Issues Management
Recent papers in Issues Management
Bu çalışmada öncelikle konu kavramının tanımı ve unsurları açıklanarak kavramsal bir çerçeve sunulduktan sonra konu yönetiminin tanımı ve unsurları, kriz yönetimiyle ilişkisi anlatılmış, konu yönetim süreci ifade edilerek kuramsal bir... more
ABSTRACT. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the sit- ...
System theorists believe that organizations that function as an open system have a greater chance of survival than organizations that function as a closed system due to the exchange of inputs and outputs between the organization and its... more
Bu kitap bölümünde, bir halkla ilişkiler uygulama alanı olarak konu/sorun yönetimi anlatılmaktadır.
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the situation, ''mapping the... more
he line is getting blurred as the art and science of influence evolves. I see public affairs as an organization’s efforts to manage relationships with stakeholders in the public policy arena at any level. These are individuals or groups... more
Monografia Zarządzanie kwestiami. Studium przypadku Duże Opole z perspektywy paradygmatu interpretatywnego bada proces zarządzania kwestią za pomocą storytellingu w budowaniu narracji służącej nadawaniu sensu działaniom organizacji.... more
Reputation Management -- The Key Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication (Routledge, 2007, p301) John Doorley & Fred Garcia mendefinisikan manajemen isu merupakan proses organiasi perusahaan dalam mengidentifikasi... more
Ungeachtet dessen, dass die BIM-Methode ursprünglich zur Steigerung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit und Informationsaustausch ins Leben gerufen wurde, wird sie oft nur eingesetzt, um firmeninterne, unstrukturierte 3D-Modelle zu... more
An anticipatory management audit was conducted to evaluate the processes that govern strategic information flows from external sources to internal stakeholders within the Oregon Army National Guard with a specific focus on their existing... more
Fachartikel: Globaler Wandel stellt Ölgesellschaften und andere multinationale Unternehmungen vor komplexe Entscheidungssituationen. Dieser Aufsatz zeigt am Beispiel Shell, welche Positionen die Firma bezüglich verschiedener Issues, wie... more
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the situation, ''mapping the... more
Kent and Taylor proposed five dialogic principles for mediated public relations in 1998 and numerous studies of activist groups, corporations, and educational institutions have shown that most websites fail to meet their dialogic... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to better understand agenda setting by international human rights organizations in the online environment and at the same time contribute to agenda-setting theory. The role of non-governmental... more
Desde los años 70, en que la función de gestión de asuntos públicos comenzó su profesionalización y expansión, hasta la actualidad, la participación de la empresa en la esfera pública ha sufrido una transformación debido a factores... more
Die Welt der Kommunikation unterliegt einem großen Wandel. In vielen Bereichen verlieren klassische Medien ihr Kommunikationsmonopol. Online-Informationen nehmen stattdessen diese Position ein. Dabei dominieren nicht mehr so sehr... more
This study examined how Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the United States used framing as an issue management strategy in promoting COVID-19 vaccine. A content analysis of HBCUs' (N = 268) COVID-19 vaccine-related... more
In accordance with Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia recognizes the religion and protects the freedom of the people in carrying out its religious teachings. Indonesia is a plural country because... more
public relations theories and practices. Through interviews with public relations practitioners facing intractable scenarios and the integration of dissensual and agonistic perspectives of Lyotard (1984), Rancière (2010), Mouffe (1999)... more
The increasing of supply-chain scale which caused by borderless business partnerships can result in less monitored chains, a condition in which predicting and detecting issues in supply-chain must be strengthened. Issues are resulted from... more
In accordance with Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia recognizes the religion and protects the freedom of the people in carrying out its religious teachings. Indonesia is a plural country because... more
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the situation, “mapping the... more
MBA Case Studies and internet searches, added significantly to learning. Why not employ Case Studies for undergraduate degree or professional training? At Dominican College, Management CEE Countries course was developed and offered the... more
Previous studies focusing on protest and social movement mostly concern identifying marginalization strategies that the media used to delegitimize the movement. This study attempted to examine how Indonesian mainstream media framed the... more
Bug report assignment is an important part of software maintenance. In particular, incorrect assignments of bug reports to development teams can be very expensive in large software development projects. Several studies propose automating... more
Previous studies focusing on protest and social movement mostly concern identifying marginalization strategies that the media used to delegitimize the movement. This study attempted to examine how Indonesian mainstream media framed the... more
The increasing of supply-chain scale which caused by borderless business partnerships can result in lessmonitored chains, a condition in which predicting and detecting issues in supply-chain must be strengthened.Issues are resulted from... more
Elite athletes can reach a level of notoriety where media and fans are interested in various aspects of their lives beyond that of their on-field success or failure. By receiving this level of attention, these sporting celebrities attract... more
tNew technology has dramatically expanded over the past decade. New features on web-sites, powerful mobile devices, and the subsequent restructuring of news services havedramatically changed the profession. This study sought to learn... more
Purpose This paper examines the formation of a cross-sector partnership in which a collaborative response addressed the issue of affordable housing and homelessness in Melbourne, Australia. Factors leading to the formation and evolution... more
Purpose - Social responsibility initiatives that incorporate multiple sectors have the capacity to challenge unsustainable practice and pave the way for model solutions towards the societal problems we face globally. This paper identifies... more
This chapter illustrates how governmental officials use strategic communication to legitimate stands on public policy issues. Government rhetors, because of their role as decision makers and influencers over the public policy process,... more
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the situation, ''mapping the... more
The increasing of supply-chain scale which caused by borderless business partnerships can result in less monitored chains, a condition in which predicting and detecting issues in supply-chain must be strengthened. Issues are resulted from... more
Bug report assignment is an important part of software maintenance. In particular, incorrect assignments of bug reports to development teams can be very expensive in large software development projects. Several studies propose automating... more