H-Mideast-Medieval (November, 2013)
Maps were the coincidental locus of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II's most passionate interests: war and art. So far, the focus has been upon the famed conqueror (Fâtih) of Constantinople's interest in, and demand for, European maps without... more
ABSTRACT Ways of Seeing.3: Scenarios of the World in the Medieval Islamic Cartographic Imagination Karen C. Pinto This dissertation concerns the stylized carto-ideographs—specifically representations of the world—that illustrate... more
This paper explores the presence and development of large-scale geographic categories in premodern cartography (12th-16th centuries) in a combination of comparative and transcultural perspectives. Analysing Latin-Christian,... more
Determining the direction to Qibla 5 times/day is crucial to the functioning of Islam. As Islam grew and spread rapidly to far flung parts of the world it became imperative to determine the correct direction of prayer and this spurred on... more
Tarek Kahlaoui’s book is a mixed bag with a few good place-name studies accompanied by grave manuscript-dating errors based on obsolete hundred year-old information.
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Les deux chemins opposés de la cartographie arabo-islamique médiévale: la mappemonde «islamique» («L'école d’al-Balḫī», Xe siècle) ou le monde en sa diversité (al-Šarīf al Idrīsī, XIIe siècle)”. En: Parcourir... more
Every medieval Islamic cartograph of the world contains a curious anomaly. Consistently located on the eastern flank of Africa is a double-territorial ethnonym for an obscure East African tribe: the Buja (marked on Figure 1 with a red... more
In the medieval world, geographical knowledge was influenced by religious ideas and beliefs. Whereas this point is well analysed for the Latin-Christian world, the religious character of the Arabic-Islamic geographic tradition has not yet... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
At first glance the typical medieval Islamic map of ‘the West’—Surat al-Maghrib— strikes us as nothing more than a quaint abstraction of circles, triangles, and oblong shapes ornately adorned with vivid pigments. Closer study presents a... more
In keeping with the theme of Treasures of the Sea, this article focuses on the sacrality embedded in the depiction of the seas in the medieval Islamic KMMS mapping tradition. Teasing apart the depictions, this article analyses the sacred... more
Ibn Khaldoun Muqaddimah's richness includes an interesting insight into an issue rarely discussed in the classical sources, that is pre‐ modern Muslim mariners ‐ notably those who are active in the Western Mediterranean. This field has... more
In this paper, I examine and deconstruct the “classical” medieval Islamic conception of the Mediterranean as seen through colorful, miniature maps found in medieval Arabic and Persian geographical manuscripts from the 11th to 17th... more
C a r t o g r a p h y a n d G e o g r a p h y I s l a m a n d t h e M u s l i m W o r l d
The purpose of this article is to draw attention to a hitherto unknown source containing toponomastic and historical information on the borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, for which Turkish documentation is scarce. The source to be... more
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. "Geografía y cartografía en la obra de Ibn Jaldūn". In: J.L Garrot & J. Marcos (coord.). Miradas españolas sobre Ibn Jaldún. Madrid : Ibersaf, 2008. ISBN 978-84-95803-61-0, pp. 195-217 | Resumen: Partiendo del... more
Searchin’ his eyes, lookin’ for traces: Piri Reis’ World Map of 1513 & its Islamic Iconographic Connections (A Reading through Baghdat 334 and Proust) Abstract ␣ The remnant of the 1513 world map of the Ottoman corsair (and later admiral)... more
The purpose of this studyi st oe xamine whether al-Idrīsī used religious ideas as as tructuring element in his geographical, cartographic and descriptive work. Al-Idrīsī incidentallyi ntegrates ad escription of religious practices in his... more
The map of the world made by the 12th-century Islamic cartographer Al-Idrisi for Roger II of Sicily was a masterpiece of mapping which remained the most technically sophisticated world-map for three centuries after its production. Drawing... more
There exist hundreds—if not thousands—of cartographic images of the world and various regions, scattered throughout collections of medieval and early modern Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts. The sheer number of these extant maps... more
Truly transcultural conference on the history of maps. Delighted to be part of this translation venture. :)
CARPETS dynasties to supply the needs of the courts and to produce carpets for export. At the same time, particularly in lactory production, the traditional process of designing carpets by combining units retrieved from the weavers'... more
The 3.5 metre world map that Muhammad al-Idrīsī completed in or a little after 1154 is preserved only in later copies of his geographical treatise, the Nuzhat al-mushtāq. That work’s Introduction describes the 15 years he had spent... more
Invited talk for "Macrocosms and Microcosms: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages," University of Cambridge, 24th - 26th September, 2021. The map of the pre-modern world, Asia, Africa, and Europe, is drawn collectively in the shape... more
In 2019, the Biblioteca Marciana started a project concerning a new philological edition of the Heart-shaped map of Hajji Ahmed, involving the memoranda of understanding between the Venetian institutes of IUAV University and the Academy... more
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. "El Occidente musulmán en los mapas del Mediterráneo de la «escuela de al-Baljî»". In: Ana I. Planet & Fernando Ramos (eds.). Relaciones hispano-marroquíes : una vecindad en construcción. Madrid : Ediciones del... more
In the last decades, the study of map-making has been moving away from positivist assumptions about representational accuracy and objectivity. The critical cartography movement spearheaded by John B. Harley sought to integrate elements... more
In the premodern world, geographical knowledge was influenced by religious ideas and beliefs. The conference seeks to analyse, how the religious character of geographic knowledge in the period from ca. 1150 to 1550 lingered on in... more
Maps described as 'Ottoman' often reflect external geographic knowledge, or are the work of foreigners. The article suggests defining maps as 'Ottoman' based on their use by Ottomans. Late Ottoman maps of Palestine show that Ottomans... more
Seas outline and order land masses and remind us that everything is but an island. Maps rely on seas to define land. Seas compete with deserts for crossings, imaginings, measurings, and depictions. Due to their vast aqueous nature the... more
FRANCO- SÁNCHEZ, Francisco, «Anotaciones bibliográficas sobre geografía y cartografía de época medieval (II)». In "Al-Qanṭara", vol. 40, n. 2 (2019), pp. 455-475. ISSN 0211-3589 / 1988-2955 (Internet) | [Bibliographic notes on... more
Истахрийнинг «Китаб масалик ал-мамалик» асари қўлёзмаларидаги хариталари ҳақида айрим мулоҳазалар Равшан Турабович ХУДАЙБЕРГАНОВ Ўзбекистон Фанлар Академияси Шарқшунослик институти кичик илмий ходими Тошкент, Ўзбекистон... more
The Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review is a biannual publication of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, issued in February and September. Opinions expressed in the Review are those of the authors, and do not... more
Finalement, cette étude est une synthèse de qualité sur les connaissances factuelles acquises et permet de mettre en relation des cartes encore parfois trop étudiées individuellement. Mais c’est aussi ici la limite de l’exercice car la... more
Jadaliyya New Texts on Medieval Islamic Maps: An Exploration. Involves a self-book review, rationale for writing it, basis of interest, philosophy, methodology, findings, future plans, etc. Access full piece through attached url:... more
Newspaper report on Pinto's talk at Mohatta Palace in Karachi, Pakistan on November 14, 2019
(Written by Peerzada Salman; Karen Pinto was the speaker)
(Written by Peerzada Salman; Karen Pinto was the speaker)