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metodo de guitarra de jazz
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz TheoryGuitarra
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of current streams in jazz theory and to discuss selected branches thereof. But before digging into the abstract spheres of theories in jazz, let us consider the fundamental meaning of the... more
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    • Jazz Theory
One of the challenges faced in post-secondary jazz education across the GTA is finding qualified instructors who are familiar with dialogical methods for teaching African American jazz histories. More specifically, finding and hiring... more
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      HermeneuticsWhiteness StudiesHermeneutic PhenomenologyJazz Studies
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    • Jazz Theory
1 Mainstream: corriente principal. N.T. 2 Straightahead: sencillo. N.T. 7 Del inglés Whole, entero, que significa en este caso un paso completo, o sea, un tono. N.T. 8 Del inglés Half , mitad, que en este caso significa medio tono. N.T.
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Gillespie y Pozo fusionaron el Jazz y la música cubana. Mario Bauza, Machito y Graciela crearon el Cubop o Latin Jazz, el antecedente directo de la SALSA. Historia del Jazz. Parte XLIX... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
This paper examines parallels between jazz-rock fusion of the late 1960s/early 1970s and well-established jazz practices in the 1950s and 60s, focusing especially on the music of John Coltrane and John McLaughlin's Mahavishnu Orchestra.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicJazz TheoryMusic analysis
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      Jazz StudiesPlato and PlatonismJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz TheoryJazz Composition
The Great African-American Classical Art-Form
Percy Heath, Tuskegee Airman
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      American HistoryMusicologyAfrican American StudiesJazz Studies
Jimmie Blanton (1918-1942), best known for his tenure with Duke Ellington between 1939 and 1941, is by many considered to be one of the most influential bassists in jazz history. He has been widely studied, resulting in a paradigmatic... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPopular Music Studies
Modal Cadences Glen Halls © All Rights Reserved 'Modal' is a term with many inflections and uses both in the classical and jazz world. The word modal in the phrase 'modal cadence', which is transferable to both contexts, refers primarily... more
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    • Jazz Theory
This book presents a provocatively new interpretation of one of New Orleans' most enigmatic traditions, the Mardi Gras Indians. By interpreting the tradition in an Atlantic context, Dewulf traces the " black Indians " back to the ancient... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesMusicMusic History
This article explores how iconography can be a useful analytical tool, and in the process help to demystify the lives and music of so-called jazz icons. I will start by illustrating how a narrative around jazz bassist and Ellingtonian... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaMusic HistoryMusicologyIconography
Odd meters were experimented variously in the album Time Out by Dave Brubeck Quartet. The audiences accepted it widely during the launching period especially the tunes “Take Five” composed by Paul Desmond and “Blue Rondo à la Turk”... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz TheoryJazz
L’attrazione esercitata dalla musica continua ad affascinare gli studiosi e, sebbene definiamo generalmente la musica come ‘linguaggio’, non possiamo paragonarla affatto al linguaggio verbale, perché essa non esprime nessun concetto... more
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      LanguagesCognitive PsychologyMathematicsMusic
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      American HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesMusicMusicology
At the same time, a significant body of research literature addressing jazz improvisation has been developing over the last couple of decades. This work includes topics on jazz storytelling [5], including references on the concept by well... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMusicImprovisationPerforming Arts
A bit of a theory trip... what modalized scales could one 'use' for a blues tonic, in the context of jazz improvisation.
