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      ImprovisationScholarly EditingScholarly EditionsPiano Music
One of the challenges faced in post-secondary jazz education across the GTA is finding qualified instructors who are familiar with dialogical methods for teaching African American jazz histories. More specifically, finding and hiring... more
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      HermeneuticsWhiteness StudiesHermeneutic PhenomenologyJazz Studies
Gillespie y Pozo fusionaron el Jazz y la música cubana. Mario Bauza, Machito y Graciela crearon el Cubop o Latin Jazz, el antecedente directo de la SALSA. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLIX... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
This paper is an analysis of Brad Mehldau's solo on the Charlie Parker/Dizzy Gillespie composition "Anthropology," itself based on George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm." The focus is on devices deployed by Mehldau to break free form the... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
This is from the album The Very Tall Band: Live At The Blue Note, a recording from 1998. Oscar Peterson also composed this ballad which, unlike the daunting virtuosity required by most of his playing, is merely of moderate difficulty. The... more
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationTranscriptions and orchestrations
A one-off solo piano filler from a combo recording session on 19th November 1968, this is a jauntier version than usual, highlighting Monk's stride origins. You can listen to the original here:
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Some transcriptions of Bill Evans
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      Jazz StudiesJazz pianoJazz Education
Giorgio Gaslini, scomparso il 29 luglio scorso, era nato a Milano il 22 ottobre del 1929. Pianista, compositore, arrangiatore, direttore d'orchestra, non era soltanto un protagonista della storia del jazz, ma un musicista multiforme che... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
STUDIEBOEK UITTREKSEL (onder de tab 'BESCHRIJVING'): OVER DE PUBLICATIE: Voor wie? Het NOTUS BASIS PIANO Studieboek is samengesteld voor de leek op vlak van muziek. Het start... more
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      MusiqueJazz pianoMúsicaEducação Musical
ENGLISH: The aim of the exercises presented in this study is to train ii–V–I chord progression, which is the most basic chord progression in jazz, with the addition of diatonic and chromatic tensions through sequences in major keys. The... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyPiano MusicJazz TheoryJazz piano
This, recorded in 1940, is Tatum at his most relaxed. His phenomenal technique belies the effortlessness of his performance, on a par with his "Sweet Lorraine" of the same year. His ability to stretch 10ths in the left hand, even apart... more
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      PianoJazz StudiesPiano MusicTranscriptions and orchestrations
Another Hank Jones improvisation, this time from his classic album with Charlie Haden, "Steal Away". Very different from Bill Evans's rendering of the same tune, this is Hank Jones at his most laid-back. You can listen to the original... more
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      PianoJazz StudiesPiano MusicTranscriptions and orchestrations
In the year 1951, pioneer jazz pianist and composer Lennie Tristano made groundbreaking musical experimentations and discoveries in the realm of jazz and improvised music by utilizing a Presto tape recorder in order to create overdubbing... more
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      Music TechnologyJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
This is a solo track from the trio album Bluesette from 1979, but as usual, Hank Jones is even better performing on his own - apart from, perhaps, "Steal Away" his duo CD with Charlie Haden, from which I'll upload a transcription of... more
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
This catalog of melodic and harmonic materials found in Yusef Lateef’s "Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns" is meant as a study guide for practical and academic use. I have listed only the materials Lateef employed as general... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaMusic EducationMusicology
I first heard Tommy Flanagan play this, an Ellington composition, in 1983 in Los Angeles, and waited impatiently for a recording. The long wait was well worth it - the recording is every bit as wonderful as my memory served. Although... more
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      ImprovisationJazz ImprovisationJazz MusicTranscription
Several of Jelly Roll Morton's 1920s piano rolls are among the greatest musical creations to come from an American composer. They are important because in terms of musical infrastructure — the notes and rhythms — they largely represent... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesPerformance PracticeJazz History
Jazz has steadily evolved from its inception in the late 19th century to the present. As is the case for other genres, musicological analytic research on jazz evolution has lagged behind its practice; consequently, there is a paucity of... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
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      Jazz ImprovisationJazz TheoryJazz pianoTeaching Methods
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      Jazz pianoMúsica ColombianaChocóImprovisacion Musical
How to cite: Syroyid Syroyid, B. (2018). The Silence Devices of Bill Evans's 1963 Solo Session: April in Paris, All the Things you are, and Ornithology. In A.Benetti, F. Monteiro & J. Salgado Correia (Eds.) Abstracts of the Research... more
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      MusicMusicologySilenceJazz Improvisation
This paper contains insights gleaned from my analyses of four performances of James P. Johnson's classic composition "Carolina Shout." The performers are Johnson, Fats Waller, Stanley Cowell and Jason Moran. Historical and biographical... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
5 choruses of jazz blues playing, transcribed and analyzed. Blues, bop, riffs, permutations, and pianistic phrases abound. The solo is presented one measure at a time, in-depth. Key of G blues. BE was not know for his blues, but he sure... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz TheoryJazz piano
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      Music Theory PedagogyJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
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    • Jazz piano
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      Critical TheoryAmerican StudiesMusic HistoryJazz Studies
This paper will examine Arnold Schönberg’s influence on modern jazz through the teachings of one of its most respected theorists and pedagogues Dennis Sandole, mentor to John Coltrane, James Moody, Art Farmer, Randy Brecker, Jim Hall,... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaMusic EducationMusic History
Riconoscimento del jazz come identità della cultura americana negli " Anni Ruggenti " attraverso " Rapsodia in blue " di George Gershwin. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è proporre una lettura e un punto di vista personale, e più in generale,... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
This is an exceprt from a larger and more general work on the topography of jazz at the piano keyboard. Tatum is the only true master of this art in practice, and his sort of playing is given here.
