İslamic Arts &Architecture
Recent papers in İslamic Arts &Architecture
The general perception of Indo-Islamic Architecture is restricted to the Architecture of Delhi. In the Northen part of India, the Islamic Architecture got developed with many indigenous additions, like Bangla roof and Chatis. In South... more
As a consequence of the Mongol invasion, in the 13th century which caused great damage and loss to the Turkic and Islamic world, the big scientific centers such as Bukhara, Samarkand and Baghdad were destroyed and the scientific... more
Brick as a construction material had been competently used by Turks in their architecture from the earlier periods. However, with the conquest of Anatolia, new construction materials and techniques were introduced or applied in Anatolian... more
Mosque in Isfahan, Iran was the most valuable monuments with unique architectural decorations and designs are technically. Decorations, including the provisions that the technique Toopi bed located in the lower bottom of plaster bricks... more
"چکیده محراب به عنوان مهمترین بخش مسجد یا بقعه به عنوان بنای مذهبی در معماری اسلامی ایران مطرح است و بهترین و بیشترین تزیینات را نیز در بر میگیرد. محراب گچبري بقعه پیربکران از آثار فاخر معماري قرن هشتم ﻫ.ق است. کتیبه این محراب به... more
Ploto ve Plotinus'dan kaynaklanan "taklit" (mimesis) ve "çoklukta birlik" kavramları ve bunların on üçüncü yüzyıl vahdet-i vücud düşüncesindeki yorumları üzerinden Selçuklu Mimarisi'nin içerdiği anlamların değerlendirilmesi.
Niğde il merkezinin batısında yer alan Altunhisar İlçesi, şehir merkezine 35 km. uzaklıktadır. Türk-İslam yerleşimi olan Ortaköy (Altunhisar) İlçesine ait 881/1476 senesi vakıf defterinde Anduğu (Orta/Ortaköy) şeklinde karşımıza çıkan... more
چکیده مسجد جامع گلپایگان از جمله بناهای به جا مانده از دوره سلجوقیان است که دارای تزیینات آجرکاری بسیاری زیبایی است. محراب این بنا از نمونههای قابل توجه تزیینات آجرکاری این دوره است که دارای ظرایف قابل توجهی به لحاظ تکنیکهای اجرایی با... more
Sommaire-Contents-Sumario I. Dossier: "Archive and Gender" in North-African Societies Yasmine Berriane & Bettina Dennerlein.-Introduction: The Making of "Archive and Gender" in North-African Societies, (en.