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The purpose of this study was to investigate systematically if complementary knowledge could be obtained from the recordings of electromyography (EMG) and mechanomyography (MMG) signals. EMG and MMG activities were recorded from the first... more
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      Sports MedicineSkeletal muscle biologyElectromyographyRoot-Mean Square Error
Quality of life changes following peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and participation in a mixed-type, moderate-intensity, exercise program . Bone Marrow Transplantation 33(5):pp. 553-558.
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      Stem CellsQuality of lifeAdolescentExercise therapy
Arte digitale interpretata con mutazioni isometriche. Espandere la pittura (e non solo) all’interno di uno spazio geometrico rigido, utilizzando il sotware Adobe Illustrator. Una ricerca formale e digitale di Francesco Fumelli.
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      Visual ArtsIsometric Exercise
Neck pain has become a common epidemiological problem. One major reason for the neck pain is a sedentary way of life, along with using a personal computer in all daily activities.
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      ErgonomicsNeck PainStretchingEXERCISES
Docentes: Ings. Benites-Yauri-Blas DIBUJO DE INGENIERÍA I 1 SEMANA N°10: DIBUJO ILUSTRATIVO: ISOMETRICO Ingeniería en Energía. Docentes: Ings. Benites-Yauri-Blas DIBUJO DE INGENIERÍA I 2
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    • Isometric Exercise
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia diagnosed amongst the elderly. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition often indicative of the earliest symptomatology of AD with 10%–15% of MCI patients reportedly... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseMild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, Alzheimer's diseaseIsometric Exercise
There exists no examination of what is the minimum anti-hypertensive threshold intensity for isometric exercise training.
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    • Isometric Exercise
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of different conditioning activities (CAs) on short-term increase in sprint performance. In twelve male sprinters (21.1±2.6 years, 100 m performance: 11.5±0.6 s) their body... more
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      Performance StudiesSprint TrainingPostactivation PotentiationIsometric Exercise
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      Technical DrawingEngineering DrawingProjectionIsometric Exercise
El presente artículo muestra una propuesta metodológica para dibujar proyecciones isométricas; su procedimiento se caracteriza por articular el análisis, lo metódico y lo curioso al proceso; siendo de gran beneficio para los estudiantes... more
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      MetodologíaPerspectivaDIBUJO TECNICOIsometric Exercise
HIV infection is one of the chronic illnesses with an uncertain natural disease history. Exercise is well accepted as an adjunct therapy in the management of HIV. This study is intended to ascertain to see the effects of isometric... more
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      HIV/AIDSQuality of lifeExerciseIsometric Exercise
This study examined the effects of jaw clenching, and a self-adapted, jaw repositioning mouthpiece on force production during maximum countermovement vertical jump and maximum isometric mid-thigh clean pull assessments in an attempt to... more
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      OrthodonticsAdolescentBiomechanics of strength and conditioningMuscle strength
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      AnthropometryMedicinePhysical TherapyFootball
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      PhilosophyEducational TechnologyTICs aplicadas a la EducacionMetodología
Background: In patients with chronic tension-type headache (CTTH) changes in pressure pain in the cervical region are associated with peripheral or central sensitization. It is hypothesized that an increase of isometric strength of neck... more
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      Chronic PainAdolescentMedicineMuscle strength
It is not known how the mode of exercise, dynamic and static exercises, aVects the limb volume. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate hand and wrist volume (HWV) after dynamic and static handgrip exercise. Nine healthy... more
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      Skeletal MuscleBody MassHandMuscle contraction
Objective: Syncope is a potentially dangerous symptom of anorexia nervosa that is usually attributed to bradycardia, dehydration, or hypoglycemia. Methods: This study describes two adolescents, one male and one female, with recurrent... more
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      Eating DisordersAdolescentAnorexia NervosaCase Report
In this study, the process of muscular fatigue was examined using surface electromyography (sEMG) and continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy (cw-NIRS) simultaneously during an isometric hand grip exercise at 50% and 75% of the maximal... more
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      FatigueNear Infrared SpectroscopyIsometric ExerciseSurface Electromyography
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      AnthropometryMedicinePhysical TherapyFootball
The purpose of this article was to examine the effects of acute exercise on pain perception in healthy adults and adults with chronic pain using meta-analytic techniques. Specifically, studies using a repeated measures design to examine... more
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      PainMedicinePain ManagementExercise
Background: Adjunctive isometric exercise in the form of sustained submaximal handgrip (HG) is considered to increase the sensitivity of dobutamine stress echo (DSE) for detection of functionally significant coronary artery... more
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      Blood PressureClinicalHeart rateAged
Objective: A short-term isometric exercise protocol was tested in ten hypertensive individuals to determine its efficacy as a high blood pressure-reducing intervention. Design: The study was a prospective case study of 10 hypertensive... more
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      CardiologyHigh PressureElectron Spin ResonanceProspective studies
In a crossover design we investigated cardiac autonomic responses (heart rate variability, HRV) to isometric handgrip exercise (IHG) in cold (4°C) and temperate (24°C, temp) conditions in 20 men that assumed the supine position for 30 min... more
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      AdolescentHeart rate variabilityBlood PressureHeart rate
