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The objective of this investigation is to develop a shear punch testing (SPT) procedure and standardize it to evaluate the mechanical properties of irradiated fuels in a hot-cell so that the tensile behavior can be predicted using small... more
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      CarbonNuclear Fuel CycleClearanceMicrohardness
The effect of gamma radiation on the dyeing of cotton with extract of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) powder has been investigated. Cotton fabric and turmeric powder were irradiated to absorbed doses of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 kGy using Co-60 gamma... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRadiation PhysicsTurmericIrradiation
The photochemical behavior of oxyfluorfen [2-chloro-1-(3-etoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4-(trifluoromethyl) benzene] on two Greek soils was investigated. Soils were sampled from Nea Malgara and Preveza regions, characterized by a different organic... more
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      Earth SciencesKineticsPhotochemistryStatistical Analysis
The safety of irradiated pork packed in 25% CO2:75% N2 and stored at abuse temperature (10 or 15°C) was assessed by inoculation studies involving Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica... more
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      RefrigerationFood PathogensFood Science and TechnologyFood Preservation
In the frame of a project aimed at developing a new type of optical solar reflectors we present the scientific and technological issues addressed during irradiations of nano-hybrid polyimide films deposited on quartz by using 20 keV... more
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      Satellite TechnologySolarHybrid nanomaterialsIrradiation
Two aspects critical to the fracture behavior of three-wire stainless steel cladding were investigated by the Heavy-Section Steel Technology (HSST) Program: (1) radiation effects on cladding strength and toughness, and (2) the response of... more
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      MechanicsMicrostructureHeat TransferFracture Mechanics
The purpose of this research was to establish the dose of UV light (253.7 nm) needed to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes in distilled water, fresh brine (9% NaCl), spent brine, and diluted (5, 35, and 55%) spent brine, using uridine as a... more
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      WaterMultidisciplinaryListeria monocytogenesBacteria
The content of reducing sugars and asparagine, responsible for the formation of acrylamide, was determined in eight Indian potato varieties. Among these, Kufri chipsona-2 and Kufri lavkar showed the lowest level of reducing sugar... more
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      Food ChemistryMultidisciplinaryPotatoChip
Starch isolated from lotus stem was treated by gamma-irradiation at different doses of 5, 10 and 20 kGy. Physicochemical, morphological and pasting properties of irradiated lotus stem starches were investigated and these properties... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringFoodAnimal Production
mA new solar map, based on the latest average irradiation of 37 cities and hours of bright sunshine in 40 other Venezuelan places published by the Venezuelan Air Force, has been plotted. For all places where both values were reported, the... more
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      EngineeringSolar EnergyMeasurementSolar radiation
High quality inoculants used as bio-fertilisers and bio-pesticides depend on having high concentrations of the microorganism(s), long shelf-life and a formulation appropriate for field delivery. To maintain the microorganisms in a viable... more
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      Chemical EngineeringSHELF LIFEPeatGram Positive
The effect of c-irradiation on the quality of chives was evaluated. The samples were irradiated at 1.0 and 2.0 kGy, stored at 4°C for 10 days and used for microbiological (aerobic mesophilic, moulds and yeasts, E. coli and Salmonella sp),... more
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      Food Science and TechnologySHELF LIFEFood QualityIrradiation
The aim of this work was to analyze by means of simple mathematical models the effect of different integral doses of g irradiation on the mechanical properties of blends of polypropylene (PP) with virgin and recycled high density... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceComposites
Aqueous solutions of humic substances (humic and fulvic acids) were irradiated with light at ~, = 254 nm followed by analyses of total organic carbon (TOC), ultraviolet (UV) absorbance and molecular weight distribution. A degradation of... more
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A preliminary study was performed on fresh and irradiated Tuber aestivum black truffles to investigate the presence of mutagenic and antimutagenic activities in the fresh product and to examine the possible effects of treatment with gamma... more
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      Food ChemistryMultidisciplinaryFood PreservationProperties
Electron-beam initiated crosslinking of a poly(vinyl chloride)/epoxidized natural rubber blend (PVC/ENR), which contained trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA), was carried out over a range of irradiation doses (20 -200 kGy) and... more
