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In 1980, three Republican women prisoners held in Armagh prison in Northern Ireland joined the hunger strike being conducted by male Republican prisoners in Maze Prison. Overshadowed by the fatal 1981 strike, the 1980 strike involved... more
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      Modern HistoryMarxismBritish HistoryBritish Politics
Birinci dünya savaşında İrlanda isyanından bahseder
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      Irish HistoryOttoman EmpireFirst World WarEngland
This article analyzes morality in domestic counterterrorism intelligence activities through a historical analysis of the moral questions encountered by the British intelligence services throughout the Troubles in Northern Ireland. This... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligencePolitical Violence and TerrorismTerrorism and Counter-terrorism
Most terrorists ultimately end up in prison, yet remarkably little is known about what happens behind the prison walls and even less about when those individuals are eventually released back into society. This book provides readers with... more
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      Forensic PsychologyCriminal JusticePolitical Violence and TerrorismPenology
p. 22-6.
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      SociologyMedia StudiesSocial SciencesBritish Politics
By: James de Haan M.Phil Candidate (2012): Trinity College, Dublin de Haan 1 In 1910, Rev. Dr. Patrick Finegan was appointed bishop of the Diocese of Kilmore, coming into control of a largely agricultural area covering all of County Cavan... more
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      History of ReligionCatholic StudiesWar StudiesIrish Politics
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      Irish StudiesTerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
This paper addresses the disparities in participation of women in terrorist s groups. In it, I address the existing theories surrounding participation rates and the process of quantifying an qualifying participation rates. I examine the... more
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      TerrorismColombiaPolitical Violence and TerrorismWomen's Empowerment
Uno studio sulla storia del socialismo gaelico non può prescindere dall’analisi delle vicende personali e politiche del suo esponente principale: James Connolly. Teorico di un marxismo fortemente intriso di caratteri indipendentisti,... more
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      NationalismIrish HistoryIrish RepublicanismJames Connolly
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      IrelandNorthern IrelandContingency PlanningBritish Army (Post 1945)
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      Political Violence and TerrorismIrish HistoryIrish Republican Army
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      Irish War of IndependenceIrish RevolutionIrish civil warIrish Republican Army
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      Northern Ireland: Unionism & LoyalismIrish RepublicanismNorthern Ireland and the TroublesCumann na mBan
Review of Steve McQueen's 2008 British-Irish historical drama film Hunger, starring Michael Fassbender (as Republican leader Bobby Sands), Liam Cunningham, and Liam McMahon. The film is concerned with the 1981 Irish hunger strike.
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      Irish StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesEuropean Cinema
This short conference paper re-examines claims made in 1996 and 2003, by Canadian historian, the late Peter Hart, that in the early 1920s southern Ireland experienced the forced migration of tens of thousands of native Protestants.... more
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Most terrorists ultimately end up in prison, yet remarkably little is known about what happens behind the prison walls and even less about when those individuals are eventually released back into society. This book provides readers with... more
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      CriminologyForensic PsychologyCriminal JusticePolitical Violence and Terrorism
This article aims to provide an insight into the Irish Civil War in Co. Wexford through a statistical survey of deaths attributable to political violence in the county during the latter end of the Irish Revolution (1912-1923).
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      Irish StudiesIrish RevolutionIrish Republican Army
It is much easier to condemn terrorism than it is to comprehend it, yet outrage and horror can never be the sole foundation on which to build an accurate understanding of even the worst terrorist atrocities. Terrorism is not a simple... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismNorthern Ireland and the TroublesPsychology of TerrorismIrish Republican Army
The Easter Rising was an insurrection staged in Ireland in 1916, mounted by Irish republicans with the aims of ending British rule in Ireland and establishing the Irish Republic at a time when the British Empire, including many Irishmen,... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryIrelandMichael CollinsIrish Republicanism
When the Second World War officially broke out between Nazi Germany and Great Britain, the British government expected its Commonwealth member nations to join them in the war. When Ireland declared its neutrality from what they called the... more
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      Irish HistoryWorld War IISpanish Civil WarBritish and Irish History
NEW CCOB letter in full to Mary Holland 30 September 1979. In 1979 Mary Holland's freelance contract with the Observer newspaper was terminated. An award-winning journalist and broadcaster, she had written for the newspaper since... more
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      Irish StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesWomen's Studies
This article examines how historians use evidence when explaining the destruction by fire and explosion of Ireland’s national archive in 1922. At the commencement of the Irish Civil War in late June 1922, some historians attribute... more
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      Public HistoryHistoriographyFascismCivil War
This work examines the political murals of Northern Ireland's major cities of Belfast and Derry (Londonderry). Expanding on a decades old practice, the two sides in the thirty-year long struggle known as the Troubles painted thousands of... more
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      Northern Ireland and the TroublesUlsterPolitcal ScienceIrish Republican Army
2014 marked the centenary of Cumann na mBan, the Irish Republican women’s organisation. While a number of recent publications have dealt with the first decade of Cumann na mBan, its existence in the second half of the 20th century has... more
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      Oral historyIrish HistoryBritish and Irish History20th Century Irish History
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      HistoryCriminologyTerrorismSecurity Studies
The role of the British Army in Northern Ireland during Operation Banner (1969–2007) is an instructive case study of counterinsurgency operations as well as an important chapter in recent British military history. Given troops deployed to... more
