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* KLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE All talks from our conference (Ljubljana, April 2017) * Organizers: Tamara Scheer, Rok Stergar, Kaja Sirok, Marko Zajc * Contributions: Stefan Donecker: Identity and Identification in Premodernity: The State... more
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      Balkan StudiesHabsburg StudiesCroatian HistoryNational Identity
RIVISTA DI STUDI ADRIATICI (Nuova Serie) 22 SOMMARIO GIOVANNI STELLI "Foibe" ed esodo: la fine di un lungo silenzio 3 LORENZO SALIMBENI D'Annunzio a Fiume e la rivoluzione mancata 13 LORENZO MAGGI -FRANCESCA PIVIROTTO -RICCARDO VOLPIN Il... more
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      Istrian historyContemporary Italian History and PoliticsFiume HistoryFoibe
Na temelju analize objavljenih i neobjavljenih vrela, prije svega ugovora o naukovanju i komunalnih statuta, autor razmatra problematiku dobi dječaka koji su u kasnosrednjovjekovnom Dubrovniku, Šibeniku, Rabu i Poreču primani na... more
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      Artisan ProductionHistory of ChildhoodDalmatian historyIstrian history
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
Rock art has been poorly investigated in Croatia and in the southeast of Europe. The CRORA (CROatian Rock Art) project was launched in 2009 and aims to systematically catalogue, valorize, and present rock art in Croatia. This project has... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Croatian History
Il filologo Vatova nacque a Capodistria sul finire del secolo XIX e rappresenta l’anima della città, la lingua e le nostre abitudini. Fin da giovanissimo volle avere il riconoscimento dell’italianità del cognome, ammaliato dalla parlata... more
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      HistoryProverbsFilologíaIstrian history
Autor kritički analizira novu talijansku historiografiju o takozvanoj "Confine orientale", ili bivšima Veneziji Giuliji/Julijskoj Krajini i Österreichische Küstenland. Ovo Sjeverno-jadransko područje koje nema zajedničko ime u tri... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryCroatian HistoryIstrian historyHistory of the Adriatic
On the basis of historical sources and historiography, the life path and circumstances related to the death of Marc' Antonio Borisi (c. 1570-1620), the nobleman of Bar and Koper, the Grand Dragoman in the Venetian embassy of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMilitary IntelligenceHumanities
Publicity flyer for the volume Klabjan B. (ed.), Borderlands of Memory. Adriatic and Central European Perspectives. Peter Lang: Oxford, 2019.
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      European HistoryModern Italian HistoryBorder StudiesContemporary History
Schoolbook on the importance of cultural heritage for civic education. Among the topics: the importance of cultural diversity; cultural heritage in wartime, looting and destruction; opportunities and risks of reconstruction; cultural... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageWar Studies
In the course of 1580, Agostino Valier, a bishop of Verona, conducted an apostolic visitation to Istrian dioceses. The report on the visitation represents an historic source of great importance for the knowledge of late 16th century... more
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      Latin languagesGreek LanguageCatholic StudiesCyprus Studies
U ovom seminarskom radu dati ću pregled socijalnog razbojništva u Istri u periodu od završetka Prvog svjetskog rata do 1938. godine. Za spomenutu temu koristit ću se člancima iz novina L'Azione, Corriere Istriano i Istarska riječ.... more
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    • Istrian history
U radu se po prvi put na jednom mjestu donosi popis poznatih arheoloških lokaliteta i nalazišta u Općini Lanišće na Ćićariji. Popis je sastavljen temeljem terenskog obilaska, speleoloških istraživanja, objavljenih tekstova, pregleda... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
The chapter compares the uses of the Roman past of Pula and Split in the early modern period, two towns on the same maritime route between Venice and the Near East, elaborating on the “universality” of Pula’s urban identity as opposed to... more
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      Art HistoryClassical Reception StudiesDalmatian historyHistory of architecture
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      Historical DemographyCroatian History19th Century (History)Istrian history
Slika 1. Današnja crkva Vele Gospe podignuta 1789. godine nad ruševinama crkve ranoga srednjega vijeka ( foto: I. Matejčić)
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      Istrian historyearly Middle AgesCarolingian art and architectureArchaeology of Early Medieval Monasteries
Filijalna crkva Svetog Andrije apostola u Žejanama najmlađi je sakralni objekt u munskoj župi. Izgrađena je na temeljima kapele čije je postojanje zabilježeno u XVIII. stoljeću. Žejanska kapela u potpunosti je uništena u drugoj polovici... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageIstrian historyCroatia