This paper deals with isometric muscle force response of the human lower limb when the leg is subjected to various external forces applied on the knee and ankle joints. The major components of the research apparatus are a subject... more
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      GeologyBiomedical EngineeringMedicineAerospace Medicine
Isometric knee extension force and average integrated EMG of the vastus lateralis muscle were obtained from 27 healthy subjects using a maximum effort, ramp and hold protocol. In each of the 125 total trials mat were included in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsBiomedical EngineeringIsometric Exercise
Decellularized whole muscle constructs represent an ideal scaffold for muscle tissue engineering means as they retain the network and proteins of the extracellular matrix of skeletal muscle tissue. The presence of a vascular pedicle... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPersonalized MedicineTransplantationAnatomy
Background: Exercise is believed to be a non-pharmacological approach to treat hypertension. The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and isometric handgrip (IHG) exercise on... more
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      CardiologyMedicineInternal MedicineIsometric Exercise
In this study, the process of muscular fatigue was examined using surface electromyography (sEMG) and continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy (cw-NIRS) simultaneously during an isometric hand grip exercise at 50% and 75% of the maximal... more
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      FatigueNear Infrared SpectroscopyIsometric ExerciseSurface Electromyography
Objective: A short-term isometric exercise protocol was tested in ten hypertensive individuals to determine its efficacy as a high blood pressure-reducing intervention. Design: The study was a prospective case study of 10 hypertensive... more
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      CardiologyHigh PressureElectron Spin ResonanceProspective studies
Investigating blood flow autoregulation in the optic nerve is important to understand the physiopathology of various ocular diseases such as glaucoma. This investigation requires that one establishes the relationship between optic nerve... more
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      AdolescentOptic NerveHemodynamicsSquatting
Introduction Monitoring the effects of physical exercise is an integral part of the training process and the measurement of the runner's pulse rate at intervals between run cycles is one of them. A characteristic feature of a well-trained... more
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      RunningHeart rate variabilitySportIsometric Exercise
Inactivity negatively influences general health, and sedentary behaviour is known to impact the musculoskeletal system. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of time spent in active and sedentary behaviour on foot muscle strength.... more
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      MedicinePhysical TherapyDynamometerClinical Medicine
The isovists are essential hypothetical structures for understanding the visibility in space. Regarding the perception of space, volumetric visibility presents a complicated geometrical volume that may be considered as a polyhedron... more
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      PsychologyVisual perceptionOpennessIsovist
There is a lack of data about the contractile behavior of the right atrial myocardium in chronic pulmonary heart disease. We thoroughly characterized the contractility and Ca transient of isolated right atrial strips of healthy rats... more
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      GeneticsCardiologyMedicinePulmonary Hypertension
The separate effects of 18 weeks of intensive strength and endurance training on isometric knee extension (KE) and flexion (KF) strength and walking speed were studied in 76- to 78- year-old women. Maximal voluntary isometric force for... more
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      AgingMedicinePhysical Medicine and RehabilitationMuscle strength
Background: Neck pain is associated with scapular dyskinesis and impaired axio-scapular and shoulder muscle activity and function. However, there is little research on force steadiness, specifically during shoulder motion in patients with... more
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      Molecular BiologyBiologyMedicinePhysical Therapy
A diagnostic platform for the early functional assessment of post-stroke patients was designed in order to perform isometric measurements during activities of daily living (ADL) tasks. The outcome of these measurements can contribute to... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringRehabilitationUser InterfaceActivities of Daily Living
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of different conditioning activities (CAs) on short-term increase in sprint performance. In twelve male sprinters (21.1±2.6 years, 100 m performance: 11.5±0.6 s) their body... more
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      Performance StudiesKinesiologySprint TrainingPostactivation Potentiation
Voluntary isometric exercise (VOL) and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) are both methods of static muscle strength and girth training. They are applied in strength training programs to healthy muscle as well as for muscle... more
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    • Isometric Exercise
There exists no examination of what is the minimum anti-hypertensive threshold intensity for isometric exercise training. Twenty two normotensive participants were randomly assigned to training intensities at either 5 % or 10 % of their... more
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      PhysiologicalMedical PhysiologyIsometric Exercise
There is considerable disagreement in the literature on the clinical usefulness of exercise testing as a tool for prediction of future hypertension. Much of the discrepancy between various reports is attributable to the difficulties of... more
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      Blood PressureExerciseMultiple RegressionClinical Sciences
The purpose of this study was to see if motor imagery and maximal isometric action would increase grip strength in elderly men. Thirty elderly men were randomly assigned to either a control group, motor imagery group or isometric action... more
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      Isometric Exercisehandgrip strength
Fitness which may be defined as the successful adaptation to the stressors of one's life style is a desirable human condition and is based on a scientific and systematic training programme and those who are enamored of practice without... more
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      Isometric ExerciseIsotonic Regression