Japanese Intellectual History
Recent papers in Japanese Intellectual History
In the Japanese iconography of heterogeinity, the cultural archetype of «marebito» as laid out by ethnographer Orikuchi Shinobu stands on its own. The iconography of «marebito» represents in many ways the pattern of the «rare visitor» in... more
С японского перевел Арсений Тарасов. Редактировала Инна Микерина.
a much-needed study of the history of rangaku, the study of the West by the Japanese through the medium of books in Dutch. In this book he ably and succinctly summarized Japanese scholarship which had been published on the topic up to... more
In 1893, the Christian journalist and political commentator Yamaji Aizan 山路愛山 wrote that through Rai San’yō’s (1780–1832) Nihon gaishi《日本外史》(An unofficial history of Japan), the Japanese became aware of the unique history and superior... more
幸徳秋水の思想的位置にかんして、アナーキズムに傾いた社会主義と捉える見方が一般的である(1)。そのなかで、非戦の立場から評価される一方、日本資本主義分析の不在と労働者階級の歴史的任務にたいする認識の欠陥がつねに指摘される(2)。こうした位置づけをふまえ、本稿では社会問題と帝国問題の連鎖に着目し、歴史学派が媒介した社会的なもの(the social)の受容を示したうえで、幸徳思想における帝国主義論の役割を再考する。... more
The Japanese people have always greeted foreign influences with great enthusiasm. In the first centuries AD the massive introduction of Chinese civilization deeply affected all aspects of the Japanese culture. Later, cultural interactions... more
This study shows how, in the 1870s and 1880s, Western philosophy came to be represented in East Asia by positivism and utilitarianism through Nishi Amane's promotion of the writings of Comte and Mill, and how Confucian concepts became the... more
Although, nowadays, everyone knows that "Teikoku 帝国” means Empire in English, it is difficult to find this term in Chinese classics. The reason is it is one of Kindai-kangos or modern Chinese expressions which was coined by a Dutch... more
*Published in the 2016 special edition of Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art on ‘Political Ecology in East Asia’. -- What does it mean to discuss ‘political ecology’ in art and architecture now in the East Asian context? I investigate... more
In the continuity of our 2018 book Rousseau au Japon the present article provides the results of a radically new approach of Nakae Chômin ideas by focusing, the translations of Chômin but also the translations made with and by his... more
IAJP International Conference on Japanese Philosophy: Opening up Japanese Philosophy: The Kyoto School and After at the Kyushu University Nishijin Plaza, Fukuoka City, Japan. October 7-9 2016
This introduction to a special issue entitled "Decentering Theory: Reconsidering the History of Japanese Film Theory" considers the problems in how film theory has been conceived, and the potentials and problems in examining the rich... more
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar as dimensões estético-espirituais e religiosas presentes em dois sistemas marciais asiáticos modernos: o Taijiquan, de Sun Lutang, e o Aikido, de Morihei Ueshiba, respectivamente na China e no Japão,... more
The Japanese term tenkō is usually translated as ‘conversion’ and refers to left-wing intellectuals converting to right-wing ideologies, at times under duress. The use of the term tenkō by the literary critic, Sinologist and postwar... more
This article sets out to elucidate the role of Japanese Protestants in the education of Koreans during the early twentieth century. Scholarship has often assigned only marginal roles to Japanese Protestants within the history of Japanese... more
In this chapter, my main aim is to offer some evidence for the fact that during the early Edo period, there actually existed a Shinto paradigm different from honji suijaku, while, at the same time, medieval forms of belief in the kami... more
Koyasu Nobukuni, professor emeritus of the University of Osaka, has for many years been considered the leading senior scholar of Japanese Confucianism in Kansai by many scholars in this field in Japan. Several of his seminal books have... more
Предисловие к книге «Власть правителей и идеологии Восточной Азии» [渡辺浩 (1997). 東アジアの王権と思想, Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press). Перевод Арсения Тарасова; выполнен с английского перевода (Watanabe, H. (1988). "About Some Japanese... more
Regarding the development of anarchism in East Asia during the post-WWI period, Taiwanese anarchism has barely been explored in most narratives due to the lack of materials. Amongst which, Fan Ben-Liang, a Taiwanese anarchist who was... more
It is, undoubtedly, a well-known fact that Japan was greatly influenced by China in the process of its development. Chinese thought, language, literature, and customs largely shaped Japan’s state and society at the incipient stages of its... more
A translation of a chapter in the Danihon-shi from Classical Chinese into Russian along with textual and philological commentary