JD-R model
Recent papers in JD-R model
The Job Demands–Resources (JD–R) model is a theoretical framework that tries to integrate two fairly independent research traditions: the stress research tradition and the motivation research tradition. According to the JD–R model, job... more
The present study uses the Job Demands-Resources model to examine how job characteristics and burnout (exhaustion and cynicism) contribute to explaining variance in objective team performance. A central assumption in the model is that... more
This study used the Job Demands–Resources (JD-R) model, developed in the context of occupational well-being in the paid workforce, to examine the antecedents of burnout and connectedness in the formal volunteer rural ambulance officer... more
This study among 477 employees working in the call centre of a Dutch telecom company (response 88%) examined the predictive validity of the job demands -resources (JD -R) model for self-reported absenteeism and turnover intentions. The... more