Javanese language

134 papers
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Javanese language is an Austronesian language spoken primarily on the island of Java, Indonesia. It is the native language of the Javanese people and is characterized by its complex system of speech levels, reflecting social hierarchy and cultural norms. Javanese has a rich literary tradition and is used in various cultural contexts.
Dictionaries and other lexicographical material on Javanese, Sundanese, and Madurese, Indonesia's three largest regional languages, have been published from colonial to independent times. The study of indigenous languages was part of the... more
Mendapat sambutan dari GBPH. Poeger yang bertindak selaku Direktur Jenderal Kebudayaan, diterbitkan pertama kali oleh Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada tahun 1991.
Cibodas adalah salah satu daerah yang terletak di Dusun Jontor RT 01 RW 04 Desa Margajaya Kecamatan Sukadana Kabupaten Ciamis Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pasar Cibodas yang beralamat di Dusun Jontor Desa Margajaya, Kecamatan Sukadana, Kabupaten... more
This paper presents a general survey of borrowing within the Malayic language family, in which both the source and the recipient languages are either varieties of Malay/Indonesian, or other closely-related Malayic languages. The survey... more
Frederick de Houtman’s Malagasy language material (1603) consists of a wordlist and short prose texts. It represents a dialect spoken more than four hundred years ago in the Antongil Bay region on Madagascar’s northeast coast, which does... more
This presentation was made by Dr Gregorius Budi Subanar S.J. of the Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Sanata Dharma, for a joint discussion ("Njagong Budaya") on the "Hanoman Cultural Text in Indonesian-Javanese Society" at the opening of... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai-nilai ajaran moral yang terkandung dalam Serat Dongeng Cekruk Truna. Sumber data dalam penelitian Serat Dongeng Cekruk Truna adalah katalog-katalog yang memuat informasi tentang keberadaan naskah... more
This paper discusses how important a representation system operates in connecting language, society, and culture based on theories of representation proposed by Hall, Evans, and Nixon (2013). Using the case of Boso Walikan, the slang... more
Raden Mas Arya (post-1871, Adipati Arya) Candranegara V (1837–85), who adopted the pen name of “Purwalelana,” literally “the original traveler,” was a modern take on the "satria lelana" (wandering noblemen) of ancien regime/old order... more
Buku Wacana Hortatori dalam Bahasa Jawa ini adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak buku yang di antaranya dimaksudkan sebagai pendukung program literasi. Buku ini berisi paparan mengenai struktur wacana hortatori khotbah Jumat, ular-ular,... more
Ing sajroning budåyå dan båså Jåwå, wis lumrah lan wajib mênåwå kitå ngasoraké diri (nylondhoh) marang wong sing luwih tuwå, mliginé marang wong tuwå sakloron lan simbah kakung lan Putri, minångkå tåndhå bêkti lan trêsnå.
The study aims to determine the development, feasibility, and effectiveness of the Simaksaja game. The research was conducted due to the lack of development of digital games based on religious moderation in elementary schools. This... more
This article describes word formation processes and a technique in understanding Waria  Slang Tulungagung. This study was done through a survey to warias in  Ngunut and Tulungagung surroundings, a small district in East Java- Indonesia,... more
The background of this research is the need for teacher innovation in developing digital-based learning media in Indonesian language learning. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with the analysis, design, develop,... more
Javanese (Austronesian) displays a perplexing phenomenon known as 'crossed control' traditionally described with three traits: (i) absence of overt voice-marking on a control or restructuring-type verb, (ii) overt non-actor-voice-marking... more
Swear words are negative expressions used in specific situations, for example at a time when someone is angry or upset for a reason which leads to the act of cursing, denounce, and the like. This study aimed to describe the form of swear... more
The aim of this study is to explain Korean and Javanese subject honorific and identify its similarities and differences. To accomplish it, this research was conducted using literature review method. Data related to the Javanese language... more
Kerata basa is a type of Javanese language play, often referred to as 'folk etymology'. Kerata basa is a phrase, clause, or sentence, which purports to provide the etymology of a word. For example, kerata basa of cangkir 'teacup' is a... more
Artikel ini membahas tentang sebutan angka dalam Bahasa Jawa, berikut penggunaannya. Selamat membaca
Indonesia is a country that has diverse arts and cultures. One of the existing traditional performing arts is kethoprak. Kethoprak still exists despite the development of modern culture. This happens since the people conserve it.... more