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      EngineeringPolymer BlendsNatural rubberApplied
Dyeing behavior of gamma irradiated cotton fabric using Lawson dye extracted from henna leaves has been investigated. Cotton and dye powder are irradiated to different absorbed doses of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kGy using Cs-137 gamma irradiator.... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMordantIrradiation
This study deals with extraction of vanillin from cured vanilla pods using conventional soxhlet extraction and ultrasound assisted extraction. Effect of various extraction parameters such as type of the solvent (6 different solvents viz.... more
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      Food EngineeringUltrasoundEXTRACTIONIrradiation
Synthèse des campagnes mettant en oeuvre la préparation des éprouvettes, leur irradiation, puis les essais destructifs réalisés après irradiation, pour qualifier les composants utilisés dans différentes filières nucléaires
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      Mechanical Behavior Of MaterialsMaterials Science and EngineeringIrradiation
Space-based solar power has conventionally used solar panel arrays on satellites to harness light energy from the Sun, the authors of this communication suggest the innovative utilization of mirrors to support solar power generation for... more
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      Renewable EnergyLunar ScienceSolar EnergySpace Based Solar Power
Mixtures of starch, xanthan gum and either polyvinyl alcohol, epichlorohydrin, valeric acid or adipoyl chloride were extruded. Properties of extrudates including apparent viscosity, water solubility, water absorption indices and exrudate... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceViscosityXanthan Gum
Mechanical and thermal properties of devulcanized rubber (DR)/polypropylene (PP)/ethylene propylene diene monomer blends (EPDM) were studied at various concentrations of dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and gamma radiation doses. The blends showed... more
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      EngineeringRecyclingDifferential scanning calorimetryCHEMICAL SCIENCES
ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRACT CT CT CT CT: : : : : The ubiquitous natur L. monocytogenes L. monocytogenes L. monocytogenes L. monocytogenes and the quality of RTE meat is discussed. and the quality of RTE meat is discussed. and the... more
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      Listeria monocytogenesIrradiationPreservativeFood Sciences
The study is about how the addition of ionizing radiation affects the growth and development of Phaseolus vulgaris. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the irradiation process on the seed samples affect their growth... more
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Solar energy is the raw material and main source for several applications of renewable energy systems; thus, knowledge about the intensity of solar irradiation is essential for efficiency of these systems. Electric energy sources capable... more
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      Renewable EnergyPredictionTrackingIrradiation
Solar panels are gaining importance as a major alternate source of energy in the prevailing condition of depleting non renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic (PV) modules are being increasingly used in large as well as small scale... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyControl SystemsIrradiation
Aqueous solutions of caffeine were treated with ozone and gamma irradiation. The amounts of remaining caffeine were determined after solid phase extraction as a function of absorbed dose and ozonation time. In addition to this, some... more
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      Radiation ChemistryOzonationIrradiation
Assessment of the viability for different types of solar PV tracking technologies rely on the assessment of whether the annual production of the different tracking technologies is increased enough relative to a benchmark Fixed Tilt system... more
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      Ion beam irradiation for material modification2010 Aproject guide of Final year Elec.student of BESUS designing and febricating of a Solar PV cell Tracking SystemSwift Heavy Ion IrradiationCost of Electricity
The type of produce, process conditions, and prior temperature management will all affect the mix of microorganisms found on fresh produce. Normally, fresh produce will be covered by a complex mix of bacteria, fungi and yeasts that are... more
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      PackagingLactic Acid BacteriaBacteriaPostharvest Biology and Technology
Spices are food additives that are used in many different area of food technology. Production of meat products, for instance, cannot be imagined without utilization of spices as additives. Oregano, red papers, black papers, clove, garlic,... more
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      Food TechnologyIrradiationSpicesGamma Irradiation
Irradiation doses currently applied to sterilize Mexican fruit ßies, Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), for release under the sterile insect technique eradication campaign in Mexico, were reviewed in an effort to increase... more
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      ZoologyReproductionRadiobiology of Ionizing RadiationSterile Insect Technique
