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This thesis (1999) delves into Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's hermeneutics of the Qur'an, which was, at that time, not yet systematically formulated. It tries to reconstruct his theories of text and interpretation based on his works, and gives... more
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      Textual CriticismHermeneuticsNarrative and interpretationReligious Pluralism
Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyete geçiş dönemini ele alan felsefe incelemelerinin sayısı giderek artmakla birlikte ‘Cumhuriyet dönemi felsefe coğrafyası’nın henüz dört başı mamur bir haritası çıkarılmış değildir. Şimdilik kaba hatlarıyla tasvir... more
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      HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceIslamic thoughtHistory of Philosophy
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
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      Cultural StudiesBosniaIslamic StudiesMuslims in Europe
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
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      Cultural StudiesBosniaIslamic StudiesMuslims in Europe
Ismaili traditions of devotional poetry continued to flourish after the Mongol conquests, although much of it has been little known until recently. The period of the Imam Mustansir bi'llah II of Anjudan (d. 885/1480) and his successors... more
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      Persian LiteraturePoetrySpiritualityIslamic Mysticism
Tulisan ini mencoba untuk melacak pola pemahaman Front Pembela Islam (FPI) dalam menafsirkan nash al-Quran atau Sunnah yang cenderung bersifat tekstual yang selanjutnya diharapkan mampu memahami bagaimana dampak pemahaman tekstual... more
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      SufismTariqa SufismIslamic thought
ABSTRACT In a challenging world, every people in everywhere are faced with a variety of systems and theories in their lives either through social, political, economic and religion aspects, which are to develop every aspect of human life... more
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    • Islamic thought
The notion that technology is value-free is becoming a prevalent view amongst the technology practitioners, as depicted in the phrase "guns don't kill people, people do". This is inseparable from the definition of technology which has... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyIslamic thought
Ibn Rochd Abou al-Walid Mohammed ibn Ahmad ibn Rochd, plus connu en Occident sous le nom d'Averroès, a vécu une période unique dans l'histoire intellectuelle occidentale, au cours de laquelle l'intérêt pour la philosophie et la théologie... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyAverroismIbn Rushd (Averroës)Islamic philosophy and theology
Pir Sadr al-Din (Sadardin in Indic languages) played a key role in systematizing and consolidating the Nizari Ismaili da'wa in South Asia from the late 8th/14th century. He is chiefly associated with Uchch in southern Sind. Those who... more
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      Hindi LiteratureSouth Asian StudiesSpiritualityIslamic Studies
The contemporary era of the Islamic world is characterized by a passion for building its own life. This spirit faces a number of new problems at both internal and external levels. Hence the variations of Islamic progressive thought and... more
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      Contemporary Movements and Trends in IslamContemporary Islamic StudiesIslamic thoughtIslamic Movements
directeur d'études émérite-EPHE La liberté humaine est une notion fondamentale au cours de l'histoire de la pensée islamique. Elle fut, au fil des siècles, l'objet de controverses et se situa au coeur de décisions politiques importantes.... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIbn TaymiyyaIslamic thoughtibn Taymiyyah
إهداء من مركز الحضارة للدراسات والبحوث تقديرًا وعرفانًا ووفاءً لجهود العالم الدكتور عبد الحميد أبو سليمان شكر وتقدير تتقدم أسرة مركز الإسلام في العالم المعاصر بجامعة شناندوا، إلي أسرة مركز الحضارة للدراسات والبحوث، برئاسة العالمة الجليلة... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesContemporary Islam
• What is Islamic theology? • The difference between theology and philosophy • Some theological themes (political authority, Muslimness, freedom of will, divine attributes, …) • Some main groups (Kharijits, Ash‘arite, Mu‘tazilite,... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Ilm al-KalamMuslim Theology and PhilosophyIslamic Thought & Philosophy
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesIlm al-Kalam
The Fatimid jurist and author al-Qadi Abu Hanifa al-Nu'man (d. 363/974) served the Fatimids over the reigns of four imams, achieving his greatest prominence under the Imam al-Mu'izz (d. 365/975). While best known for his contributions to... more
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      Arabic LiteratureQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesFatimids
In the mid-90s, Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and the Iranian Ayatollah Khamene’i both banned bloody forms of self-flagellation such as tatbir (cutting the forehead with a sword), calling them backward and un-Islamic. They argued that... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociology of ReligionAnthropology
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryIslam
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      Positive PsychologyEthicsVirtue EthicsIslamic Philosophy
As a highlight of metaphysical Sciences, a special approach in scientific knowledge is required for, in as much as language serves as a fundamental instrument in the philosophical theory of thinking. It is appropriate for language to be a... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsIslamic thoughtGrammaticalization in ArabicClassical Arabic Linguistics and Philosophy of Language
İslam’ın ilk yıllarından itibaren oluşmaya başlayan tedvîn kültürü miladî 8. ve 9. yüzyıllara gelindiğinde geniş bir külliyat ortaya çıkarmıştı. Çok kısa sürede geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılıp farklı kültürlerle iletişime geçmenin de bir... more
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      Translation StudiesIslamic StudiesCommentaryIslamic thought
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      Modern Islamic ThoughtIslamic thoughtIslamic and Middle Eastern studiesArabic and Middle Eastern studies
Türkçe Baskıya Önsöz
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      Islamic HistoryIslamIslamic Thought & PhilosophyContemporary Islamic Thought
Khwaja Muhammad Rida b. Sultan Husayn was a native of the village of Ghuriyan, a dependency of Herat in present-day Afghanistan. He lived in the 10th/16th century and commonly referred to himself as ‘Khayrkhwah,’ the ‘Well-wisher.’ The... more
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic StudiesIsmailismSafavid Persia
