Islamic Cartography

73 papers
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Islamic Cartography refers to the art and science of map-making in the Islamic world, particularly during the medieval period. It encompasses the development of geographical knowledge, techniques, and representations influenced by Islamic culture, religion, and scholarship, contributing significantly to the understanding of geography and navigation in both Islamic and European contexts.
The question of survival of the Ptolemaic cartographical tradition in the Arab World, all through the Idrisian transmission chain and down to the modern times, is the subject of this article. A handwritten map found in Arabia, which -in... more
This qualitative analysis of symbolic elements in nautical cartography aims to provide an interdisciplinary insight into some aspects of early modern cartographic representations of the Adriatic Sea. The nautical charts were supplemented... more
Proud to dedicate my very first article written and edited in Turkish with undying love, deep admiration, and respect to the AMAZING—read Inanılmaz—Ayşe Figen Arlı (1956-2023) who was tragically taken from us too young during the early... more
Publicado tambien en: Miradas Espanolas sobre Ibn Jaldun, Ibersaf Editores, Editores cientificos J. L. Garrot Garrot y J. Martos Quesada, Madrid, 2008, pp. 85-94. ISBN. 978-84-95803-61-0
This article introduces and examines an understudied corpus of Greek language handbooks commissioned by the Ottoman court during the reign of Mehmed II (r. 1451–1481). As a result of the multicultural and multilingual nature of the... more
Ṣūrat Baḥr al-Rūm صورة بحر الروم , which translates to the “Image of the Sea of the Romans” (i.e. the Byzantines) comes from a twelfth-century Norman-Sicilian copy of the Book of Routes and Realms, attributed to the early tenth-century... more
Communicated by A. AABOE 0 ~ Among PTOLEMY'S works are two whose mathematical bases historians of science have interpreted in very much the same way. The works are The Planispherium and the cartographic sections of The Geography, and in... more
The question of authorship in translation is one that requires careful examination. While the source or 'original' work is always at the center of any translation endeavor and the voice of the author should always be retained, it is also... more
Before the invention of modern air travel, the phenomenon we call "jetlag" was known as the "Circumnavigator's Paradox." It was first observed empirically by European mariners in the sixteenth century, who noticed a missing day in their... more
One of the pleasures in completing a project is the opportunity it provides to thank formally all the people who have been a part of the effort and assisted in various ways. First and foremost I wish to thank my collaborators who... more
For anyone curious about the eleventh-century Book of Curiosities, an extraordinary Egyptian Fatimid manuscript at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, this book is required reading. The manuscript had its debut online in 2007 at the library... more
Did medieval European maps influence the Islamicate ones or vice versa? Or, were they mutually exclusive? Scholars fall on both sides of the divide and the question of Islamo-Christian cartographic connections remains elusive due to the... more
The Safīna-yi Sulaymānī (The Ship of Sulaymān), one of the foremost Persian travelogues from the Safavid period, includes a geographic description of East and Southeast Asia centered on the Indian Ocean. While the Safīna is well-known to... more
Medieval historians wrote large books concerning human migration throughout Africa in addition to the cultures that they interacted with. Abū al-Idrisi and Ibn Hawqal wrote extensively on the roads that were traveled by people from... more
FRANCO-SÁNCHEZ, Francisco: «La difícil clasificación de la geografía árabe medieval entre la literatura geográfica y las ciencias», In Desirée López Bernal, Tsampika Paraskeva y Bárbara Boloix Gallardo (eds.), Un collar de palabras.... more
Arabic script gained significance and esteem due to the divine command "Read," at the beginning of a five-verse revelation in the Koran (the Surah Al-' Alaq, 96: 1-5), the holy book of Islam. The full and definitive determination of the... more
En este artículo se pone de relieve la importancia que, para la historia de al-Andalus, tienen las fuentes geográficas por la cantidad de datos que nos aportan, no solo de tipo geográfico, sino también históricos y socioeconómicos;... more
A virtually unknown Ottoman manuscript atlas provides new indications about the flow of cartographical and geographical information between Italy and the Ottoman Empire in the second half of the sixteenth century. Internal evidence... more
Atlas Maior, the most expensive and luxurious book of its time, published in the 1660s, was presented to Mehmed IV by the Dutch ambassador Justinus Colier in 1668. It was translated into Ottoman Turkish under the name of Nusretü'l-İslâm... more
La vida cotidiana en al-Andalus a través de sus sonidos y silencios. .. .. .. .. .. . 131 Sivia Nora Arroñada El dilema del sabio: la formulación clásica y la interpretación farabiana. .. .. .. . 145 Ángel Poncela González El cautiverio... more
Jean-Charles DUCÈNE, L'Europe et les géographes arabes du Moyen Âge (IX e-XV e siècle). "La grande terre" et ses peuples. Conceptualisation d'un espace ethnique et politique
Diseño de cubierta y maquetación: Francisco Anaya Benítez © de los textos: los autores © de la presente edición: Dykinson S.L. Madrid-2022 N.º 49 de la colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo 1ª edición, 2022 ISBN 978-84-1377-926-3 NOTA... more
The remnant of the 1513 world map of the Ottoman corsair (and later admiral) Muhiddin Piri, a.k.a. Piri Reis, with its focus on the Atlantic and the New World can be ranked as one of the most famous and controversial maps in the annals of... more
Tarek Kahlaoui’s book is a mixed bag with a few good place-name studies accompanied by grave manuscript-dating errors based on obsolete hundred year-old information.
