Islam in Africa
Recent papers in Islam in Africa
The Jamaican government reconsidering the Obeah Act in the summer of 2019 highlighted the legacy of prejudice and criminalization of Africana religious systems and practices left by colonization across ethno-linguistic borders and the... more
The article offers a close analysis of the media performances of a particularly successful preacher in Mali, Sheikh Chérif Haidara, to study how authority is generated in the interaction between a leader and his followers, and to examine... more
Divorce is not uncommon among Muslims in Senegal and tends to take place outside of court, even if the Senegalese Family Code has made out-of-court divorce illegal. Yet little is known about how women in particular may obtain divorce... more
The web of unexamined opinion about Islam in the West holds even when transposed into Africa and many Africanists, first and foremost Europeanists, have copied their script over from European learning, from what has historically been a... more
Neste artigo, é analisado o desenvolvimento de traços de uma cultura intelectual islâmica na bacia dos rios Senegal e Gâmbia, a Senegâmbia, amparada pela valorização da escrita, produção e difusão de livros, e pelo caráter performático da... more
Επίσης: Χασάν Β’ του Μαρόκου “Οι Αναμνήσεις ενός Βασιλιά” Σκιαγραφόντας την κουλτούρα του Μαρόκου μέσα από τον ηγέτη του, όπως αυτός παρουσιάζεται στο πρόσφατο βιβλίο “Hassan II La mémoire d’un roi” Also: Hassan II of Morocco “The... more
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Islam in World Cultures gathers the work of ten eminent scholars, each of whom has expertise in the Muslim culture of a particular country or geographical area. Individual chapters explore contemporary developments in the Islamic... more
n recent years, Muslim associations in Burkina Faso have undergone a major transformation, driven by the development of the transnational dimension of Islam and a more direct involvement of this religion in the socio-political life of the... more
« Dans une démarche rigoureusement scientifique, rompant d’avec la fadeur du descriptivisme et prenant le soin de s’éloigner de l’apologétique souvent orientée vers une affirmation de conformisme à la lettre d’une « orthodoxie » écartant... more
A study of the idea of the Fayda, probably the central theme in the development of the branch of the Tijaniyya tariqa led by the Senegalese Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (d. 1975). It highlights the roots of the term in the longer history of Sufi... more
The vibrant tradition of West African Arabic poetry is dominated by the genre of madih, that is, poetry in praise of the Prophet Muhammad. This genre of poetry has been mostly ignored in Western scholarship and dismissed as mere ‘pious... more
The composition and performance of Arabic Sufi poetry is the most characteristic artistic tradition of West African Sufi communities, and yet this tradition has yet to receive the scholarly attention it deserves. In this article, I sketch... more
In his book 'A demolidora das prazeres' ('A demolisher of the pleasures', 1993), the Mozambican Islamic scholar Shaykh Aminuddin Mohamad Ibrahimo deals, amongst others, with the Islamic concepts of death and life in the hereafter. He... more
« Soufisme et wahhabisme en Afrique : trajectoires croisées », dans Bava Sophie, Koulagna Jean & Niane Seydi Diamil (éds.), Mobilités humaines et trajectoires des monothéismes en Afriques, (Actes de colloque, Rabat, 21 et 22 novembre... more
Take 30% off with code NR20 when you order at: This book is an in-depth, comparative study of two of the most popular and influential intellectual and spiritual traditions... more
A biography of Shaykh Ja'far M. Adam, the most outstanding figure of the Salafi/Wahhabi da'wa in Nigeria during the last two decades, who was tragically murdered in 2007 (with all likelihood, by order of his former student Muhammad Yusuf,... more
The Senegalese Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (1900–1975), known to his disciples as as Baye Niasse, was the founder of the most popular branch of the Ṭarīqa Tijāniyya (called the Ṭarīqa Tijāniyya-Ibrāhīmiyya, or more commonly, the... more
Most accounts of the Su practice of annihilation in the Messenger (fanā’ fī’l-rasūl) have presented it as a step in the process to annihilation in God (fanā’ fī’llāh). However, this article will examine contemporary and classical... more
This paper explores the conflict between Abdullahi dan Fodio and his nephew, Muhammad Bello, over the origin of their ethnic group, the Torobbe-Fulani. Initially open to his uncle's theories of an Arabocentric migration narrative, Bello... more
This paper presents an accessible introduction to the life and thought of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba (d. 1927), one of the most prominent and iconic Islamic scholars and Sufi saints of 19th/ 20th C Africa. Focusing on the epistemology and... more
A brief discussion of the main genres of religious literature produced by the Ulama of the Tijaniyya Sufi order in Nigeria. Highlights how this literature has to be understood in the context of the role of the Tijani scholars as teachers... more
Numerous powerful empires emerged in the Sahelian and Sudanian Zone of West Africa during the Medieval Period. Their trade networks extended as far as India, the Middle East and Europe. Wealth was based on the export of gold, slaves, and... more
There has been an increase in the number of Muslim women who embraced prophetic practices regarded as Sunna in Yorubaland since the late 1980s. Many of them abandoned the local Muslim women dressing for the hijab (headscarf) and niqab... more
Discusses the Hausa translations of the Qur'an by the Salafi-oriented Shaykh Abu Bakr Gumi (d. 1992) and by the Sufi Shaykh Nasiru Kabara (d. 1996). Highlights the importance of the Jalalayn in both texts. Shows how the preoccupation with... more
Abstract: Contemporary poet and scholar Joshua Bennett recently wrote, “If black studies is indeed the rewriting of knowledge itself, an ongoing critique of so-called Western civilization—as Wynter and Robinson and others remind us—then... more
Argues that the Arabic scripts of the "Central Sudan" (roughly corresponding to today's Nigeria, Chad, Niger, northern Cameroon) constitute a typology of their own, with little in common with other West African scripts. Focuses on the... more
This dissertation analyzes how the worship of traditional Yoruba deities has now become a modern “religion,” but was previously understood and practiced very differently. A growing body of research emphasizes how the concept of “religion”... more
Amina Wadud, an Islamic feminist scholar whose written work focusses on the lives of Muslim women through an active engagement with the Qur'an, has been widely celebrated by Muslim feminists across the globe. Saba Mahmood, an... more
Aix-en-Provence, novembre 2016 2 3 REMERCIEMENTS « Yirikuru mɛn o mɛn ji rɔ, a tɛ kɛ bama ye » ommencer par un proverbe, c'est un peu cliché. On voit déjà, à l'horizon, se profiler le fantasme de la sagesse africaine immémoriale. Ala k'an... more
Published in: Gérard PRUNIER and Eloi FICQUET, editors, 2015, Understanding Contemporary Ethiopia: Monarchy, Revolution and the Legacy of Meles Zenawi. London: Hurst: 93-122. Abstract: This chapter considers the case of Ethiopian... more
Discusses the role of oral public Tafsir in Hausa in the spread of the "Fayda Tijaniyya" (the Sufi revivalist network led by the Senegalese Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse) in Nigeria.
The Islamic schools in Lenasia and Azaadville in South Africa represent prominent examples of schools that provide religious education in a format which is fi rmly rooted in traditions and interpretations of Islam originating outside... more