Objectives: Study the similarities and differences of small states of the Caribbean, joined in the Caribbean Community, and South Pacific states, in pursuing their common problems, deriving from their smallness and in most cases, their... more
The purpose of this paper is to decipher the visual codes embedded in the illustrations of the Orchid Pavilion Gathering theme as examples of Tokugawa-era (1603-1868) visual culture, based on the approach of treating the image as a... more
Japanese ODA dates back to the period of war reparation, which started in 1954 under the agreement of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. In the end of the 1980s, Japan took the place of the United Stated as the worldʼs largest donor country.... more
Since its inception in late 2016, Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) vision has continued to adapt to a shifting global order associated with an intensification of the US- China strategic competition, technological innovation,... more
Recension de l'ouvrage de John Sexton : « Red Friends: Internationalists in China’s Struggle for Liberation », Londres, Verso, 2023, 382p.
This paper applies the theoretical perspective of Jacques Ellul, as set out in Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (1965/1962), to examine why the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), despite years of effort, has had little... more
Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision (FOIP) has moved to the forefront of Japan’s foreign policy since 2017. Nonetheless, it re- mains elusive as a tangible strategy as activities that fall under FOIP continue to evolve. This chapter... more
The economic structures of African nations are markedly underdeveloped and operate on a lesser scale relative to the economies of their peers within the wider BRICS Plus alliance. This inherent discrepancy in economic development and... more
The U.S.-China strategic competition is intensifying and has the potential to spill over into a kinetic conflict. For allies of the U.S., such as Japan, a military conflict between its ally, Washington and its biggest trading partner,... more
As extra regional powers look to the Indo-Pacific and formulate their strategic approaches to the region, a Japan-China lens is a useful tool to understand that Tokyo and other regional capitals have nuanced and often contradictory... more
Раздел 3 КУЛЬТУРА И КУЛЬТУРНАЯ ПОЛИТИКА Языковая политика В современном Китае с его обширной территорией, населением 1,4 млрд человек, десятками языков малых народов и далеко отстоящими друг от друга китайскими диалектами основной... more
Scholars in this forum analyze how major nations in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America have reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Why have China,
This thesis encompasses South Asia as an area of interest mainly focusing on the Indo-Pak conflict and its impact on the regional as well as global arena. Furthermore, a non-experimental research design is used while using neo-realism and... more
On the basis of a wide range of critically assessed and triangulated secondary and primary sources, including elite interviews and official documentation often in the original language, this article suggests that Japan’s domestic... more
Груз исторической памяти, связанной с японской агрессией в Китае в 1930-e-1940-е годы, отчётливо проявляется в японо-китайских отношениях на современном этапе. В связи с этим важно понять, в чём заключается причина разногласий: почему... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
Cette collection a pour vocation de publier des études, journées, tables rondes, recueils d'articles des chercheurs et membres du GIS Asie (CNRS)
This article examines Zhang Wojun (1902–1955) and the memory of his ‘collaboration’ with Japan during the Second World War. A Taiwanese-born writer and educator who lived in Beijing for 25 years, his drifting identity was full of... more
THE SYMBOLIC DIMENSION OF TAIWANESE NATIONALISMA great majority of Taiwanese people declare themselves to be Taiwanese only (61% in 2022) or Taiwanese and also Chinese (additional 31%), which gives an impression of ethnic and national... more
This article deals with problems of word formation in the contemporary Chinese language, particularly the formation of technical loanwords. A review of the works on types of loanwords is presented in the article. Theoretical aspects of... more
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for medicines and hygienic personal care products. The increase in demand for medicinal products should increase the turnover of pharmacies. It was therefore hypothesised that the... more
The Raisina Chronicles is not just a compilation of contributions from eminent leaders to mark a decade of dialoguing at Raisina Hill; it is also a report card of a decade of world affairs. The original Essays and selected Addresses... more
CIPANGO Cahiers d'études japonaises n o 24 CIPANGO Cahiers d'études japonaises n o 24
Review of "A Bitter Revolution: China’s Struggle with the Modern World" by Rana Mitter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004)
Resolving the Senkaku Islands dispute is a complex challenge with no easy or guaranteed solutions. However, several potential paths towards peaceful resolution and coexistence can be explored based on the provided information and... more
The Senkaku Islands, known as Diaoyu Islands in China, are a tiny cluster of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea. Despite their small size, they hold immense strategic and symbolic value for both China and Japan, making them a potent... more
O artigo analisa a posicao do Japao no contexto de seguranca da Asia Oriental, tendo em conta as mudancas no equilibrio de poder na regiao e a crescente assimetria entre uma China poderosa e “musculada” e um Japao mais vulneravel que se... more
This paper applies the theoretical perspective of Jacques Ellul, as set out in Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (1965/1962), to examine why the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), despite years of effort, has had little success in... more
This article argues that offensive realism is applicable to explain China's strategic behavior. Contrary to constructivist and liberal arguments, ideational and domestic factors are not the primary causes of China's strategic behavior.... more
What are the implications of Japan’s constitutional reinterpretation on regional security dynamics?
Conflicts are driven by various factors, but over time, conflicts have evolved in nature and complexity. In addition to traditional factors, the emergence of technology has played a significant role in shaping conflicts. Technological... more
Definition of Power Projection
China's Power Projection
✓ China's zero-sum game in SCS
Definition of Power Projection
China's Power Projection
✓ China's zero-sum game in SCS
De la visite d’État du Président sud-coréen Yoon Seok-Yeol aux États-Unis fin avril 2023, à celle du Premier ministre Japonais Fumio Kishida en Corée du Sud début mai, sans oublier celle du Chef d’État-major de la marine japonaise,... more
History of Chiang Ching-kuo's first official visit to Japan in 1967. Introduces documents related to the visit from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Archives translated and posted to the Wilson Center's Digital Archive.... more
is now virtually alone at the top of the field of Chinese military studies. A political scientist, Dreyer, employs the research methodology of a classic historiographer, i.e., she identifies key facts and places them in their precise... more