The site of Stancija Blek –Tarovec (Tar-Vabriga\Torre-Abrega) was discovered at the beginnings of the 20th century during rural works. The main building is an impressive stone tower that controls the mouth of Quieto River, built over the... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
Come osserva Fulvio Salimbeni in una delle ultime monografie storiche sulflstria il numero delle opere che trattano la storia moderna e relativamente modesto rispetto a quelle sulla storia dei risorgimento e sulla storia economica dei... more
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryIstrian history
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      Modern Italian HistoryCroatian HistoryModern Croatian HistoryIstrian history
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      Military HistoryIstrian historyWWIFree State of Fiume
During World War II, graffiti writing was a particular practice widely used by the People's Liberation Movement (NOP). In this article I am analyzing the meanings and experiences of graffiti writing on three levels, asking three... more
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      Second World WarGraffiti in historyIstrian historyIstria
L’articolo esamina un ripostiglio monetale tardo medievale del XV secolo, scoperto ad Erpelle (Hrpelje) nel 1921 dal un deviatore ferroviario di nome Giovanni Kolerič. Lo studio, basato principalmente sul materiale archivistico conservato... more
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval numismatics
This article analyzes forms of political violence in the area of the former Austrian Littoral in the first years after the Great War. This period was characterized by extreme political instability, economic insecurity and violence. The... more
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      European HistoryItalian (European History)Border StudiesBalkan History
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      Venetian HistoryHistory of EconomicsSocial HistoryIstrian history
Alexander Franz Carl Johann Hauger was born on 7 October 1866 in Niederosterwitz in Carinthia, where his father Johann Hauger was a sharecropper. After graduating from school with a high school diploma, he joined the navy on 1 November... more
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      Military HistoryNaval HistoryHistory of photographyAustrian History
Riassunto: La presente ricerca ha come finalità la compilazione di un primo elenco – ancorché incompleto – relativo a quei soldati provenienti dal Litorale austriaco, regione dell'Impero austro-ungarico, che dopo aver combattuto sul... more
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      Croatian HistoryFirst World WarSlovenian HistoryIstrian history
This essay analyzes the "Memories of a Man Without Qualities", the autobiography of the Istrian historian Ernesto Sestan, with peculiar reference to the chapters which contain historical remarks on the small town of Albona in Istria... more
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      Italian StudiesHistoriographyNationalismCroatian History
Storia del busto di Dante ora sulla facciata dell’Arsenale a Venezia. Collocato in Pola austriaca nel 1901, distrutto nel 1915, ricollocato nel 1920 a Pola italiana, portato a Venezia con l’esodo del 1946-1947 e collocato nel 1967, alla... more
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      Dante StudiesDanteDante AlighieriIstrian history
Società dalmata di storia patria in collaborazione con / in collaboration with the Istituto ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini Convegno internazionale / International Congress Venezia e il suo Stato da mar / Venice and its Stato... more
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      Cyprus StudiesHistory of CyprusCyprusDalmatian history
L'articolo è stato pubblicato come uno degli studi introduttivi alla nuova edizione critica degli statuti di Pinguente (cro./slov. Buzet) del 1435. Si tratta della quarta edizione degli statuti medievali istriani, pubblicata per la serie... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
117 ibid.
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      Istrian historyIstraNorth Adriatic historyAdriatisches Kustenland
Using the example of the multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian coastal region and drawing from large and new source material, Péter Techet shows a Catholic Church in which conflicts are rooted in the social interests of marginalized groups. The... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryHabsburg StudiesModern Croatian HistoryHistory of Roman Catholicism
This book (as second and extensively reworked edition of a research published for the first time in 1990) explores the cultural history in the the Adriatic (Austrian) littoral during 18th and 19th centuries. Created by the intersections... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryEuropean StudiesAustria (European History)
Trasformazioni urbane e nuove architetture Ferruccio Canali, Piani urbanistici e progetti nelle città e nei borghi della Venezia Giulia e della Dalmazia italiana: gli studi geografici.