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      Jazz ImprovisationJazz piano
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
James Price Johnson (1894-1955) is one of the seminal artists of jazz as it emerged in the 20th century. A virtuoso pianist, Johnson mastered ragtime and is understood to have created what is called stride piano. During his formative... more
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      Jazz pianoPlayer PianoRagtimePiano Rolls
Cool Jazz fue la otra cara de la moneda del Jazz clásico norteamericano. Miles Davis y Lester Young fueron los gran artífices y cerebros del Cool Jazz. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLI... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Escribo este editorial mientras protagonizamos la pandemia de Covid-19… y, antes de leer las páginas que siguen, propongo un repique de tambores y una «tocada» de palmas en homenaje a cuantos están peleando esta batalla por la vida... more
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      MusicMusicologyCuban StudiesJazz Studies
This short work will look at some possibilities for using Arnold Schoenberg’s symmetrical set from his Serenade Op. 24 Mvmt. 5 as pitch material in Jazz/Fusion improvisation. I will examine some harmonic and melodic uses of the set’s... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaMusic Theory PedagogyPopular MusicHistory of Music Theory
Chapter Eight, comparatively-contrastively, the two very different figures of (Wessi) Alexander von Schlippenbach and (Ossi) Ulrich Gumpert, both pianists, composers, and big-band as well as small-group leaders, and trio, duo, and solo... more
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      PianoJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz piano
An extended overview of jazz pianist Bill Evans’ recorded output for the Verve label in the 1960s. Originally published on «Quaderni d’altri tempi» 49,
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz pianoBill Evans
Il saggio vuole raccontare l’incontro tra l’autore e il compianto M° Giorgio Gaslini, icona del jazz mondiale, avvenuto durante il concerto “Jazz in Blues” organizzato dal Comitato Giù le Mani dai Bambini Onlus in occasione della Giornata... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyLive Music
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesBrazilian MusicJazz piano
Count Basie revolucionó el Jazz con su piano elegante y su blues original. La mejor sección de vientos del Jazz la tuvo Basie y de Kansas vino a conquistar New York. Historia del Jazz. Parte XXXVIII... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz History
FLEMMO Enterprise Music has experienced more than 4 (four) years in the areas of Digital Music Production, Music Making, Beat Making, Audio Engineering, Sound Design, Mixing, Mastering, Composing/ Composition, Cinematography, and Video /... more
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      MusicMusicologyPianoMusic Technology
The earth moves with attitude in Paul Plimley’s left hand’s opening notes. It takes no nonsense from his right. Mei Han, Paul’s right hand zheng master, gives none. The immediate results are a flash breeze of recognition between the... more
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      MusicImprovisationEthnomusicologyChinese Music
Published in an abridged version in Signal to Noise magazine (july/august 2000), this piece on the pianist is a fun read informed by doses of close, substantial scholarship. It is again timely, as Borah Bergman just passed away as I... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryPiano
Libreto del CD Rusia ante la rítmica cubana. Como parte del programa del II Encuentro de Jóvenes Pianistas, concierto en vivo del intérprete Alexandre Moutuozkine que tuvo lugar en la Basílica Menor de San Francisco de Asís, La Habana, 7... more
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      MusicPianoFestivals and musicCuban Studies
Henderson el taciturno revolucionario de la era Big Band. Henderson educado en música culta europea, revolucionó el jazz de su tiempo y poseyó un Dream Team musical aún insuperado. Historia del Jazz. Parte XXIX... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Art Tatum el inmenso gigante del Harlem Stride Piano aún insuperado y aún no desarrollado plenamente. Desde el aislado Ohio llegó el inmenso coloso del piano Art Tatum a New York, para a destronar a los reyes del Harlem Stride Piano en su... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
This paper is an analysis of Bill Evans' improvisation on the Sonny Rollins composition "Oleo", itself based on George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm." The focus here is on devices deployed by Evans to break free from the established harmonic... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz TheoryJazz piano
This paper is an analysis of Kenny Barron's solo on the Charlie Parker/Dizzy Gillespie composition "Anthropology,: itself based on George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm." The focus is devices deployed by Barron to break free from the... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Ocean Analog, the Long Island Recording Studio, is pleased to announce that Joan Jett’s song, "Miss You Already", will be out soon in this new Drew Barrymore movie.
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPopular Music