Italian Baroque Music
Recent papers in Italian Baroque Music
Cosa sarebbe stato l'intenzione di Corelli, in particolare attenzione sul clavicembalo nell'Op.V di Corelli?
- Facsimile of the 12 sonatas in ms. 177 (Biblioteca del Sacro Convento di S. Francesco) -Musicological introduction by Guido Olivieri - Critical notes by Enrico Gatti - Critical edition in a separate file, suitable for performance Texts... more
Michael Talbot VIVALDI, ORLANDINI AND A MANUSCRIPT IN SKARA Summary The municipal library, called Stifts- och Landsbiblioteket, in the small Swedish town of Skara holds a large collection of ‘loose’ arias from the eighteenth century... more
The present article is devoted to selected views regarding polychoral technique to have appeared in the writings of Polish musicologists. A brief survey of those views forms the starting point for an attempt to pinpoint how polychoral... more
This article focuses on violin sonatas attributed to Arcangelo Corelli which are transmitted in English sources, but are excluded from any of the printed collections published under the composer’s supervision. These compositions open up... more
So far, Stradella’s operatic production has been reconstructed on the basis of the operas that the musician composed in Genoa during the last years of his life. This article aims to present recent discoveries that shed light on... more
This is the first study to examine Antonio Vivaldi's opera, Orlando finto pazzo, in relation to its source text, Matteo Boiardo's masterpiece, Orlando innamorato. The intent of this analysis is to revive interest in a work that was... more
Grandi protettori di musicisti, il duca Carlo Emanuele I (1562-1630), il cardinale Maurizio di Savoia (1593-1657) e Cristina di Francia (1606-1663), meglio nota come Madama Reale, occupano un posto del tutto particolare nel paesaggio... more
The subject-matter of the work is a seventeenth-century Italian sonata for a violin solo and continuo, its form and the technique. For the needs of the work, all known and preserved old prints and manuscripts with the Italian violin... more
Resumo: Esse trabalho descreve o panorama histórico do violoncelo do final do século XVII para o início do século XVIII e discute quais foram os caminhos percorridos para que a técnica de execução do instrumento chegasse à acepção que é... more
This article examines the Italian music-printing industry in the seventeenth century from two distinct perspectives. The first revisits the industry’s decline and the circumstances that led to that state of affairs. The second traces the... more
Girolamo Frescobaldi Se l’aura spira (1613-1643) Cosi mi disprezzate Michel Lambert Vos mépris chaque jour (1610-1696) Par mes chants tristes et... more
Two of Carissimi’s most famous oratorios, performed by one of USA’s leading period instrument ensembles, New Trinity Baroque, together with the Choir of Oxford College (The Oxford Chorale) and conducted by Predrag Gosta
This study presents the oeuvre of Adriano Banchieri, a Bolognese monk whose lifetime spanned the late Renaissance and early Baroque. Although the catalogue of his works lists no more than some fifty extant items, these are of an... more
Propuesta de análisis siguiendo los presupuestos teóricos de la retórica musical aplicados a la sonata BWV 1030 para flauta y clave. Escrita por un gran conocedor de la Retórica, disciplina que estudió en la escuela, J.S. Bach emplea... more
The paper focuses on the sources of and existing links between the Aristotelian rhetoric and monodic music in late Renaissance and first Baroque in Italy. It describes a practice well know as "Recitar cantando", practice which will soon... more
The article examines the first Italian translation of Ursula Kirkendale's studies about Handel's Roman years and how influential her work has been until now - Prince Ruspoli Musical and Musicological Prize being one of its most welcome... more
Federico Maria Sardelli writes from the perspective of a professional baroque flautist and recorder-player, as well as from that of an experienced and committed scholar, in order to shed light on the bewildering array of sizes and tunings... more
Edition of the original version in A minor for Sopranino Recorder (Flautino). VIVALDI, Antonio. RV 445. A minor. " per Flautino". Autograph added: "G' Istrom:ti alla 4ª: Bassa", in Di / Don Antonio Vivaldi / Concerti / Tomo VIII.... more
Nel mottetto Sitientes del Codice Altemps 1 è stato riscontrato un particolare episodio in notazione proporzionale, che ha fornito lo spunto per alcuni approfondimenti. Alla mis. 106 della trascrizione moderna il TENOR inizia una breve... more
La prima parte del libro, «Intorno a Vivaldi», costituisce un'ampia indagine sul contesto in cui Vivaldi componeva per violoncello, contrabbasso e viola da gamba. Dopo un chiarimento terminologico che prende in esame i molteplici usi... more
The discovery of the Ruffo Music Book and the compositions of Federico and Francesco Ruffo and Filippo Muscari has enriched the viol repertoire with some interesting and technically thought-provoking music—works which, whilst undoubtedly... more
Come cantavano i grandi interpreti della musica italiana del ’700? Quale segreto si celava dietro la prodigiosa tecnica dei castrati? Cosa resta oggi di quella gloriosa tradizione, e come si può provare a recuperarla? In questo libro si... more
Una de las obras de repertorio para la flauta travesera más destacadas, no ya del periodo barroco exclusivamente sino de toda la historia del instrumento, apenas ha sido objeto de estudio más allá de las frecuentemente esquemáticas... more
This research presents an overview of performance practices related to the cello in the city of Naples in around 1700, with special focus on its training in the Neapolitan conservatori. The Neapolitan cello school, neglected in modern... more
Allargamento tonale nelle composizioni per tastiera al tempo di Frescobaldi Con sviluppi tardo-seicenteschi verso temperamenti di tipo circolante FONTI Strumenti a tastiera e pratica musicale Fonti e documenti dal XV al XVII secolo IV:... more
For my forthcoming essay on Margherita Durastanti I have prepared a list of all the known operas, in which she sang and acted, and here comes the first part, 1700 to 1719. This is list is subject to change, as the research is still going... more
Questo studio riguarda la vita musicale presso la Cappella dei Cantori e il Collegio degli Innocenti della Cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista di Torino tra il 1600 e il 1650. Esso segue uno studio pubblicato precedentemente, riguardante... more
Researching the Italian repertoire for viola da gamba written after circa 1640, when the instrument in Italy went definitively out of fashion, it’s important to interpret the instrumental labels with care. In XVII and XVIII century... more
This is the third chapter in a Ph.D. dissertation that explains the aboriginal musical structure of European music. It is formed on the natural scale and explains why music today is in the major and minor modes and has triadic harmony as... more
Like many kinds of popular entertainment, the opera of seventeenth-century Venice relied heavily on formulae. From the lamenting queen to the comic servant, creators had numerous stock characters and plot elements to draw upon, recombine,... more
Questo studio ricostruisce le complesse vicende di un’opera di Gennaro D’Alessandro che si credeva irrimediabilmente perduta dopo i bombardamenti di Dresda durante la Seconda guerra mondiale: l’Ottone, dramma per musica basato sul... more