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    • Jazz Theory
This paper examines specific musical elements of Clifford Brown’s improvised solo on “Hot House”, from the recording “Live at the Bee Hive". Solos from live recordings, such as this one, give a window into the history and existence of the... more
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      History of Music TheoryJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
This paper is an analysis of Brad Mehldau's solo on the Charlie Parker/Dizzy Gillespie composition "Anthropology," itself based on George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm." The focus is on devices deployed by Mehldau to break free form the... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
um físico teórico, cosmologista, saxofonista e escritor natural do Bronx. Caminhou por dois mundos diferentes, mas que se relacionam: A física teórica e a música. Dedicouse a estes estudos ao longo de duas décadas. Bacharelado em Ciência... more
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      PhysicsMusicAstrophysicsJazz Theory
A one-off solo piano filler from a combo recording session on 19th November 1968, this is a jauntier version than usual, highlighting Monk's stride origins. You can listen to the original here:
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      ImprovisationJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Giorgio Gaslini, scomparso il 29 luglio scorso, era nato a Milano il 22 ottobre del 1929. Pianista, compositore, arrangiatore, direttore d'orchestra, non era soltanto un protagonista della storia del jazz, ma un musicista multiforme che... more
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      Jazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
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      MusicNeo-Riemannian AnalysisJazz Theory
A jazz trumpeter, composer, bandleader, and painter, Davis played a vital role in the history of modern jazz. During a career that spanned more than fifty years, Davis developed an original, lyrical soloing style and emerged as a... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesJazz Studies And New MediaAfrican American HistoryAfrican American Studies
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
ENGLISH: The aim of the exercises presented in this study is to train ii–V–I chord progression, which is the most basic chord progression in jazz, with the addition of diatonic and chromatic tensions through sequences in major keys. The... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyPiano MusicJazz TheoryJazz piano
Flamenco Jazz versus Jazz Flamenco: The Phrygian Metamorphoses. Dr. Carlos Duque City University, London Keywords: Jazz, Flamenco, Harmony, Influence, National Roots, Popular Music, Analysis, Flamenco-Jazz, Flamenco-Fusion. Spain has a... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz TheoryFlamencoSpanish Dance and Music (incl. Flamenco)
All fourths tuning refers to tuning one’s guitar such that the intervals between the stings ascend in fourths. Why should you tune to fourths? • Chord, arpeggio and scale shapes are uniform • It’s ergonomic • One has control over jazzy... more
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    • Jazz Theory
The score of the 2 ½ hour “magnum opus“ named “Epitaph” was reconstructed 10 years after Charles Mingus’ death in 1979. Most of the movements were probably composed in the late 1950s. As the finale was missing, Gunther Schuller, the... more
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
Jazz, power and freedom are historically closely associated. The word Jazz carries »(...) numerous ‛messages’ containing many attitudes and principles, playing a crucial role as an instrument of dissemination of political viewpoints«... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyCultural MusicologyJazz Studies
Irving Berlin (1888–1989) was one of the few popular songwriters of his time to write both melody and lyric, and he integrated both talents in crafting his songs. The author demonstrates one facet of Berlin’s ingenuity by addressing an... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicJazz TheoryMusic analysis
As mais diversas tendências da harmonia moderna são explicadas neste método inédito no mercado nacional, de autoria do pianista e professor Bebeto von Buettner. O livro é direcionado aos instrumentistas, arranjadores e estudantes que... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicJazz Studies
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicJazz TheoryPopular musicology
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      Jazz StudiesJazz Theory
This research focuses on the intellectual encounter between an Afro-American jazz musician and a Russian musicologist producing a "new" dialect in this spontaneous, creative compositional genre. The majority of jazz musicians create music... more
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      MusicologyJazz HistoryJazz TheoryJohn Coltrane
For electric, acoustic or classical guitar.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryPopular Music
So-called “Jazz” is one of America’s most distinctive contributions to global culture. The origins of the music are fairly well understood. It arose from the songs and field hollers of plantation slaves and evolved over the years under... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusicMusic Education
This article explores the potential of artistic practice as an analytical method in historical jazz research. The introductory discussion of historical research strategies involves an inquiry regarding the epistemology of jazz practices... more
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      Jazz StudiesArtistic ResearchJazz TheoryArtistic Research of Music
Storytelling is an age-old tradition that is found in every culture. Stories capture the essence of the morals, attitudes and world views through the characteristics of the characters in the story, the story arc and the moral resolution... more
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      Music EducationJazz StudiesJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
En este libro, al igual que Ximo Tébar en sus grandes producciones, se han orquestado varios elementos: recortes y noticias de prensa, reseñas discográficas, partituras y abundantes fotografías, conforman un todo que dibuja al... more
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      Jazz GuitarJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Theory
Boston is a city steeped in history. Beyond the struggle for abolition, however, the historical experiences of the majority of black Bostonians, especially during the early twentieth-century, are lacking recognition. In this respect, the... more
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      American HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesMusic
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      MusicJazz StudiesJazz TheoryJazz
In this paper I will take a cue from two sentences of Miles Davis and discuss an important aspect of what improvisation can teach us about the normativity of human practices: actions, like improvised musical performances, surely follow... more
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Tesi di diploma accademico di primo livello in Batteria e Percussioni Jazz presso il Conservatorio di Trento. Analisi di come è cambiato il batterismo jazz, passando dal portamento swing al groove funk, attraverso quattro brani di (e... more
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      MusicJazz StudiesJazz HistoryJazz Improvisation
This catalog of melodic and harmonic materials found in Yusef Lateef’s "Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns" is meant as a study guide for practical and academic use. I have listed only the materials Lateef employed as general... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaMusic EducationMusicology
Candidato: Cesare Lazzini Diploma superiore di I° livello in Chitarra Jazz SOMMARIO -Introduzione.………………………………………………pag. 3 -Cenni storici e stilistici…………………………………....pag. 3 -Premessa…………………………………………………..pag. 6 -Segmentazione e analisi... more
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      Jazz TheoryA. C. JobimMusical AnalysisSamba Carioca - Bossa Nova