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This article interrogates the long history of continued Islamic renewal in the north of Ghana that privileges continuous reinterpretation of the Islamic ideal. It contextualizes three approaches at renewal: (a) the non-pacifist approach... more
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingHistory of Islam
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
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      Business EthicsReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
محاولة لفهم غياب الجانب النفسي الوجداني في الخطاب التربوي الإسلامي للطفل؛ ليكون هذا الفهم أساساً لإرساء طاقات ‏المبادرة ‏والإبداع في البناء النفسي والوجداني. وهو أيضاً محاولـةٌ لمعرفة الأبعاد الثقافية والفكرية التي أحدثت هذا التشوّه... more
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      Anthropology of Children and ChildhoodIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
The purpose of the article was to describe and analyze strategies of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) Teachers in Improving Students' Learning Motivation in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Class X Hikmatul Amanah. The type of research used is... more
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      ReligionEducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
This introduction, first, lays out the major themes in the study of Islamic authority and, second, explains how a study focused on female Islamic authority can contribute significantly to scholarship on Islam and Muslim women. It... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingWomen's Spiritual LeadershipIslamic Studies
School management should be pro-active, not reactive. Having an efficient system in place for all functions is a sign that a school is out of the start-up phase as well as the transition phase and solidly established as a smoothly... more
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingSchool ManagementSchool management and leadershipQuality and school management
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      EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslam
The list provides names of many Islamic institutions manageing by the Muslim community in Kerala, mainly working for the educational empowerment of the community.
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingKerala-Malabar StudiesMappila studiesMappila/Kerala Muslim History
Der Gesandte Muhammad gilt für Muslime als nachzuahmende, schönste Vorbildfigur in Bezug auf die religiöse Praxis und für alltägliche Lebenssituationen. Auch im Islamischen Religionsunterricht soll und wird er eine zentrale Rolle... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingProphecyBiography of the Prophet Muhammad
Alternatives to mainstream schooling and education are becoming increasingly recognised as pertinent and urgent to better understand. We need to know what really works in successfully educating children and adults today. This is not just... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyEducational LeadershipAlternative Education
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingHistory and Philosophy of Islamic education
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Arabic language and culture
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      Military HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPsychology
Learning strategy is one of the most important factors that determine success in a learning process, and is no exception for behavior disorder students. This research aims to find out the learning strategies of PAI teachers in fostering... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingStrategic Planning in Education
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      MarketingLiteracyHalal foodPsychometrics
This is a review about how two corollary programs (Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education and Private Madaris) were implemented in the Philippines by the Department of Education
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingMuslim EducationTeaching Arabic Language to non-arabic speakers
Madrasah adalah salah satu bentuk kelembagaan pendidikan Islam yang memiliki sejarah sangat panjang. Istilah madrasah tidak asing lagi di kalangan masyrakat Indonesia. Uniknya istilah “madrasah” di Indonesia merupakan lembaga pendidikan... more
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      EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
Malala Yousafzai eğitim hakkından vazgeçmediği için bir Taliban üyesi tarafından vurulduğu gün ülkesinin kaderini değiştirmiştir. O günden beri, Malala'nın kadın ve çocuk hakları, toplumsal değişimde bireysel etki ve toplumsal cinsiyet... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
its all about Islamic studies in junior level, its very interesting in ou islamic eduaction
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    • Islamic Education & Islamic Schooling
Promoting the values of peace and tolerance within an international climate of turbulence and instability is an essential responsibility for governments and schools. Threats to tolerance include the circumstances of societal challenges,... more
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      EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore how leaders in an Islamic school in the United States engaged in culturally relevant leadership (CRL) within a diverse school community to develop students' critical social consciousness.... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingCulturally relevant pedagogySchool Leadership
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesEducationSocial Policy
Madrasahs In Pakistan [Untill: 2005], Author: Sultan Ali, Madrasah Reforms and State Power in Pakistan, Taxila Studies of Asian Civilizations, Madrasa, Madrasah, Islamic Schools, Islamic Sciences Schools, Islamic Madrasah, Islamic... more
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingPakistanMadrasa educationPakistan Studies
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      LiteracyIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
De islam is niet meer weg te denken uit onze samenleving. België en Nederland sloten in de jaren zestig een overeenkomst met Turkije en Marokko, waardoor gastarbeiders met een islamitische achtergrond naar onze contreien migreerden.... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationReligious EducationHigher Education
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      History of ReligionIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingSouth Asian History
