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D.Phil dissertation Parts of Part 1. of this dissertation are developed in: * "Contours and Barriers: What is it to Draw the Limits of Moral Language?" Parts Part 2. of this dissertation are developed in two papers: * "A... more
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      WittgensteinCora DiamondIris MurdochFigurative language
Deriving from the myth of Narcissus, in which a beautiful youth falls in love with his own reflection, the concept of narcissism was given its first systematic treatment in Sigmund Freud's 1914 essay “On Narcissism.” Since Freud's account... more
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      PsychologyEthicsAristotleLuce Irigaray
Engaging with beauty can orient mind, heart and action in this era of ecological destruction. First, I present a vision of beauty that acknowledges some of its common critiques while salvaging it from claims that it is merely subjective,... more
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      AestheticsEnvironmental PhilosophyEducationEnvironmental Education
Iris Murdoch fait partie des philosophes qui, durant la deuxième partie du 20eime siècle, questionnèrent et critiquèrent la place du raisonnement en philosophie morale. Murdoch propose d'insister sur d'autres aspects de notre psychologie... more
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      Moral PsychologyCare EthicsIris MurdochMoral Attitudes
Adapted for the screen by Sir Richard and Charles Wood and directed by Sir Richard Eyre,  Iris tells the life story of famous British philosopher and novelist, Iris Murdoch. Her husband, John Bayley writes two books entitled Iris: A... more
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      British LiteratureGeriatricsMedia StudiesElderly Falls (Geriatrics)
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      Retold Fairy TalesIris MurdochModern Fairy TalesFolk and Fairy Tales
Language Lost and Found takes as its starting-point Iris Murdoch's claim that "we have suffered a general loss of concepts." By means of a thorough reading of Iris Murdoch's philosophy in the light of this difficulty, it offers a detailed... more
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      Stanley CavellWittgensteinKierkegaardLiterature and Philosophy
In this paper I examine the relation between intentional action and morality from the perspective of practical epistemology. In other words I study the relation between knowledge of one’s own intentional actions (knowledge in action) and... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ActionPerceptionSelf-Knowledge
This article asks what it means to be a ‘serious philosopher’. This question rises from recent works on Iris Murdoch, which express their joy in the fact that Murdoch is now taken to be a serious philosopher. Through a discussion of... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyIris Murdoch
In this paper, I lay Iris Murdoch's account of love as just attention alongside Aristotle's account of friendship, particularly his claim that to a flourishing life, friendship is necessary. Both accounts are mutually illuminating, I... more
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      AristotleVirtue EthicsIris Murdoch
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      PlatoIris MurdochIris Murdoch and the human good, Myth and Mythology, world and comparative literaturePlato's Republic
A merge reflection of humanism, liberalism and existentialism is overflowing in the novels of Irish-born Booker Prizewinner British author, philosopher, novelist, Dame Jean Irish Murdoch, which is still a mere appetite for social... more
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    • Iris Murdoch
This paper engages with two fundamental attitudes towards the animals that are used for human consumption: attention and ironic detachment. Taken as two polarities that determine animal consumption, I discuss how these two attitudes are... more
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      Animal EthicsAttentionCora DiamondFood ethics
In a post-war panorama of secular humanism, morality has taken on new contours that allow Goodness to be achieved via the forgoing of the Self. This seems to be the lesson of the late Iris Murdoch, who dedicated her life to the study of... more
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      Iris MurdochFemale GothicMoralityGood and Evil
Of the many forgiveness-related questions that she takes up in her novels, the one with which Iris Murdoch wrestles most often is the question, ‘Is forgiveness possible without God?’ The aim of this paper is to show, in the first... more
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      Religious EthicsChristian EthicsLiterature and PhilosophyPhilosophy and Literature
From Jackson Pollock's gestural abstraction to Pierre-Auguste Renoir's painting with a brush tied to his dysfunctional hand, certain artistic gestures acquire fixed meanings. This paper investigates the role of imitated artistic... more
