Islamic communication
Recent papers in Islamic communication
Nowadays da'wa shows its significance in all of human life. Da'wa experienced a great significance in the spread of Islam and the development of religious conscience, especially in the West. Da'wa observers believe that Islam is the... more
This paper delineates the communication from islamic perspective
Penyiaran adalah aktivitis yang mengandung atau memancarkan rancangan radio dan televisi kepada khalayak disekitar kawasan yang dapat diliputi oleh alat penerima siaran dengan menggunakan sistem analog, satelit atau kabel.
Al-Qur’an diyakini umat Islam sebagai salah satu mukjizat Nabi Muhammad saw., membuktikan kerasulannya, sebagaimana halnya mukjizat-mukjizat yang dialami oleh Nabi-nabi yang lain. Perkembangan kontemporer teori i’jaz mendorong intelektual... more
This paper discusses students' perception on hoax postings on son social media sites. The focus of the study is to find out how students' of IAIN Palu perceive hoax dissemination on social media. This research is a qualitative study. In... more
Journées scientifiques sur “Manuscrits islamiques : matérialité, usages, traditions comparées Afrique-Moyen-Orient” Alexandrie (Egypte), 23-24/11/2021 : « Des papiers et des hommes : la codicologie sociale au... more
Di zaman kini, ilmu pengetahuan mendominasi kehidupan umat manusia. Seiring berjalannya waktu ia semakin berkembang pesat, tidak terkecuali dalam bidang teknologi komunikasi dan informasi yaitu dengan munculnya internet. Dengan kemajuan... more
his study examines the Correlation between brand image Gadis Magazine with loyalty of reading Gadis Magazine in Semarang city. Rationale informing the research this is the Expectancy Value Theory States that the person's behavior is a... more
The al-da c wah al-fardīyyah seems to be very significant in making Islamic message reach the targets. Action plan of this technique has been developed by various scholars based on asan al-BannÉ's thought. This action plan has been proven... more
This paper tries to prove the correlation between 'ibȃda (worship) and da'wa (Islamic proselytizing). It is designed to reveal the function of worship as a da'wa effort. Worship and da'wa, both are compulsory in Islam. The compulsory is... more
This study aims to determine and analyze the role of development communication in the empowerment of peasant communities in Rembang. The focus of this study is on the role of agricultural development communication in the village of Dadap... more
The emergence of the Internet as a most popular medium of communication that combines all elements of traditional media brought a new dimension to al-dacwah al-fardiyyah as it can now be undertaken in cyberspace as well as face to face.... more
Mass media is one of the media publications to the public in the formation of the Image. Important positive images are formed to foster public trust. News in the newspaper media is still interesting to be appointed in an effort to build a... more
This study aims to determine and analyze the role of development communication in the empowerment of peasant communities in Rembang. The focus of this study is on the role of agricultural development communication in the village of Dadap... more
ABSTRACT: This paper describes and explains the self experience of motive behind the preacher choosing to preach. Preaching experiences in Ambon City still get scorn, insult, ridicule from multicultural environment. Environment treats... more
Internet merupakan medium yang paling singkat untuk memasarkan diri, pemikiran, organisasi dan aktiviti berbanding dengan media pemasaran yang lain. Internet telah dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh aliran Salafi di Malaysia yang mutakhir ini... more
his article examines the image of women in soy sauce advertisements in the mass media. In general, the image of them in the mass media is depicted by stereotypes and patriarchal cultures inherent in them. They are generally described as... more
igital media creates a gap in the definition of the communication context created by West & Turner (2010). Situational boundaries are increasingly unclear when in the whole process the number of participants, distance, space, feedback,... more
Religious media plays a vital role in reforming and changing the socio-religious and cultural lifestyle of the society. This paper looks at the character of online Islamic evangelism, which targets Muslim youth of Indian backgrounds and... more
This article explains about the optimization of banking communication services that causes customer (campus community) dissatisfaction. Banking communication services as the main source of the problem are not being able to use internet... more
This paper intends to find out preaching value in Ummi Magazine during juni-august 2014. The study sample was Mutiara Islam section. Within Mutiara Islam section, there are some section again, that are: The Qur’an Studies, The al Hadith... more
There was uncertainty in Hajj 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Before the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's government announced the limitation of Hajj 2020, several countries including Indonesia has decided not to cancel the hajj trip. In... more
The paper has examines what is considered dual contributions of the internet based medium of communication in Da’wah. These platforms for social interaction and communication have become medium of spreading Islamic messages by Islamic... more
The internet has become an important part of the interactive communication of the Indonesian people. Information exchange is becoming faster with the advancement of information technology because everyone can easily access and share the... more
Conçue et définie par des lettrés, la confédération théocratique du Fuuta Jaloo est une formation politique dont le fonctionnement repose sur l’écrit. Les lettres circulaires sont un rouage essentiel de la communication officielle du... more
t the end of March 2015 the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) blocking 22 internet sites that are considered radically charged or sympathizers of radicalism. Kemenkominfo serves to keep sites that campaign... more
he existence of mass media has been attached to the life of modern society. The majority of mass media managed to gain material advantage and non-material at once. However, most media managers prefer material gains rather than materials,... more
urvival of human life is proof that human being able to solve and fulfill requirements of life which is individual and also social. Human life is a building interpersonal relationship with each other, called interpersonal relationship.... more
ocal press problems in facing the contestation of the election of Regional Heads in West Sumatra Province can be grouped into two broad lines: first, the local press is dragged into a conflict of interest in the election of the Regional... more
ocal press problems in facing the contestation of the election of Regional Heads in West Sumatra Province can be grouped into two broad lines: first, the local press is dragged into a conflict of interest in the election of the Regional... more
The era of information continues to progress rapidly especially, due to the development of the internet and also supported by the development of gadgets called smartphones. Ranging from urban to village society, almost every society is... more
This article argues that it is important for scholars in our field to address religion. It argues that a major pitfall in this endeavor is the problem of essentializing religion, particularly Islam. On the one hand, there has been a... more