Esse artigo pretende analisar os aspectos técnicos da produção de uma xilogravura japonesa levando-se em conta as especificidades que tal mídia transmite para o resultado final da obra. Para tal fim, além da experiência obtida pela... more
11 M. Fethullah Gülen: i. m. 12k. 12 Uo. 13 M. Fethullah Gülen: i. m. 12.
The 240 University students that participated in Aruki−henro expressed their own impression by writing Haikus, a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables. This study examined quality of the being deeply impressed with the Aruki−henro... more
Winner of the 2023 Prix Paul Marmottan, this densely written tome presents an in-depth examination of the dynamics of French Japonisme, enhanced by a rich collection of 246 illustrations, many in color, as well as a substantial... more
apanese has a set of lexicogrammatical resources generally referred to as honorifics. SFL exploration so far has shown a variety of interpersonal meanings to negotiate tenor relationships including hierarchical interpersonal... more
A fiber probe has been developed that enables simultaneous acquisition of mid-infrared (MIR) and Raman spectra in the region of 3100-2600 cm -1 . Multimodal measurement is based on a proposed ZrO 2 crystal design at the tip of an... more
az ElTE BTk Filozófia intézete és az mTa-ElTE nyelvfilozófiai kutatócsoportja rendezésében Nyelv, hatalom, morál címmel 2010. szeptember 30. és október 1. között Budapesten rendezett konferencián elhangzott előadás írott változata. 1 az... more
La historia del coleccionismo de arte japonés en España es uno de los campos de estudio que nos deben ayudar a descifrar la incidencia real del japonismo en la península. Desde este punto de vista, este artículo tiene como objetivo... more
The chapter describes the bequest to Newnham College made in 1929 of the collection of c. 86 items by the artist, collector and supporter of women's education and suffrage, Christiana Herringham (1852-1929). The collection can be broadly... more
This review views Rubin's approach in terms of current fashionable trends of analysis and accuses it of never addressing the central problematic about the relation of imagery and general approach, quoting Monet's words to indicate how it... more
Employing a multiplicity of perspectives, King traces the story of an adolescent outcast. As a social horror story, it reveals the problems connected to maturation, the conservative nature of high schools and the dangers of religious... more
Resumen Este artículo se remonta a los orígenes del grabado entendido como obra de arte, entre los siglos XV y XVII en Europa, para explorar las posibilidades eminentemente autorreflexivas del medio, cuyas particularidades de... more
Red organic dye identification is an important topic for conservation of Japanese ukiyo-e prints. Of particular interest are the works of Suzuki Harunobu, who was working at the inception of full-color printmaking. These prints were made... more
In 1961, the Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions in Warsaw presented an exhibition of woodcuts by Shikō Munakata (1903-1975). The show coincided with the time when the artist-known for his inspirations from Japanese folk art and... more
Title in ENG: Ha and Min in Text A of the Horus Cippi. Variations on Spells Against Dangerous Animals in the Light of Pushkin Museum Stela I. 1. a. 4474 [1895].
This scientific study of color prints from chiaroscuro woodcuts is of particular interest and has not yet been carried out on Northern European prints. The aim of this work is to analyze the ink and paper chemical composition, and to... more
À travers une analyse diachronique, nous montrons comment les conditions de production de la danse en Tunisie (circonstances, usages, fonction remplie, interdits sur le corps, etc.) ont contribué à sa mise en forme et déterminé à la fois... more
Kelly M. FOREMAN : The Gei of Geisha: Music, Identity and Meaning. Ashgate, Hampshire, England, 2008
La geisha japonaise attise la curiosité et la crédulité. L'Occident la dépeint plus ou moins comme une prostituée de luxe, mythe qui dérive de l'occupation américaine de l'aprèsguerre. Des prostituées se faisaient passer pour des geishas... more
Brief section on the Japanese ukiyo-e artist Migita Toshihide, written for John E. Plimpton's book, "Swords of the Emperor: A Guide to the Identification of Imperial Japanese Swords, 1873–1945" (Nashville: Headstamp Publishing, 2022).
El presente trabajo pretende ampliar el conocimiento que se tiene del arte japonés como influencia en el primer movimiento del arte moderno contemporáneo: el impresionismo, a través de su autor más conocido: Claude Monet. Además de... more
El 20 de maig de 1985, el guardó mes prestigiós concedit als intellectuais en I'ambit de les terres de parla catalana. el Premi dSHonor de les Lletres Catalanes, va ser atorgat a Maria Manent, per la seva tasca continuada en els camps de... more
Living Proof: Drawings from 19th-Century Japan examines varying approaches to draftsmanship by Japanese artists in the nineteenth century, shining a light on this underappreciated and understudied body of work. While traditional Japanese... more
Gender and Power in the Japanese Visual Field represents the results of a group research project that critically examines the representations of gender and sexuality in Japanese visual cultures. We include not only examinations of... more
Extrait de : Brigitte BERTONCELLO (dir.), Les Acteurs de la composition urbaine, Paris, Édition électronique du CTHS (Actes des congrès des sociétés historiques et scientifiques), 2013. Cet article a été validé par le comité de lecture... more
Contemporary artists have included classical methods together with innovative digital printing technologies to their artistic manufactures and thus their technological production interactions have been reflected on current art as well.... more
Blue colors were sparsely used in the first colored Japanese ukiyo‐e prints but became predominant during the 19th century, mainly due to the integration of the synthetic Prussian blue in the palette of the printers around 1830. For a... more