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      AestheticsRenaissance ArtPostmodernismEkphrasis
The interactive fields of philosophy of psychiatry, philosophy of mind and psychiatric ethics have proved excellent frameworks in which to examine conceptual changes in our understanding of the human being during the last two centuries.... more
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      Mental HealthNarrative MedicineIntersubjectivityNarrative Ethics
Recent philosophical discussions about love often focus on reasons to love a particular person. Some philosophers argue that we do not have reasons to love (Frankfurt 2009; Smuts 2013; Zangwill 2013), but rather that our love for that... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyPhilosophy of LoveIris MurdochVelleman, David
Quante e quali sono le forme dell'amore? L'amore è un'emozione pericolosa o la strada maestra verso il bene? Il suo sostrato sono i sensi o la volontà? A partire da Platone, queste e molte altre domande hanno attratto a fasi alterne... more
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      EthicsSimone WeilPhilosophy of LoveIris Murdoch
This article explores intriguing resonances in the work of Michael Polanyi and Iris Murdoch, touching on ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, and ontology, as well as Murdoch's literary output. In so doing, it begins to outline a... more
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      Political EconomyMetaphysicsAestheticsEthics
Dame Jean Iris Murdoch's masterpiece, 'The Sea, The Sea' won 'The Booker Prize' in 1978 in which writer attempts to divulge real and natural portrayal of the contemporary society, characters, plot and climax as she wants readers to... more
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      HumanismNaturalismIris MurdochRealism
The present essay first presents an overview of Tolstoy’s normative expressivist philosophical aesthetics, narrowly construed; then the view is widened to include the moral-political framework within which proper artworks should fulfill... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureAestheticsArt Theory
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      Iris MurdochExistentialism
In what follows, I will focus primarily upon Iris Murdoch's philosophical texts and more occasionally draw from her novels. Section one will set out the marginalisation of contentment within the former and argue that Murdoch has the... more
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      Simone WeilIris MurdochThe Good Life
This book provides a concise and highly readable reassessment of Iris Murdoch's engagement with philosophy throughout her life and proposes that she was, most importantly, a philosophical novelist. By investigating her use of... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyIris Murdoch
This is not a paper, but a collection of quotes from the work of Iris Murdoch. They form the basis of my essay on "Iris Murdoch and the Demon-Ridden Pilgrimage of Human Life", and I thought others who are working on Murdoch may appreciate... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsLiteraturePhilosophy of Literature
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      ReligionNovelTragedy (Philosophy)Iris Murdoch
I argue that the idea of virtue has become central after the Fifties in both Anglo-Saxon and German moral philosophy and that this revival has come together with recognition of the legitimacy of discussion of issues in normative ethics,... more
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      Normative EthicsVirtue EthicsPHRONESISAlasdair MacIntyre
The Sovereignty of Good is a short volume (106 pages in its first, 1970, edition) composed of three previously separately published essays on moral philosophy by the British philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch. One of its many appeals... more
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      PhilosophyMoral PhilosophyIris Murdoch
ריבונות הטוב, שראה אור ב-1970, הוא מעט המחזיק את המרובה: חיבור דק גזרה, המציג את משנתה של מרדוק באופן תמציתי באמצעות שלושה מאמרים נפרדים שקובצו יחדיו. הספר נחשב לאחד הטקסטים המקוריים שהעמידה המחשבה המוסרית במחצית השנייה של המאה העשרים,... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsLiteratureIris Murdoch
Discussion of Image Consciousness in relation to Patristic Theology, Modern Phenomenology, and 19th C. Literature (G. M. Hopkins, L. Tolstoy)
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      PhenomenologyAttentionMaximus the ConfessorIris Murdoch
The philosophical work of Iris Murdoch, although not so extensive, cannot be easily grasped through usual classifications. Here we suggest approaching it from the perspective of Moore’s thesis on the indefinable nature of good that she... more
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      PlatoIris MurdochSartreRealism
Iris Murdoch’s interpreters have often tried to read her as putting forward an alternative form of ethical foundationalism. On this reading, Murdoch is taken to be proposing “loving attention” or “the Good” as a fundamental ethical... more