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      Irish StudiesTerrorismBritish HistoryPolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Irish HistoryIrish Republican Army
These structuralist and behaviourist attitudes displayed by the P-CROs (Peace -Conflict Resolution Organizations) 1 studied, paralleled the wider academic debate surrounding the dynamics of the Northern Ireland conflict and possible... more
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureIrish StudiesIrish LiteratureNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
The Kilmichael Ambush Centenary Talk by Niall Meehan for Independent Left, 9pm, 28 November 2020 Here is the historical Nine O'Clock News. I am going to talk about and event that took place this day one hundred years ago, about five... more
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      Irish StudiesBritish HistoryBritish PoliticsModern British History
Niall Meehan contribution to Howth Peninsula Heritage Society debate, Howth Angling Centre, West Pier, Howth, 23 April 2019. The late Frank Callanan SC and Dr. Niall Meehan, chaired by Philip O’Connor, discussed O'Brien's historical... more
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      Irish StudiesNorthern Ireland: Unionism & LoyalismNorthern Irish PoliticsPost-Colonialism
No other sporting organization on the island of Ireland has received the historical attention which the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) continues to enjoy. The disproportionate amount of historical writing on the GAA has sidelined... more
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      Football (soccer)Irish HistoryIrish NationalismIrish Republican Army
Portadown boy Billy Wright is considered to be close to Christ by many in The Province, while most people from The North consider him as the antichrist himself. But who was he really? Who was the man with bible and gun who considered... more
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      Irish StudiesSaints' CultsIrish HistoryBritish and Irish History
New evidence reveals gun running to Ireland in the early 1920s relied upon more extensive networks of Irish and Irish-American operatives than previously believed. These operatives included employees of Auto-Ordnance, the manufacturer of... more
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      Irish HistoryIrish Republican ArmyAmerican Irish History
Paper presentation at “Research on Nationalism: Nationalism, Democracy and Culture” Conference, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, (2012, September 14)
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      Comparative HistoryNationalismBasque HistoryIrish Republicanism
Chapter from the Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies (2018), John Flowerdew and John Richardson (Eds.), Final uncorrected proofs.
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      Critical Discourse StudiesPolitical Discourse AnalysisObamaconceptual metaphor theory (CMT), blending theory (BT), critical metaphor analysis (CMA) and critical dscourse analysis (CDA)
Authors: Jane Addams, L. Hollingsworth Wood, Frederic C. Howe, Vice-Chairman, James H. Maurer, Oliver P. Newman, Senator George W. Norris, Rev. Norman Thomas, Senator David I. Walsh CONTENTS Map Personnel of the... more
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      British HistoryNorthern Irish PoliticsIrish HistoryBritish and Irish History
Using the work of the late Peter Hart as a template this article examines the various claims made about County Cork in this period in Irish History. The article specifically examines the Dunmanway killings and the subsequent departure of... more
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryIrish Studies
Estudio sobre la representación de los conflictos sectarios en Irlanda del Norte en la narrativa del cine contemporáneo.
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      TerrorismNorthern Ireland: Unionism & LoyalismIrish HistoryCinema
"I reviewed an edited collection, Terror in Ireland, 1916-23 (Lilliput, 2012) for Reviews in History (published 16 August 2012); available, with responses, here (, plus at... more
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      CriminologyIrish StudiesTerrorismBritish History
Roy Campbell
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      Northern Ireland and the TroublesIrish Republican ArmyThe TroublesIrish terrorism
The essay accompanies and expands on a talk at Belfast's Feile an Phobail (at It analyses research by Anne Dolan, Terence Dooley, Diarmaid Ferriter, Brian Hanley, Fearghal McGarry, Eunan... more
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      HistoryIrish StudiesHistoriographyNorthern Ireland: Unionism & Loyalism
The outcome of the first West Cork History Festival The advertising blurb for the First West Cork History festival this year told us that it, "… will span a diverse set of places, historical subjects and periods, from the local to... more
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      Military HistoryIrish StudiesIrish PoliticsNorthern Irish Politics
A debate in 2017-18 in History Ireland on the killing of 13 Protestant civilians plus four members of the British Army (including three intelligence officers) in late April 1922 in West Cork. Beginning with Bielenberg's critique of Gerard... more
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      Irish StudiesModern British HistoryIrish PoliticsIrish History
Peter Hart, Meda Ryan, Niall Meehan, Brian Hanley, Manus O'Riordan, Andreas Boldt: discussion of Peter Hart interview (by Brian Hanley), on Kilmichael Ambush, Bandon-Dunmanway killings April 1922, historiography, revisionist... more
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      Irish StudiesBritish HistoryHistoriographyIrish History
“We had a Mayfly of a Republic, all pitch and promise, but it quickly fell back into the water and carried away broken and dead, and we the worse for it all.” There were certainly revolutionaries fighting and being fought in North Mayo,... more
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      Irish NationalismIrish civil warRoyal Irish ConstabularyIrish Revolution 1912-1923
This 1974 critique by Tom Barry of Liam Deasy's Towards Ireland Free (edited by Fr John Chisholm) featured in Peter Hart's 1998 accusation that Tom Barry lied about a 'false surrender' by British Auxiliaries at the 28 November 1920... more
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      Irish StudiesBritish Imperial & Commonwelath History - 19th & 20th centuryIrish PoliticsIrish History
The Irish peace process is heralded as a success among insurgencies that attempt transitions toward peaceful resolution of conflict. After thirty years of armed struggle, pitting Irish republicans against their loyalist counterparts and... more
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      Transformational LeadershipPeace ProcessesNorthern Ireland and the TroublesIrish Republican Army
This article examines the murder of two British Army corporals by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) in March 1988. In doing so it reveals much about the micro dynamics of the political violence which occurred during the... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismBritish Army (Post 1945)Northern Ireland and the TroublesIrish Republican Army