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      Dalmatian historyIstrian historyHistory of Friuli Venezia Giulia
This monograph examines the social and political dynamics in the small Istrian community of Labin in the mid-18th century. The starting point for the discussion is represented by a trial for insurrection which was held in Labin in 1757.
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryLegal HistoryIstrian history
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      Fortified Settlements (Archaeology)Istrian historyearly Middle AgesCarolingian art and architecture
Zbornik radova sa skupa "Mune Maksu Pelozi" održanog povodom stogodišnjice rođenja povjesničara i svećenika, dr. sc. Maksa Peloze (1915.-1989.) u Velim Munama, 24. listopada 2015. Radovi tematiziraju povijest munske župe, sakralnu... more
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      Art HistoryEthnographyIstrian historyCroatia
"Foibe" - I decreti di annessione del 1943 - Quante furono le vittime? Difficoltà della ricerca e silenzi - Chi furono le vittime? - Perché le "foibe"? le tesi giustificazioniste - Perché le "foibe"? la tesi della pulizia etnica - Perché... more
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      Istrian historyHistory of CommunismHistory of the AdriaticFiume History
Darko Darovec HISTOIRE BRÈVE DE L’ISTRIE Forum, Udine 2010 RÉSUMÉ L’auteur nous brosse un tableau des plus importants changements politiques, administratifs et ethniques enregistrés dans la péninsule istrienne. Il constate, par... more
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      Modern HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryContemporary History
Troppo spesso - ci capita di notare - si parla di eroismo e di eroi con estrema leggerezza, attribuendo tali qualifiche anche a chi di “eroico” ha fatto veramente poco. Eppure, sappiamo tutti che l’eroe è colui che compie un gesto... more
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      Second World WarIstrian historyFoibeSeconda Guerra Mondiale
Between 1530 and 1670 the Venetian Republic supported and coordinated immigration in Istria. Large populations from Dalmatia’s inland were encouraged to move into Venetian territories, receiving parcels, building material and tax... more
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      Modern HistoryMigrationIstrian historyHistory of the Adriatic
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of the MediterraneanFeudalism and LordshipIstrian history
a short hitory of Histria.
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      HistoryIstrian history
Il bimillenario della morte di augusto si presenta come un’occasione per tentare un breve rias- sunto della storiografia e archeologia istriana negl’ultimi 77 anni. Dalla fine del Settecento l’interesse per l’antichità andava crescendo... more
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    • Istrian history
Erinnerungskulturen, Geschichtspolitiken und Aufarbeitungsdiskurse sind bekanntermaßen ein umkämpftes Feld – lokal wie überregional. Warum ist das so? Dieser Frage möchten die Beiträge dieses Bandes anhand von Fallstudien und... more
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      Istrian historyItalian fascismNazismPolitics of Memory
Durante il XX secolo nell'Europa intera, e soprattutto nei Balcani, le "pulizie etniche" hanno spostato in assoluto, e anche in percentuale, più ; ; gente di quella che si spostò durante il lungo periodo del cambiamento etnico dell'Europa... more
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      Balkan HistoryIstrian historyStalinismItalian fascism
Razorna sjećanja Ante Cilige na logoraške dane. Sva tri pokreta, partizanski, četnički i ustaški, istovjetnog su tipa i mentaliteta i čini ih ista ljudska podloga Naklada Pavičić u novoj je biblioteci posvećenoj logorima objavila i knjigu... more
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      Russian HistoryIstrian historyPovijestHrvatska povijest
Oggi è impensabile vivere nella società senza curare la propria immagine nelle relazioni con gli altri. Ne sono consapevoli i politici che fanno della costruzione d’immagine e della comunicazione gli strumenti chiave per l’ascesa al... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryHistory of Christianity