The generic term Turkic includes the ethnic groups speaking languages closely related to Turkish, i.e. Turks, Azeris, Uzbeks, Khazaks, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Tartars, Uyghurs and various smaller groups.
على الرغم من أنني سافرت إلى العديد من البلدان الكثيرة في عالمنا المعاصر، إلا أنني لم أزر الصين مطلقا حتى السادس من نوفمبر 2024، وذلك عندما كان لي شرف حضور ندوة التفكير حول الأمن والحكم والتنمية في القرن الإفريقي، التي نظمتها جامعة... more
In the form of leadership, Aristotle mentioned that there are 3 types of forms, including monarchy (led by a king), aristocracy (led by minority groups) and democracy (led by the will of the majority). Indonesia is a country that adheres... more
The discourse prevalent in Western academic and policy-making circles often traces the ideological roots of religious extremism to Mawdudi’s vision of Islamic governance. This study challenges such interpretations by differentiating... more
East-West Center The East-West Center is an internationally recognized education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress in 1960 to strengthen understanding and relations between the United States and the countries of... more
يبحث هذا الكتاب في الأصول التي قام عليها الفكر البلاغي من زاوية تأصيلية، ويعيد صياغة الأسس التي شكلت الجانب الاستدلالي منه، ويكشف عن الكيفية التي بُنيت عليها قضايا التأويل، وذلك من منطلق أننا بحاجة إلى نظرية متكاملة في ضبط أصول النظر... more
The 2019 elections continue the contestation between Islamic political and nationalist parties in Indonesia. The contestation of these two-party groups had occurred since 1955 when the first general election was held. This article... more
The emergence of the term new media is very closely related to the presence of the internet in human life. Even though in its development, new media is not only limited to the Internet, but the Internet is a tool or media that is used in... more
We argue that Indonesia’s path to democracy was borne out of necessity brought about by a state of extreme precariousness and then molded by its lack thereof. Its lack thereof precisely reflected the internal power struggle and elite... more
The big exposure and high polarity of publications about Jerusalem is a serious problem especially for beginners, e.g. students and young researchers, who often fail to distinguish sufficiently between scientifically supported and... more
The Security Department of Al-Aqsa Mosque has been one of the most important and active departments of the Administration of Islamic Waqf since 1948. This Department has been historically assigned with the mission of guarding the Mosque... more
e cross-cultural differences experienced by pilgrims during the world's largest religious ritual, ḥajj, have yet to be explored. It is worthwhile to investigate this issue from an Indonesian perspective. is study uses a phenomenological... more
The trend of religious conservatism in Indonesian public sector is increasing nowadays. But the trend is not followed by the rise of political Islam‟s popularity. The Islamic political parties are precisely abandoned by their sympathizers... more
Many Islamic movements have emerged with a different style from the mainstream. One of them is the Salafi movement. Although many parties reject Salafi preaching, not a few can also accept it, one of them is a group of artists who are... more
This study analyses the intellectual and political history of Laskar Jihad, the most spectacular Muslim paramilitary group that emerged in Indonesia in the aftermath of the collapse of the New Order regime in May 1998. Using an... more
The research has a specific objective, namely how the national news television station MetroTV media tends to construct news reality about the Islamic Defenders Front Islamic organization which later changed to the Islamic Brotherhood... more
Gerakan Jama'ah Tabligh memiliki beberapa agenda yang dakwah yang tidak secara eksplisit dinyatakan, namun dapat dilihat dari fenomena praktek ritual Jama'ah Tabligh yang pada beberapa aspek membawa nilai-nilai tariqa dan sufisme. Melihat... more
Karya ini dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Abstrak: Dewasa ini, ada semacam kegairahan baru dalam gaya hidup Islami hampir di semua aspek kehidupan. Ekspresi keislaman yang memenuhi... more
Er-Rahmân ve Er-Rahîm Olan Allah'ın Adıyla...
Er-Rahmân ve Er-Rahîm Olan Allah'ın Adıyla...