İÇİNDEKİLER / CONTENTS • Dinde Sahâbenin Yeri - Mehmet Yaşar KANDEMİR • Ben Ne Yaptım? - İ. Necmettin NURSAÇAN • Asr-ı Saâdet ve Sahâbe Neslini Anlamak: Tasavvufun Rehberi Olarak Sahâbe Nesli - Ekrem DEMİRLİ • Hazreti... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesSufism
This Handbook traces and presents the fundamentals of Islam and their history and background, and provides a global and holistic, yet, detailed picture of Islamic education around the world. It introduces the reader to the roots and... more
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      EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
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      ReligionSociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
Ich stelle mir diesen Artikel als ein kurzes Gespräch mit unseren Eltern und Religionspädagogen vor. Unlängst habe ich einen guten Freund, einen für gewöhnlich guten und begeisterten Muslim, dabei vorgefunden, wie er einen Artikel über... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamBosnia and Herzegovina
İNGİLİZCE RİSALE-İ NUR EĞİTİM PROGRAMI (İngilizce seminer metinleri ve Powerpoint sunumları eklendi) Note: English presentation text, under the Turkish presentation. Journey of Discovery, Treatise of Light (Risale-i Nur) Training... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
Perkembangan Pendidikan Islam di Nusantara tidak bisa dilepaskan dari perkembangan Islam Nusantara. Dalam dinamika historisnya, perkembangan Islam Nusantara juga sangat mewarnai orientasi dan corak pendidikan Islam yang dijalankan.... more
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      Islamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
Educational system of the society is one of the fundamental pillars of emergence, development, and transfer of its cultural elements. The system itself involves four pillars, including educational structure, instructor, learner, and... more
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      History of EducationIranian StudiesIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingAl-Attas
Al-Attas has been an important figure in the Islamisation of knowledge project. One of his original contributions has been to offer an Islamic account of education in terms of adab and ta'dib. He holds that the words commonly used to... more
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      EducationReligious EducationPhilosophy of EducationIslamic Contemporary Studies
This article tackles the organization of religious teaching, from ethnographic field work. For the analyze of religious teachings to remain objective, it is necessary to compare France’s sociopolitical context – with the law on secular... more
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      Koranic SchoolsIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingAnthropology of BulgariaAnthropology of Religion
The moral-spiritual crisis in the western country has been the cause for the development of the value education concept. The Western concept of value is adopted from study of knowledge, in particular philosophy and social sciences, which... more
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      EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
İÇİNDEKİLER / CONTENTS • Mahmud Erol KILIÇ - Takriz • Alparslan AÇIKGENÇ - Tarihte Bilim Gelenekleri ve İslâm İlim Geleneği • Mansur KOÇİNKAĞ - Erken Dönem İslâm Düşüncesinde İlim Kavramı ve Bölgesel İlim Halkaları • Ömer TÜRKER... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesSufism
İÇİNDEKİLER / CONTENTS • Hicret Şiiri - Mustafa TAHRALI • Hicreti Yaşamak ya da Hicretten Feth-i Mübin’e - Süleyman ULUDAĞ • İslâm Ansiklopedisi HİCRET Maddesi: Bölüm 1 - Ahmet ÖNKAL • İslâm Ansiklopedisi HİCRET Maddesi: Bölüm 2... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesSufism
Abstrak – Keibubapaan Islam merupakan asas utama dalam meraih zuriat yang salih. Kefahaman ibu bapa tentangnya merupakan tolok ukur terhadap kualiti moral dan akhlak remaja. Pelbagai persoalan moral mewarnai dunia remaja, keadaan ini... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
Muculnya sekolah-sekolah Islam yang besepadu dengan sistem pendidikan modern juga tak terlepas dari banyaknya alumni Universitas Al-Azhar Mesir yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikannya di sana. Mereka adalah hasil dari sistem pendidikan... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingHistory and Philosophy of Islamic educationSEJARAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM
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      EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
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      HistoryPhilosophy Of LanguageGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (543-606/1148-1209) observed in his voluminous exegesis Mafātīḥ al-ghayb ("Keys of the Unseen") that the Qurʾān has three axial themes: the Unicity of Allah Most High (tawḥīd), Messengership and Prophethood (risāla,... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Intellectual HistoryIslamic Epistemology
Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938 M) adalah seorang pembaharu muslim yang pembaharuannya lebih ditekankan pada bidang filsafat, sehingga Iqbal lebih dikenal sebagai filosof daripada teolog atau penyair. Pembaharuan pemikiran Iqbal memang... more
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      EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesFilosofía
This article presents Al-Kindi as the first Arab intercultural curriculum theorizer, rather than the first Arab philosopher as often argued. He envisioned an intercultural and interdisciplinary curriculum within the Arabic intellectual... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
Özet 18. yüzyıl Osmanlı münevverlerinden İbrahim Hakkı (1703-1780), hem dini ve hem de fenni ilimlere olan ilgisi ve vukufiyeti özelliği ile bu dönem mütefekkirleri arasında özgün bir yere sahiptir. İnterdisipliner bir anlayışla, fen ve... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
İÇİNDEKİLER / CONTENTS • Semih CEYHAN - Shams: The Sun of Muhammeden Light (Nur-i Muhammedî) • Ayşe Esin ÇELEBİ - Opening Speeches • Ahmed Selâddin ÇELEBİ HİDÂYETOĞLU - Shams and Mevlana • Cemâlnur SARGUT - Opening Stateement •... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesSufism
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      HistoryIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic Studies
Children would be lucky if the parent chooses to let them learn Qur-aan at an early age, but there are many cases where adult Muslims have not had the privilege of learning to read the Qur-aan. It has been seen that many adults feel shy... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationResearch Methodology