A simple and green method has been used to develop beads that are able to adsorb textile dyes. Chitosan is known as the product of deacetylation of chitin, which are harvested from the shells of crustaceans such as crabs, prawns and... more
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      MicrowaveChitosanGraft CopolymerizationIrradiation
Alloying has been very common practice in materials engineering to fabricate metals of desirable properties for specific applications. Traditionally, a small amount of the desired material is added to the principal metal. However, a new... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceTribologyAdditive Manufacturing
This study was designed to evaluate the potential uses of a natural biomaterial-Chitosan as plant growth promoter and anti-fungal agent. Chitosan treated with Co-60 gamma radiation at different doses, were used to evaluate the efficiency... more
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An economic analysis of new meat and poultry inspection rules evaluates the benefits and costs of reducing microbial pathogens and preventing foodborne illness. The new rules require federally-inspected processors and slaughterhouses to... more
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      Food SafetyFood ConsumptionFood supplyEconomic analysis
Radioactive sources are used throughout the world including consumer products, food and agriculture, industry, medicine and scientific research, transport, and water resources and the environment. However, management has been lost over a... more
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      IrradiationIOTBlynkPhysical Protection system
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a common disinfection option for water treatment in the developed world. A sufficient dose of ultraviolet light inactivates most microorganisms. Ultraviolet light is produced by an electric arc struck in... more
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We discuss calculations of probability distribution functions (PDF) representing uncertainties in projecting fatal cancer risk from galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and solar particle events (SPE). The PDF's are used in significance tests of... more
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      GeologyCarbonRisk assessmentCosmic Rays
Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), based on butene-1 or hexene-1, was irradiated with ␥-rays under vacuum or in the presence of air. The study focused on the influence of the dose rate and the ␥-dose on the thermal properties of... more
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      EngineeringPolyethyleneCHEMICAL SCIENCESThermal Stability
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Dyeing behavior of gamma irradiated cotton fabric using Lawson dye extracted from henna leaves has been investigated. Cotton and dye powder are irradiated to different absorbed doses of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kGy using Cs-137 gamma irradiator.... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMordantIrradiation
Influence of gamma irradiation (1.5-10 kGy) and post-irradiation storage up to 20 days at 2 ‫ע‬ 2ЊC on some chemical criteria of tilapia and Spanish mackerel were studied. Total volatile basic nitrogen formation was lower in irradiated... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceFoodFood Science and Technology
The reactions of chlorine atoms and activated carbon have been studied over the temperature range of 200–400 °C using an isothermal flow reactor in conjunction with 337 nm laser photolysis of Cl2. These studies have shown that carbon... more
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      CarbonMultidisciplinaryAdsorptionActivated Carbon
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      BioengineeringFood ScienceNutritionBiotechnology
Space-based solar power has conventionally used solar panel arrays on satellites to harness light energy from the Sun, the authors of this communication suggest the innovative utilization of mirrors to support solar power generation for... more
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      Renewable EnergyLunar ScienceSolar EnergySpace Based Solar Power
In order to improve the compatibility between natural fibers and polypropylene (PP) and polypropylene-ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (PP-EPDM) blends, the functionalization of both matrices with maleic anhydride (MA) is investigated... more
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Antioxidant properties of lupin flours and hulls were examined. Chemical composition (protein, fat, fatty acids, tocopherols and tannin contents) was determined and radiation effects were estimated (1, 5 and 10 kGy). Antioxidant... more
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      Heat TreatmentFood ChemistryMultidisciplinaryQuantitative analysis
Maduración de frutos de aguacate hass tratados con radiación gamma Agrociencia, vol. 36, núm. 6, noviembre-diciembre, 2002, pp. 667-673 Colegio de Postgraduados Texcoco, México Disponible en: more
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    • Irradiation
We and others have demonstrated that the milieu created by ionizing radiation (IR) used for conditioning plays a major role in the development of acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD). We reasoned that antioxidants that could inhibit IR... more
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      HematologyImmune responseStem CellsStem Cell