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      EthicsMetaphilosophyPlatoTheodor Adorno
Монография посвящена исторической поэтике жанра метаромана, установлению его единой смысловой основы и границ варьирования его структуры в разные эпохи его бытования. История метаромана как жанра выстраивается начиная с его генезиса в... more
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      Genre studiesAncient NovelSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionMetafiction
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      Iris MurdochAdultery In Fiction
Much contemporary] moral philosophy has tended to focus on what it is right to do rather than on what it is good to be, on defining the content of obligation rather than the nature of the good life; and it has no conceptual place left for... more
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      EthicsCharles TaylorTranscendental ArgumentsIris Murdoch
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      René GirardIris MurdochLeo TolstoyThe Death of Ivan Ilych
Iris Murdoch, the English philosopher and writer, and Jacques Lacan, the French philosopher and psychoanalyst, tried to depict the human relations in a questioning way in the twentieth century. In this respect, their ideas frequently meet... more
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      Jacques LacanLacanian theoryIris MurdochLacanian Theory (Culture)
In the last few years, there has been a revival of interest in the philosophy of Iris Murdoch. Despite this revival, however, certain aspects of Murdoch's views remain poorly understood, including her account of a concept that she... more
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      EthicsLovePhilosophy of LoveIris Murdoch
In the first half of the interview, Diamond discusses various aspects of her intellectual biography, including her first encounter with philosophy, what it was like to study philosophy at Oxford in the early Sixties, the way she... more
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      Conceptual changeWittgensteinResolute Reading of Wittgenstein's TractatusIris Murdoch
במאי טלוויזיה מפורסם מחבל שוב ושוב בסיכויו לאהוב ולהית מאושר, מחריב את חייהם של הקרובים אליו, ומוביל את בנה המתבגר של אהבת נעוריו אל מותו בטביעה. מפקח מס ויוצר כושל מפתה את עצמו להתאהב באשתו הבוגדת ובבתו בת השמונה-עשרה של חברו, הסופר... more
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      German LiteraturePhilosophyEthicsIrish Literature
The essay examines three literary memoirs of illness (Giving up the Ghost (2003), Love’s Work (1995) and Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch (1998)) and their location in the recent development of illness narratives in anglophone culture. I... more
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyNarratologyMedical Humanities
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      PhilosophyLiteratureFriedrich NietzscheSigmund Freud
Abstract Iris Murdoch makes frequent remarks that seem to identify love and knowledge. I attempt to make sense of these remarks, noting some obvious and important objections to such an identification. Pace those objections, I suggest, she... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsMoral PhilosophyPhilosophy of Love
How can metaphysics be a guide to morals? For twentieth-century philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch, this was the central question of philosophy, and I argue that her answers to it converge with those of nineteenth-century writer Fyodor... more
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      Moral PsychologyMorality (Social Psychology)Value TheoryMoral Development
Quel(s) rapport(s) est-il possible de tracer entre l’éthique et la politique? Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot et Stanley Cavell, à partir de trois positions philosophiques très différentes, ont élaboré des stratégies de réponse à cette... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPoliticsContemporary French Philosophy
Scientific and scholarly attention to psychedelics has recently faced a resurgence. Recent studies suggest that psychedelic experiences can change values and behavioral dispositions, for example increase appreciation of nature and... more
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      Self and IdentitySpiritualityPsychedelicsTechnologies of the Self
Abstract This dissertation identifies a hitherto unnoticed significance in Iris Murdoch’s fiction of the close relationship between Murdoch and one of the most important men in her life, her Oxford friend, Frank Thompson. It argues that... more
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      English LiteratureIris Murdoch
“Murdoch’s Platonistic virtue ethics”, in a special edition of Ethics and Politics, edd. Riccardo Fanciullaci and Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, online at
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      PhilosophyEthicsMoral PhilosophyPlato and Platonism