Jaume Cabré
Recent papers in Jaume Cabré
Confiteor. Το εκδοτικό γεγονός για τη χώρα μας στο 1ο μισό του 2016.
a cura di), Linguaggi del metareale nella cultura catalana, Dipartimento di Lingue e letterature straniere e culture moderne-Università di Torino, Torino 2016 -ISBN 978-88-7590-106-6 In copertina: Corrado Trincali, Gli asini di Turmeda,... more
Η δίνη της αλήθειας της Ιστορίας «Οι φωνές του ποταμού Παμάνο» Βιβλιοκριτική που δημοσιεύτηκε την 1/02/2020 στο SLpress.gr:... more
As part of historically minorized culture, Catalan literature endured difficult periods, e.g., the Francoist regime. To imagine different worlds writing in this language was even more arduous in the 20 th century because of the negative... more
El análisis sin menoscabo de la venganza, los celos y, siempre constante, más allá, la muerte y la obsesiva sombra del mal son comunes en los textos de Cabré. Como hiciera en el libro de relatos Viaje de invierno (2014), esa veta... more
Jaume Cabré, L'ombra de l'eunuc
Jaume Cabré, L'ombra de l'eunuc
Based on the data of modern post-Fregean logic (J. Hintikka, B. Lourié and others), the author considers the plurality of virtual worlds in Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s tetralogy The Cemetery of Forgotten Books (2001–2016). Turning to the idea of... more
I Congreso de Investigación y Crítica de Literatura Española (Cáceres), 10.11.2016
XIX Congreso Internacional de la AIH (Münster), 13.06.2016
Reviewed Book: Cabré, Jaume (2011), Jo confesso, Barcelona, Proa.