For the first time, Muslims are faced with a worldwide positivism which is working to use knowledge, the sciences ‎and their discoveries and achievements in a manner which severs the relationship between the Creator, the created ‎universe... more
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      Islamic thoughtIslamic Perspective
The conception of the ahl al-bayt, "people of the house," "family," or "household" of the Prophet Muhammad plays a vital role in Islamic thought and piety. In the tashahhud portion of the ritual prayers, Muslims of all persuasions... more
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      Islamic StudiesSufismIslamic HistoryAbbasids (Islamic History)
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      LogicIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesSufism
The chapter aims to systematically outline some of the most important aspects and features of dhikr – the central meditative technique of Islamic spirituality in general and of Sufi “initiatic practice” in particular. Dhikr, which can be... more
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      SpiritualityIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic PhilosophyMedieval Islam
Abstrak Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang genealogi dan penyebaran Thariqah Qadiriyah wa Naqshabandiyah di Jawa. Pada beberapa literatur terdahulu (Dhofier, Martin van Bruinessen, Zulkifli, and Mulyati), dikemukakan bahwa di pulau Jawa... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic HistoryIslamic DevelopmentIslamic thought
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      Islamic Political ThoughtIslamic thoughtModeration
In "Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation," Carl Sharif El-Tobgui offers the first comprehensive study of Ibn Taymiyya's ten-volume magnum opus, Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naql (Refutation of the contradiction of reason and revelation). In... more
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      TheologyPhilosophical TheologyIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)
Buku ini merupakan kajian sederhana secara deskriptif tentang studi agama, dalam hal ini Islam, sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu akademik. Di antara tujuan ditulisnya buku ini adalah agar para pembaca, baik mahasiswa maupun peminat disiplin... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic thought
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesSufism
The purpose of this essay is to sketch the outer contours of the epistemological universe in which the science of legal theory and methodology, or uṣūl al-fiqh, was elaborated in classical Sunni Islam. This is accomplished by scrutinizing... more
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      Islamic LawLaw and ReligionLegal TheoryIslamic Studies
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      Islamic PhilosophyCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asian History (Area Studies)Islamic Thought & Philosophy
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      MetaphysicsTheologyIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)
Gagasan pembaruan dalam ranah politik yang pertama kali muncul adalah Pan-Islamisme (persatuan dunia Islam) yang pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh tokoh dan pemikir terkenal, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani. Dialah yang pertama menyadari sepenuhnya... more
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      Islamic Political ThoughtIslamic thoughtUlamaJamal Ad-Din Al-Afghani
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      Intellectual HistoryIslamic Political ThoughtIslamic thoughthistory of the middle East
My aim in this article is twofold. First, I shall interpret two discussions in al-Ghazālī's main kalām compendium, al-Iqtiṣād fī l-iʿtiqād (The Balanced Book on What-To-Believe), which appear discrepant with the substance dualism espoused... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesIbn Sina
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      European StudiesIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic Education
Ebu'l-Hasan el-Eş'arî'nin, ilm-i kelâmı müdafaa etmeye yönelik kaleme aldığı bir risale.
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesIslamAsharites
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      Literary CriticismIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic thoughtMorals
Building on earlier work exploring transversals and reversals in the context of engaging the matter of Heidegger and the Islamicate (Ali 2019), in this essay I continue my investigation of Islamicate engagement with Heidegger by exploring... more
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      Martin HeideggerRichard RortyIslamismIbn Arabi
Although scholarly attention has been paid to Ibn al-Qayyim's popular Kitāb al-rūḥ, the soul-related views of his master are still ignored. Hence, this paper traces some of these ideas in Ibn Taymiyya's Khalq al-rūḥ, in which he asserts... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Medieval IslamIslamic Studies
Na ogrlicu nanizanu od prevedenih djela Williama C. Chitticka na bosanski jezik, pridodaje se još jedna vrijedna knjiga pod naslovom ‘Sufijski put spoznaje: Ibn al-Arabijeva metafizika imaginacije’ (‘The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn... more
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      SufismIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIbn ArabiIbn 'Arabi
adalah esensi dari ibadah itu sendiri dan merupakan anugerah tak terhingga yang diberikan Allah kepada orang-orang yang beriman. Nur Fuanto, [email protected] Seseorang hamba Allah yang Muslim mengistiqamahkan bacaan zikir setiap... more
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      Islamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic thoughtBlessingAqidah
Qoraalkan kooban wuxuu soo bandhigayaa mabaadiida iyo qiyamka uu Nebi Maxamed NNKH tiirarka uga dhigay dhismaha ummadda iyo dawladnimada, iyo weliba dhisidda xadaarad caalami ah. Waa mabaadii iyo qiyam ku cad Quraanka Kariimka iyo... more
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      Islamic History and Muslim CivilizationIslamic thought
kitab petunjuk alquran dan hadis , pemikiran, kajian islami, perilaku sunnah, guidance book of quran and hadits , the way to find god
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic Thought & PhilosophyModern Islamic Thought
Muhafazakâr Düşünce ulusal hakemli bir dergidir. Yılda 3 sayı yayımlanır ve Türkçe ve İngilizce makalelere, çevirilere, analizlere ve kitap tanıtımlarına yer vermektedir. Dergide yayınlanan makalelerden yazarları sorumludur. Yayımlanan... more
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      Islamic thoughtPhronetic Social ScienceTurkish Thought
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesKalam (Islamic Theology)Qur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies