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      Jazz ImprovisationJazz TheoryJazz pianoTeaching Methods
Jazz has steadily evolved from its inception in the late 19th century to the present. As is the case for other genres, musicological analytic research on jazz evolution has lagged behind its practice; consequently, there is a paucity of... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
This paper will examine Arnold Schönberg’s influence on modern jazz through the teachings of one of its most respected theorists and pedagogues Dennis Sandole, mentor to John Coltrane, James Moody, Art Farmer, Randy Brecker, Jim Hall,... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaMusic EducationMusic History
This short work will look at some possibilities for using Arnold Schoenberg’s symmetrical set from his Serenade Op. 24 Mvmt. 5 as pitch material in Jazz/Fusion improvisation. I will examine some harmonic and melodic uses of the set’s... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaMusic Theory PedagogyPopular MusicHistory of Music Theory
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      Critical TheoryAmerican StudiesMusic HistoryJazz Studies
One of the challenges faced in post-secondary jazz education across the GTA is finding qualified instructors who are familiar with dialogical methods for teaching African American jazz histories. More specifically, finding and hiring... more
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      HermeneuticsWhiteness StudiesHermeneutic PhenomenologyJazz Studies
Musical improvisation is the expressive capacity of a performer fostered by access to their own “productive” (creative) or “reproductive” (mnestic) tonal imagery: a field of consciousness that includes experiences, images that are... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Cognitive NeuropsychologyJazz Studies
Thelonious Sphere Monk, III (T.S. Monk) is an internationally acclaimed jazz drummer, composer, bandleader, vocalist, and arts educator. The son and musical heir to his father, the legendary jazz composer, and pianist Thelonious Monk, he... more
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesMusic EducationMusic History
Riconoscimento del jazz come identità della cultura americana negli " Anni Ruggenti " attraverso " Rapsodia in blue " di George Gershwin. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è proporre una lettura e un punto di vista personale, e più in generale,... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesBrazilian MusicJazz piano
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      Jazz pianoMúsica ColombianaChocóImprovisacion Musical
Chapter Eight, comparatively-contrastively, the two very different figures of (Wessi) Alexander von Schlippenbach and (Ossi) Ulrich Gumpert, both pianists, composers, and big-band as well as small-group leaders, and trio, duo, and solo... more
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      PianoJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
Rare interview with Mussolini's son Romano (2004), about his father, fascism, life in Italy during and after the ventennio fascista,...
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaLiberalismFascismJazz Studies
An extended overview of jazz pianist Bill Evans’ recorded output for the Verve label in the 1960s. Originally published on «Quaderni d’altri tempi» 49,
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz pianoBill Evans
ENGLISH: The aim of the exercises presented in this study is to train ii–V–I chord progression, which is the most basic chord progression in jazz, with the addition of diatonic and chromatic tensions through sequences in major keys. The... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyPiano MusicJazz TheoryJazz piano
Charlie Parker renovó completamente la estética del jazz. Refutación a las equivocadas tesis sobre Estética Musical del maestro Theodor Adorno de la Escuela de Frankfurt... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
Escribo este editorial mientras protagonizamos la pandemia de Covid-19… y, antes de leer las páginas que siguen, propongo un repique de tambores y una «tocada» de palmas en homenaje a cuantos están peleando esta batalla por la vida... more
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      MusicMusicologyCuban StudiesJazz Studies
he American-born son of Indian immigrants and a 2011 Grammy nominee, VIJAY IYER (pronounced “VID-jay EYE-yer”) was described by The Village Voice as “the most commanding pianist and composer to emerge in recent years,” by The New Yorker... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaImprovisationCreativity
This is a solo track from the trio album Bluesette from 1979, but as usual, Hank Jones is even better performing on his own - apart from, perhaps, "Steal Away" his duo CD with Charlie Haden, from which I'll upload a transcription of... more
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
Paulo Coelho
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      PianoJazz pianoMúsica Popular BrasileiraPorto Alegre
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      HistoryCultural HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesMusic
Bebop y su conjunción de estrellas de los años 40’. La crisis de la Depresión Económica y la Segunda Guerra Mundial parieron la revolución del Bebop. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLVI... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
In the year 1951, pioneer jazz pianist and composer Lennie Tristano made groundbreaking musical experimentations and discoveries in the realm of jazz and improvised music by utilizing a Presto tape recorder in order to create overdubbing... more
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      Music TechnologyJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
5 choruses of jazz blues playing, transcribed and analyzed. Blues, bop, riffs, permutations, and pianistic phrases abound. The solo is presented one measure at a time, in-depth. Key of G blues. BE was not know for his blues, but he sure... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz TheoryJazz piano
Bebop, sufrido hijo de la Depresión económica, causó envidia y odio su nacimiento. Músicos tradicionales y Prensa maltrataron al recién nacido Bebop. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLVII... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
La rítmica impulsiva y revolucionaria y no el metal y la caña, crearon el Bebop.  Historia del Jazz. Parte XLIV
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
A very good read, for you real aficionado’s [written in the vernacular of the idiom]. From Jazz Journal International [London], Vol. 49, No. 8, August 1996, pp. 16-18, 35. JJI's editor prefaced Hakim's memoir with an account of its... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesMusic HistoryAfrican American StudiesJazz Studies
Pré-publicação de artigo para] Começo a tocar, e depois espero. Simon James Phillips O mar, o mar. O mar, estas nuvens, e esta montanha. Este piano troca as voltas ao tempo. Fluid Radio, Reino Unido
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      MusicPianoArtArt Theory
Bebop derritió las mieles comerciales del swing. Parker marcó un antes y un después en el Saxo-Jazz. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLV
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
Bebop nace en los sótanos de la música no comercial y rebelde. La rítmica impulsiva y revolucionaria y no el metal y la caña, crearon el Bebop. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLIV... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
Kurt nos comparte su opinión sobre temas como la importancia de la música en la sociedad o en la formación de un niño, también nos da unos consejos para acercar a los jóvenes a la música. ¿Usted cree que la industria musical y las artes... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
Giorgio Gaslini, scomparso il 29 luglio scorso, era nato a Milano il 22 ottobre del 1929. Pianista, compositore, arrangiatore, direttore d'orchestra, non era soltanto un protagonista della storia del jazz, ma un musicista multiforme che... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
UITTREKSEL Handboek (onder de tab 'BESCHRIJVING'): OVER DE PUBLICATIE NOTUS Muzieknotatie is een nieuwe en gemakkelijke muzieknotatie gebaseerd op het principe van ‘de notatie van slechts... more
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      MusiqueJazz pianoMúsicaEducação Musical
The Great African-American Classical Art-Form HORACE SILVER: FOR THE RECORD In light and love By: Jemela Mwelu Contact: [email protected] The great pianist, Horace Silver, has now joined his friends in that illustrious band in... more
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      African StudiesMusicJazz Studies And New MediaMusic History
My latest in a series of posts specific to the year 2017, to run every couple of weeks throughout it, in honor of the 30th anniversary of an iconic part of American music’s glorious terrain. Asian Improv Arts (AIR)... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaAsian American StudiesJazz Studies
Überlegungen zur Konzert- und Aufnahmepraxis des Pianisten Nils Frahm hinsichtlich der Raumtheorie des spacing.
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      PianoPiano performance and repertoireJazz pianoPiano Performance
Libreto del CD Rusia ante la rítmica cubana. Como parte del programa del II Encuentro de Jóvenes Pianistas, concierto en vivo del intérprete Alexandre Moutuozkine que tuvo lugar en la Basílica Menor de San Francisco de Asís, La Habana, 7... more
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      MusicPianoFestivals and musicCuban Studies
Uno de los mitos que necesitamos confrontar en la creación sonora experimental, es el que vincula el Noise con la música por ordenador y la música electrónica. El debate acerca de la estética de la máquina y el movimiento propuesta por... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz pianoJazz and Free Improvisation
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesMusicImprovisationAsian American Studies
Edward W.Said (1935-2003) critico letterario e personaggio di spicco nel panorama culturale contemporaneo, compila un bellissimo profilo di Glenn Gould pubblicato dalla rivista Vanity Fair nel numero di maggio 1983. Said passa in rassegna... more
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      Pianists and Piano LiteratureJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
Trio Corrente and Paquito D´Rivera: Improvisation, a Practise of Performance Abstract: This research report refers to an ethnography of the sound check and concert of Trio Corrente with Paquito D'Rivera at the Caixa Cultural Theater, in... more
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      PianoImprovisationPopular MusicJazz Studies
I’m going to start a new series of posts specific to the year 2017, to run every couple of weeks throughout it, in honor of the 30th anniversary of an iconic part of American music’s glorious terrain. Asian Improv aRts (AIR)... more
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      MusicImprovisationEthnomusicologyAsian American Studies
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPerforming Arts
This study investigated the effect of online teaching and individualized instruction in piano lessons of the department of music teaching on students" TPACK skills and achievements. The research was conducted on the basis of a... more
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      MusicMusic EducationPianoE-learning
Pan-Asian Ensemble: The biwa tells some stories unique to its own history. Offspring of the Middle Eastern oud by way of the Chinese pipa, it was born into a time of warring clans in 8th-century Japan. When one clan (Minamoto) wiped out... more
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      MusicMedieval Japanese HistoryJazz piano
Estudo sobre aspectos do tratamento pianístico do pianista e compositor Cesar Camargo Mariano em Cristal, registrada no álbum Solo Brasileiro, de 1994. Uma análise da conjunção entre "estruturas musicais afro-brasileiras"... more
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      Jazz pianoMúsica Popular BrasileiraBrazilian Music for PianoRitmo aditivo