Indonesia is a country that has diverse arts and cultures. One of the existing traditional performing arts is kethoprak. Kethoprak still exists despite the development of modern culture. This happens since the people conserve it.... more
There remains considerable debate over the analysis of voice in Western Austronesian languages, whether it is like voice in English and other Indo-European languages or not. Merchant (2013) notes that voice mismatch under clausal ellipsis... more
For centuries wayang kulit has played an important role in shaping the world view of the Javanese, including the special kind of tolerance that the Javanese people have. In recent years, however, we have seen an erosion of this sense of... more
Osing is a language spoken by the majority of people in Banyuwangi, East Java. However, there is obscurity on its status whether it is considered as one of the Javanese dialects or as an independent language originated in Java. Some noted... more
This special edition about contemporary entertainment media in Indonesia consists of four articles. 1 Each focuses on different popular genres of entertainment on television and their associated commentaries, primarily in the print media.... more
Documentation, and several other academic programmes. Culture, examined in the context of decolonization, cultural encounters, performance and media studies, is her main focus of attention; the preservation of resources her concern. Her... more
Implikatur sajrone panliten iki yaiku pacaturan basa Jawa ing medhia whatsapp amarga tuturan kangdumadi antarane wong siji lan liyane ngemu makna sajrone pacaturan lan maksud liya karo apa kangsabenere dikandhakake. Tujuwan nliti... more
In Japanese speech levels a polite form is known as Keego which consists of Sonkeigo, Kenjoogo and Teineigo. In Javanese, such a form is called Undak-usuk. It consists of Ngoko (devided into Ngoko Lugu, Antya Basa, and Basa Antya), Madya... more
This article aims to examine the variations in Javanese speech by Javanese dialect speakers in Garung District, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java. The author uses phonological and phonemic process studies to identify the speech data of... more
In the courtroom, the judge sat in silence, listening to a prosecutor's demands against a grandmother accused of stealing cassava. The grandmother argued that she stole cassava because she was poor, while her son was sick and her grandson... more
Garbage, is a material that has been disposed of or no longer used by the owner, a residual material or residue, which is made as a result of various processes in life, both everyday life in the household, natural processes, such as... more
ABSTRAK Putri Riza Meilina. 2016. Mekanisme Krusial Pertahanan Ego Tokoh dalam Naskah Drama Ora Isa Mati karya Andy Sri Wahyudi (Tinjauan Psikologi Sastra). Skripsi. Program Studi Sastra Daerah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sebelas... more
Gandrung is a distinctive art that has become the mascot of Banyuwangi tourism. Behind the fame of Gandrung's art today, there is a debate concerning the existence of Gandrung. The debate occurred between two groups who had different... more
Javanese literary works have the content of local wisdom and intelligence of the community. As a representation of past knowledge and experience, Serat Subasita contains a lot of wisdom that has values and benefits in this era. This study... more
Bawean language is identified as a hybrid language. Many languages influence the vocabulary of the Bawean language. At least, there are Madurese, Javanese, Malay, Buginese, etc. However, most of Bawean vocabulary are from Madurese. In its... more
Probolinggo, East Java is an area of Pandalungan. Culturally, the area has the mixing of Javanese and Madurese cultures, so as the local languages that are used by the society. Most of Probolinggo people master Javanese as well as... more
A tree-configuration of the re1ationships among the four 1anguages as determined by 1exicostatistics is as fo11ows: Sundanese Ma1ay Madurese Javanese The four 1anguages 1.4. Sundanese. Sundanese is the first (i.e. the native) language of... more
This research is aimed to describe the syntactic and lexical variations of the Madurese language based on different ages and regions in Madura. This is due to the changing phenomena of the language, namely Madurese, due to socioeconomic... more
This research is intended to reveal the universal phonemes contained in the terms for parents acquired by children living di different cultures. This descriptive qualitative research took subjects consisting of incidentally encountered... more
This research-based community service aims to analyze the overview and media needs of Game Temanggung Library (GATEL) in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Temanggung Regency by applying a survey method with a cross-sectional survey type and in-depth... more