This article explores one of the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) teachings self-islah that develops in its dawah practices. Self-Islah emphasizes improving oneself through a proselytization program called khuruj from one community to another, from... more
, is a sacred date for Malaysia. Indeed, it is born from the struggles of its earlier generations. This paper seeks to reveal the roles, contributions and sacrifices that have been made by those labeled radicals in seeking independence.... more
Ahmad Boestamam was among the earliest Malay nationalist figures who was at the forefront in voicing nationalism rights among the Malays. He tried to persuade the Malays to rise and assert their rights to fight for their lands. The Malays... more
Melayu Raya was a struggle requiring unity of thought to unite and restore the integrity of the Malay archipelago. Through this movement they tried to reunite the Malay race as before the colonial era. During the colonial era, the Malay... more
Processes of democratization and the struggle for democracy are best studied from an actorstructure perspective. In this article the struggle for democracy in contemporary Indonesia is seen as attempts by pro-democracy actors to change... more
This Research deals with shedding light on the personality of a Carolingian princess, who contributed to a literary and educational work that immortalized her memory over the years. The political circumstances surrounding her family... more
The Shimon haTsadiq [also - haTzadik] Quarter has become a locus of controversy in recent years as Jews have moved back into the lot around the Tomb of Simon the Just, an ancient Jewish high priest. The Jewish residents were driven out... more
The position of the military in taking on a political role in Indonesia has changed along with the changing leadership of the state. The dynamics of this change were born because of the pattern of civil-military relations in Indonesia.... more
Karya ini dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Abstrak: Dewasa ini, ada semacam kegairahan baru dalam gaya hidup Islami hampir di semua aspek kehidupan. Ekspresi keislaman yang memenuhi... more
The purpose of this study is to /ind out the tendencies of Indonesian online media on political party sentiment before the 2024 election in Indonesia. Online media is a communication tool for political parties in providing narratives and... more
This research focuses on the contribution of Tuan Guru Daeng Taleba @ Haji Tahir Bin Daeng Mangati (TGHT) a scholar in Johor, born in Sulawesi Indonesia (1921-1994). This research provides academic exposure to the civil society in order... more
Since the fall of the authoritarian system, Indonesia completed the fundamental precondition to democratization through a series of constitutional amendments. As a young democratic country, Indonesia experienced a divided government for... more
This document is the author's post-print version, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer-review process. Some differences between the published version and this version may remain and you are advised to consult the published... more
He has published extensively on the state, democratisation and governance in Africa and is presently completing a book on The Federal Solution in Africa.
Indonesian political multi-parties system requires political parties to build a solid coalition in anticipating any election event, at all levels; national, regional, and local. The description of the way political parties build the... more
The human resource factor is an element that must be considered by the organization or company. Political parties are present in society with the aim of seeking and maintaining power in order to realize the program. The purpose of this... more
It is necessary to treat the seizures reported from Tajikistan cautiously as on good grounds experts believe the confiscations reported from Tajik agencies to be higher than the actual numbers.
This research focuses on the contribution of Tuan Guru Daeng Taleba @ Haji Tahir Bin Daeng Mangati (TGHT) a scholar in Johor, born in Sulawesi Indonesia (1921-1994). This research provides academic exposure to the civil society in order... more
The background of this research was by the responses of political elites to the statements of figures. The research problem was from Prabowo’s speech “Indonesia Punah”, which was how the discourse of response and alignments of more
The Salafist community, which is marginalized from mainstream media in Indonesia, represents the ideology of Salafus Salih through the mediatization of religion. Salafists originally preached traditionally but later utilized radio and... more
Indonesian Islam has become the point of contestation of ideologies, particularly between the so-called globally-inspired and locally- rooted views of Islam. This article deals with the Salafism struggle in da’wah on the airwaves through... more
Purpose of Study: This research aims to 1). Knowing the spirit of civil society emergence in law enforcement in case of defamation of religion in Indonesia. 2) To know the implications of civil society influence in law enforcement justice... more
This article explores one of the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) teachings self-islah that develops in its dawah practices. Self-Islah emphasizes improving oneself through a proselytization program called khuruj from one community to another, from... more
One of the promises of religion is happiness for its followers. The promise is translated according to their respective mindstreem. One of them is the Tablighi Jamaat. The Tablighi Jamaat claims to be a neutral community in terms of... more