca estetyki, który zrezygnował z jej epistemologicznego pojmowania, konstytuując estetykę jako odrębną dziedzinę filozofii, naukę o... more
กาารปริทัศน์นี้ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของรายวิชา PO312: POLITICS AND PUBLIC LAW
In this paper, I relativize the widespread representation of the generalized relativism of 1970s philosophy. I will show how the group of thinkers of this period often referred to as the 'French Theory' movement is not always defined by... more
"FormaMente" è la rivista ufficiale di GUIDE, l’Associazione delle Global Universities In Distance Education; i volumi vengono pubblicati in forma cartacea presso Gangemi Editore di Roma; per la versione on line del volume e del paper si... more
Are we postmodern? On capitalism, fluidity, and parataxis.
The meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism is an artificial, i.e., man-made construct, designed solely to indoctrinate, subjugate, and dominate, the general-population in service of a state-financial-corporate-aristocracy, that is,... more
This essay collection examines the current status of the interaction between literary studies and the philosophy of literature, articulates its potentialities and difficulties, and implements a genuine dialogue between the two fields by... more
Jean-François Lyotard foi um filósofo francês e líder do movimento conhecido como "pós-estruturalismo". Filósofos como Gilles Deleuze, Derrida e Foucaut compartilham quase a mesma perspectiva no que também é conhecido como pós-modernismo.... more
I det här arbetet undersökte jag tre olika författares syn på det postmoderna: Alexandr Dugins, Jean- François Lyotards och Zygmunt Baumans. Vidare undersökte och diskuterade jag deras syn på postmodernitetens inverkan på kunskap och... more
Nada de grandioso, transcendental, mas menor, banal, cotidiano, concreto, material. O sublime é uma alternativa ao discurso fatigado das transgressões tardo-modernas (que artistas perfomáticos, cineastas experimentais insistem em... more
L’ouvrage qui se veut introductif décrit les principaux motifs de la théorie sociale et culturelle postmoderne, en simplifiant l’abord de la pensée post-68 (Baudrillard, Deleuze, Derrida, Lyotard, Foucault, Guattari). Ce livre a... more
Ok Computer and Kid A are the two most significant albums in the discography of Radiohead. These two albums represent a distinct boundary point in Radiohead’s career; between the derivative, alternative rock style of their formative years... more
Postmodern literature, fiction in particular, is, according to Barth (1984), a literature of exhausted possibility due to its entangled thematic and technical approach which defies the conventional modern fictional form. It reflects the... more
Die Arbeit diskutiert die Frage, was das ökonomische Feld, und speziell die "Managementlehre", aus Überlegungen der Postmoderne und vor allem der Soziologie Niklas Luhmanns ziehen kann. "Summa cum laude"-bewertete Dissertation der... more
This paper explores the possibilities of examining four of Jim Jarmusch’s films (Stranger than Paradise, Down by Law, Dead Man and Ghost Dog) from the perspectives of various postmodern philosophies. It places Jarmusch’s opus within the... more
This book reassesses Primo Levi’s Holocaust texts in light of the posthumanist theories of Adorno, Levinas, Lyotard, and Foucault which together critique humanist notions of subjectivity, ethics, culture, and science. I argue that Levi... more
Abstract: This article provides, through a discussion of the work of Jacques Derrida, an examination of the philosophical basis of postmodernism. The first section identifies and explains the positive claims of postmodernism, including... more
With the 1641 publication of René Descartes’ Meditationes de Prima Philosophiae, in its inexorable movement toward the exclusion of dreams, modern philosophy reaches a moment in the ultimate paragraph of the sixth Meditation where at last... more
Quelle est la différence entre sémiologie et sémiotique?