Island Studies
Recent papers in Island Studies
This paper explores arts festivals in terms of their relationship to local economic development within the rural island region of Orkney in Scotland. Fourteen qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with arts festival... more
To consider small islands as places for sustainable tourism or sustainable anything, for that matter, must surely be cause for critical deliberation. Small islands as sanctuaries, or rare citadels for ecological safekeeping and tight-knit... more
NEW BOOK SERIES: Maritime Literature and Culture offers alternative rubrics for literary and cultural studies to those of nation, continent and area, which inter-articulate with current debates on comparative and world literatures,... more
Substantive entry on Island Archaeology for the Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology - posted online with the Editor's permission
Many small island destinations owe their spatial character to their entanglements with stakeholders involved in the arts. Space is the dynamic outcome of complex relational processes, which makes it impossible to identify a... more
Purpose: This communication reports skeletal pathology in a Pleistocene endemic deer from the Mavromouri caves of Crete. Materials: 287 bones and bone fragments from Mavromouri caves are compared to 2986 bones from Liko Cave. Methods:... more
Salt domes are geological features that occur when areas of salt deposits are pressured into layers above them, causing dome shaped distortions in horizontal strata. In some instances, the distortions protrude above flat areas of land or... more
This editorial introduction delves into problematic aspects of positionality and publishing ethics related to island and Indigenous issues. Taking its point of departure in Gilley's paper on 'The case for colonialism' and Pöllath's paper... more
Academic and policy writing on islands has grown rapidly, with much effort focused on island ecologies and environments, island heritage and culture, and island vulnerabilities and resilience, and with characteristics such as isolation,... more
Neste artigo pretendemos apresentar os primeiros dados do que desejamos vir a constituir uma nova interpretação historiográfica do processo de transformação económica do sector industrial do distrito de Angra do Heroísmo, durante a... more
Micronations are often viewed as humorous phenomena, but, when linked to serious political movements, they have the potential to exert real political influence. In 2008, Stuart
The selkie has enjoyed a revival of interest in popular culture following the release of the 2014 animated film Song of the Sea. This session will focus on David Thomson's neglected but enchanting The People of the Sea (1954), which... more
Dans The Tempest de W. Shakespeare, Foe de J.M. Coetzee et Solaris de S. Lem, l’écriture de l’altérité est liée à celle de l’insularité. Caliban et Friday sont des figures de l’autochtonie représentatives de l’Autre colonial ; la planète... more
[ESP] Durante la época romana una gran población vivía en la isla de Ponza y para satisfacer las necesidades de agua se construyeron varias obras hidráulicas. Entre ellas, destacan algunas cisternas, un acueducto y un dique. Desde el... more
In September 2019, the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama in the Bahamas were simultaneously hit by category 5 Hurricane Dorian and a king tide. The disaster resulted in mass displacement. Minority groups such as the Haitian and LBGTQA+... more
Martial MONTEIL -Entre Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire et Vendée : le réseau de villes du nord de la cité des Pictons (IV e -VII e siècle apr. J.-C.) Jocelyn MARTINEAU -Le château, le castrum et la ria de Pornic, XIII e -XV e siècle... more
Visão global sobre agricultura familiar
This short introduction is the curatorial statement of a research-led public art project on the out-lying island, Lamma in Hong Kong. Informed by the island studies perceptive, the project attempts to work against the historicising and... more
Tree snails of the endemic subfamily Achatinellinae comprise a diverse and important component of the Hawaiian fauna. In recent decades anthropogenic impacts have resulted in devastating extinction rates in Hawaiian tree snails. To... more
This paper charts the academic development of "island archaeology" from its roots in Darwinist and anthropological island studies through island biogeography to processual and post-processual archaeology. It is argued that the rarely made... more
(Texto publicado como capítulo del libro de Gabriel Pérez y Pedro Niada Archipielago Juan Fernández: Historia y Biodiversidad en Latitud 33 Sur. Ocho Libros Editores, 2015.)
"This article discusses Offshore Finance Centres (OFCs) in islands using Jersey as its case study. Jersey has become an increasingly important conduit for the global circulation of capital, both for Transnational Corporations and wealthy... more
Film festivals function like a magnet and conduit of new films emanating from various national cinemas. Yet despite the auteur-driven bias that has traditionally permeated high-profile film festivals, the discovery of unheralded films and... more
This essay explores variant stories surrounding the 1803 'Igbo Landing' on St. Simons Island, Georgia, in which a group of enslaved Africans mutinied against their captors and ran aground upon a shoal. Following Tiffany Lethabo King and... more
Island peoples around the world remain entangled in colonial processes. Western and metropolitan powers are increasingly deploying discourse of a 'China threat' to justify neocolonial entrenchment in the form of greater Western... more
Catálogo del proyecto de Bill Viola ‘’Liber Insularum’ para la SAC y el MoCA Miami Textos en español e inglés. 192 p. il. col. 23×17 cm. Otros autores del volumen: Bonnie Clearwater (Directora del Miami MoCA), Gean Moreno (crítico del... more
The book 'Folktales of the Maldives' has been forbidden my the Maldivian government. the author is trying to find out the reasons behind the banning of the book and the way in which such things are done.
The book contains eighty traditional stories of the Maldives. Most were formerly part of the oral tradition and have been put into writing for the first time.
Through a comparative analysis of themes and motives associating the love poetry of the “Serbian Bob Dylan” Bora Đorđević and the fiction of the French novelist Michel Houellebecq, with an emphasis on Đorđević’s collection of poetry Pusto... more
Se trata de una investigación antropológica que busca comprender las actitudes, conceptos e ideas de los habitantes de estas islas hacia su ecosistema, en específico hacia las especies exóticas invasoras (EEI), así como la conservación... more
In 2007, Jersey’s government launched a competition in search for a further anthem to celebrate the island’s identity. Even though the island uses ‘God Save the Queen’ as its official anthem because of its allegiance to the British Crown,... more
Taking the current controversy around the iconic Adam’s Bridge or Ram Sethu (as it is referred to in Hindu sacred mythography) and the proposed Sethusamudram canal project—which has been delayed since the late-twentieth century over... more
Representing the Faroe Islands in the Workshop on Islands Languages, Aarhus University, April 2018
conceitos operatorios sobre o chamado "descobrimento"da Madeira.
The people of Kiribati play a broad assortment of card and board games. The game rules show several innovations that were made outside the purview of the games’ manufacturers. The presence and regional development of proprietary board... more