Islamic Arts

58 papers
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Islamic Arts refers to the artistic expressions and cultural practices that have developed in the Islamic world, encompassing a wide range of visual arts, architecture, calligraphy, and decorative arts. These works are characterized by their adherence to Islamic principles, often emphasizing geometric patterns, arabesques, and aniconism, reflecting the spiritual and cultural values of Islamic societies.
Diyarbakir and Mardin entered to different circle with Turkish domination in the 11th centuries, with the light of this effect, a physical environment appeared which is presented various perspective. This environment has important details... more
Estudio de las cinco llaves islámicas conservadas en el Museo de Segovia, algunas con leyendas en árabe, y de otras varias de la misma tipología y cronología conservadas en otros museos y colecciones. Se aportan nuevas lecturas de sus... more
The study of Islamic ceramics is one of the important material evidence in archaeological studies of Islamic applied products, and ceramics is considered one of the most important arts known to Muslims, and although ceramics as an... more
Résumé : Partant de l’idée que les tissus vernaculaires oasiens sont marqués par une porosité particulière à l’origine de l’ambiance vécue, nous posons l’hypothèse que cette porosité correspond au mode de vie des habitants qui accorde la... more
İnsanoğlunun taşla olan ilişkisi milyonlarca yıl öncesine dayanmaktadır. Taştan imal edilmiş işlevsel aletler, insanların temel ihtiyaçlarını karşılarken estetik unsurun da içine girdiği sanatsal objeler ise insan ruhunda yarattıkları... more
Color terms and color naming are matters that have frequently drawn the attention of linguists. Human eyes can identify more than seven million colors. Languages in different cultures have tried to represent lexically a range of them.... more
Pamfilya bölgesinin en önemli şehirlerinden biri olan Antalya, bulunduğu coğrafikonum itibariyle birçok önemli medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Gelişmemiş insanlıkuygarlığından günümüze kadar izleri bulunan ağaç işçiliği bu topraklarda... more
Presented at the workshop "The Red Corridor and the Wider Mediterranean: Histories of Global Commercial Desires and Image Making," 13-17 May 2024
Kaleiçi, which was an important trade centre of the Mediterranean during the Seljuk period, is the first settlement area that forms the basis of Antalya's historical and cultural heritage. The building that most clearly reflects the... more
Yeni bir yıl yeni umutla gelsin, yeni güzellikler getirsin niyazıyla Dârülmülk Konya'nın dördüncü sayısı elinizde. Takdir tebyin edilene kadar tedbir ile mükellefiz. O tedbir de bize ayrılan alanda gayrete devam etmek. Dârülmük Konya bir... more
Bir Başkent Eski de Olsa Başkettir
In a book published in 2008, Arnold Hottinger provocatively asserted that as far as the Western stance toward Islam is concerned, Islam does not exist. 1 He argued correctly that it is pure fiction to speak about Islam using one sole,... more
Breigheche, Nibras, "Islam, arte e bellezza", in "Arts and Theologies”, Pazzini Editore, I, 2023, pp. 41-44, ISBN 978-88-6257-436-5
Malaysia is a country with a rich artistic and cultural heritage from diverse backgrounds in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. The significant inspiration in creating products such as clothing, art sculptures, weapons,... more
Gelibolu, fethedildiği 1354 yılından günümüze kadar önemini koruyarak gelebilmiştir. Bu uzun dönem içinde Türk hakimiyetinin simgelerinden biri olan mimari yapılaşma, imparatorluğun diğer kentlerine paralel devam etmiştir. Bu yapılaşma... more
Recent art historical research has increasingly paid attention to the importance of artists' transcultural itineraries regarding a postcolonial understanding of art history. It has been demonstrated how migration, contact, travel, and... more
‘Dealing with ambiguity’ has become a pressing concern in many spheres of contemporary life, often presented as a ‘survival skill’ in an uncertain world. Working with ambiguity also plays a crucial role in the musical pedagogy of the... more
İnsan ezelden ebede bir ümran yolculuğundadır. Zira hayatını mamur etmekle mükelleftir. Bu sorumluluk ilim, irade ve sanat gerektirir. İlim ve sanatla tesis edilen dünya, insanın iç kişiliğinin dışta yansımasıdır. Her şey; çevre, şehirler... more
This research aims to look at the material changes that occur among craft makers in Saribas, Sarawak which focuses on the development of the use of materials to produce handicrafts in the modern era that faces the challenge of deficiency... more
Konya'da Anadolu Selçuklu döneminde yapılmış birçok mimari yapı yer almaktadır. Anadolu Selçuklu dönemi denildiğinde akla dönemin özelliklerini yansıtacak birçok özellik gelmektedir. Mozaik çini tekniğinde yapılmış zengin işçilikleri olan... more
This research aims to look at the material changes that occur among craft makers in Saribas, Sarawak which focuses on the development of the use of materials to produce handicrafts in the modern era that faces the challenge of deficiency... more