« (…) décider entre les deux formes, la plate et la sphérique, est l'acte originel de toute la réflexion occidentale, au sens où c'est autour de ce problème que la réflexion de l'Occident sur le monde se structure et s'organise »,... more
« (…) décider entre les deux formes, la plate et la sphérique, est l'acte originel de toute la réflexion occidentale, au sens où c'est autour de ce problème que la réflexion de l'Occident sur le monde se structure et s'organise »,... more
Data processing is very important in the development of information technology. Almost all fields of work have information data. Data can be used to help analysis in work. At present, health information data is very important to be... more
Determining the direction to Qibla 5 times/day is crucial to the functioning of Islam. As Islam grew and spread rapidly to far flung parts of the world it became imperative to determine the correct direction of prayer and this spurred on... more
This article makes the argument that a Latin table of geographic coordinates, copied in Italy in the second half of the thirteenth century (MS Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Ashburnham 211, fol. 260r), is derived from a list... more
Le coton, sa culture et son utilisation selon les sources arabes médiévales The cultivation and uses of cotton in medieval Arab sources
The research described in this thesis is focused on development and clinical evaluation of image-guidance solutions for correction of both inter- and intrafraction prostate motion in external beam radiotherapy. Corrections are based on... more
The question of survival of the Ptolemaic cartographical tradition in the Arab World, all through the Idrisian transmission chain and down to the modern times, is the subject of this article. A handwritten map found in Arabia, which – in... more
After the Norman conquest of Sicily, the islands of Pantelleria and Malta still sustained important Arabic communities but their eventual linguistic destinies were quite diverse: the former was submerged by continuous Italian admissions,... more
Summary This contribution represents a focused insight within a larger research project dealing with the Ottoman nautical atlas of Piri Reis: the Kitab i Bahriye (1521 and 1525-1526). Taking as a point of reference the Ligurian Sea, and... more
Recent years have seen new approaches to the history of geography and cartography, as well as spa-tial thought more broadly, in the Islamicate world. Place and space are now increasingly understood as invented reference systems that are... more
This contribution represents a focused insight within a larger research project dealing with the Ottoman nautical atlas of Piri Reis: the Kitab i Bahriye (1521 and 1525-1526). Taking as a point of reference the Ligurian Sea, and more... more
Au début du xi e siècle, les Fatimides firent composer le Kitāb ġarā'ib al-funūn wa mulaḥ al-'uyūn, ouvrage dans lequel se trouvaient plusieurs cartes dont une de la Méditerranée et une de l'océan Indien. Par leur forme ovale commune et... more
The astrolabe, stereographic projection of the celestial sphere on the plane of the equator, simulates the apparent rotation of this sphere around the Earth, with respect to a certain latitude, and allows to establish the relative... more
These pages consider the Kitab-i Bahriye by Piri Reis, a corsair and later Admiral of the Turkish fleet as well as an authoritative cartographer who worked during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. The Kitab-i Bahriye is a... more
In this paper we present the story of the most famous ancient female math-ematician, Hypatia, and her father Theon of Alexandria. The mathematician and philosopher Hypatia flourished in Alexandria from the second part of the 4 th century... more