This research aims to look at the material changes that occur among craft makers in Saribas, Sarawak which focuses on the development of the use of materials to produce handicrafts in the modern era that faces the challenge of deficiency... more
Mawlanâ Jalâl ad-Dîn Mohammed, plus connu en Occident sous le nom de Rûmî, est l’un des plus grands génies de l'histoire humaine et une personnalité hors du commun à la sagesse universelle. Huit siècles plus tard, il continue d'éclairer... more
La mystique d’amour s’inscrit dans la continuité des nombreuses religions et courants spirituels nés en Iran. Les mystiques d’amour iraniens ont approfondi l’expérience de l’état amoureux pour en utiliser l’énorme charge affective afin de... more
The phrases of prayer on the Turkish-Islamic bindings of the Principalities period are among the subjects that have been studied at least. The subject of this article is the al-’İzz al-dā’im wa’l-iqbāl phrase written on the doublure cover... more
Several studies have been conducted on al-Attas' educational philosophy and other field of knowledge such as traditional Islam, religion and spirituality, but not on his contributions to the Islamic Architecture in Malaysia. This... more
نص الكلمة التي ألقاها الدكتور محمد توفيق عبد الجواد في فعالية : حلقة نقاشية حول كتاب رحلة القاهرة المحروسة من عصر الولاية إلى عصر الاستقلال الوطني الجهاز القومي للتنسيق الحضاري - قلعة صلاح الدين الأيوبي الأربعاء 24 نوفمبر 2021
Tahir and Zühre Masjid, located in Meram district of Konya province, is one of the examples of Anatolian Seljuk architecture that has survived. The work was built by Vizier Sahip Ata Fahreddin Ali in the thirteenth century. Tahir and... more
Şah Ismail tarafindan 1501 yilinda, bugunku Iran topraklarinda kurulan Safevi Devleti, kendinden onceki Timurlularin ve Turkmenlerin koklu kultur ve sanat birikimi uzerine insa edilmistir. Devletin ilk yillarinda, sozu edilen... more
Genel bilinen tanımlamayla bir mescide sahip türbe kavramı Orta Asya'da, türbe ve caminin aynı yapı bütünü içinde birlikte tasarlanarak oluşturulduğu "Türbe-Cami" olarak adlandırılan yapı türlerinde karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bildirimizde,... more
Ascension of Prophet Muhammad is a concept significantly considered in the Islamic painting art, and painters and supporters of this issue in any period of art have aimed to portray this great event.. In the two Timurid and Safavid... more
The fatigue strengths in notched specimens of carbon-carbon composites were investigated. Slits of different length were cut on both sides of a test section to investigate the impact of notch sensitivity on fatigue life. Specimens with... more
, klasik cami mimarisinden devraldığı etkiler yönüyle incelenmiştir. Makalenin giriş bölümünde, erken Osmanlı cami mimarisi ve Sinan döneminde zirveye ulaşan merkezî kubbenin gelişimi hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra günümüz cami mimarisi... more
ÖZ Yayalaştırma, özellikle kent merkezlerinde yaşanabilirliği artıran, yayanın rahat dolaşımı ile güvenliğini sağlayan, uygulandığı sokak ve caddelerin kullanımlarındaki artışa bağlı ola-rak ekonomik canlılık getiren ve kamu yararını... more
ملخص: من المعروف أن أقاليم الدولة الإسلامية في العصور الوسطى من الصين شرقاً حتى المغرب والأندلس غرباً، لم تكن بمعزل عن بعضها البعض، إذ لم تكن الحدود السياسية المعروفة الآن موجودة، وكان المسلمون ينتقلون عبر تلك الأقاليم الشاسعة بيسر... more
The above stated facts reveal the rich representation of Artsakh rug weaving culture and multiform manifestations of its influence on other rug weaving centres. Actually, Artsakh an exceptional area presenting the gorgeous and unique rug... more
ضم البحث الحالي الموسوم (المرجعية الدينية للأشكال المنفذة على الخزف المملوكي, دراسة في الدلالات الرمزية) أربعة فصول، خصص الفصل الأول منها لبيان مشكلة البحث والتي تم عرضها وتلخيصها في إمكانية الإجابة على السؤال الاتي: هل هنالك دلالات رمزية... more
تحولات تاریخی خوشنویسی اسلامی را می‌توان با شناخت گفتمان‌های مختلف حاکم بر آن در ادوار مختلف بازخوانی کرد. هدف این پژوهش نیز بازشناخت یکی از گفتمان‌های تاریخ خوشنویسی، یعنی گفتمان صوفیانه و تحلیل ساز و کارهای زمینه‌ای و رویه‌های تحمیل... more
La iglesia de Santa Lucía, más conocida como la iglesia municipal de Chía, contiene dentro de sí una serie de legados históricos provenientes de la España musulmana y cuyo significado simbólico está at portas de perderse en la compleja... more
Mughals reigned in Indian subcontinent that is many areas including today's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh for nearly two centuries, and they built important monumental buildings in these large areas. In their period, unique examples were... more
En unos conocidos epigramas del autor mozárabe Cipriano de Córdoba se mencionan dos abanicos dedicados a unos condes Guifredo y Guisindis, para los cuales la historiografía ha propuesto su identificación con los condes barceloneses... more
As an indicator of our civilization, manuscripts have been given great value for generations. For this reason, there are many manuscripts in our country that have continued to both production and collections. Some of these works are... more