Iranian Studies
Recent papers in Iranian Studies
Zusammenfassung Ziel dieser Arbeit war zum einen, die Basisstruktur der Verben der Zaza-Sprache zu entwi-ckeln. Zum zweiten ging es darum das bisher nur oberflächlich behandeltes Thema Ergativität im Zaza detailliert zu untersuchen.... more
The 1978-1979 revolution in Iran saw the country move from a monarchy to an Islamic Republic. This gave rise to political, economic and social changes, but also a series of cultural shifts, most heavily effecting Iran’s pre-Islamic and... more
This article adopts the theoretical framework of complex realism to trace the evolution of the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy and developmental activities in Africa between the 1980s and the 2000s. Contrary to common... more
We invite applications for our panel "Figuring It Out: Crises and Resistance in Graphic Novels, Comics, and Cartoons" at the XV Conference of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO). The conference will be held in presence... more
In this essay I seek to explore the icon of the Fighting Cock movement (Khorus Jangi) and of its Manifesto, " The Slaughterer of the Nightingale, " in order to consider its implications and imagistic allusions. In outlining the background... more
This is an introductory lecture about Iranian pop music in diaspora for undergrad students of INTRODUCTION TO POPULAR MUSIC. It is also a workshop to introduce fundamental aspects of Iranian pop music and political dislocation to... more
Paper on evolution of Iran's cyber warfare capabilities, institutions; key attacks on the United States and allies; security implications for the US.
Written for Dynamics of Cyber Conflict course at Columbia SIPA
Written for Dynamics of Cyber Conflict course at Columbia SIPA
""The article deals with the works of Farid-al-Din ‘Attar (12–13 c.), a great Sufi poet who played an important role in the formation of the Sufi literary tradition and Persian poetry. Attar was the creator of the Sufi... more
La France et l'Iran : entre attirance stratégique et rupture idéologique Du point de vue des révolutionnaires khomeynistes iraniens, la France est un pays de type « petit Satan » (sheytân koutchik), une catégorie à mettre en perspective... more
Review of the book Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire by Touraj Daryaee in JAOR 136/1 (Journal of American Oriental Society)
Somewhere on the border between Oman and Yemen lies the body of Rafat Afraz. Rafat had been a school administrator at the Refah school for girls in Tehran, a site of Islamic revolutionary activism in the early 70s and the temporary... more
Images of dragon-slaying by Eastern Christian warrior saints allegorise the overthrow of evil forces, a topos that appears first on the eastern confines of the Byzantine Empire in Transcaucasia. Representations of a triumphal rider... more
Middle Persian zamān is one of the most important terms in the Iranian cultural and religious lexicon. Its origin, however, remains yet controversial, although, the scholarly debate on this lexeme has opened different perspectives with... more
This article analyzes the techniques by which the kings of the early Sasanian dynasty engaged the past and shaped the experience of future generations. I concentrate on the innovations and legacy of the first two kings of kings of the... more
This essay examines the role and meaning of Shaykh Mushrif al-Dīn “Saʻdī” Shīrāzī’s Gulistān in late Mughal India. As the prose primer for a Persian education, the Gulistān encompassed the double meaning of adab, as exemplar both... more
MA thesis (German) "Wandel im Kleidungsstile der qajarischen Wuerdentraeger anhand von Hofportraets" / Change of Qajar Dignitaries' Attire in Court Portraits.
The paper provides a translation of the colophons to the Persian Gospels’ manuscripts in Armenian script (Matenadaran N 8492 and N 3044), in which the history of the manuscripts is recounted. This leads us to interpret the reasons... more
عنوان اصلی مقالهای که در پی خواهد امد "بازخوانی تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی و مدرسه جدید در اندیشه دکتر شریعتی" است که در آن سعید پیوندی ضمن تعریفی از مفهوم مدرسه مدرن در دوره جدید به دیدگاه شریعتی در این باره و رویکرد او به مساله تعلیم و تربیت... more
Resumen: Ya restan menos de 340 días para estrenar los nuevos años 20. Sin embargo, no bastan ni cien años para que la mujer oriental deje de resultar un verdadero intríngulis dentro de la perspectiva occidental. La fotógrafa iraní Shadi... more
Baha’u’llah’s Bishārāt (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen Christopher Buck and Youli A. Ioannesyan Baha’i Studies Review 16 (2010): 3–28. This article is a historical and textual study of the one of the major... more
This chapter interrogates how activist social media communication in authoritarian contexts is shaped through the mutual articulation of social media user practices, business models, and technological architectures, as well as through the... more
Öz Bu çalışmada Belucilerin ulusçu istemlerini meşrulaştıran toplumsal faktörler değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmenin yapılmak istenmesinin esas nedeni, Pakistan ve İran topraklarında bölünmüş halde yaşayan bu halkın yükselen ulusçu... more
Title in Italian: "La letteratura tagica fra riforme e rivoluzioni (1870-1954). Con uno studio preliminare delle Ëddoštho [Memorie] di Sadriddin Ajnī e appendici bibliografiche" The thesis focuses on the period of reforms and... more
The Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Bonn is advertising two RA/TA positions which are attached to the Alexander von Humboldt-Chair for Islamic Studies (Prof. Dr. Judith Pfeiffer). Applicants should work towards a Ph.D. in... more
Doktora tezimin güncellenmiş hali Kitabevi Yayınlarından çıktı.
Bu tez, Şiiliğin İran için salt bir dış politika aracından daha fazla anlamlar içerdiğini disiplinlerarası bir yöntemle gösterme çabasının bir ürünüdür.
Bu tez, Şiiliğin İran için salt bir dış politika aracından daha fazla anlamlar içerdiğini disiplinlerarası bir yöntemle gösterme çabasının bir ürünüdür.
In 1955, Jean Cocteau commented on the retrospective exhibition of Hosayn Behzad's works at the Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris: "Hosayn Behzad is an enchanter of the East of the storytellers. (...) No doubt, in our country (...) there is only... more
Published in: Восток. Афро-Азиатские общества: история и современность. 2021. № 3. С. 264–268.
A brief student-friendly overview of the Achaemenid dynasty and its empire
Almost 75 years after the initial publication of Theodor Nöldeke's Geschichte des Qorâns, Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Zanjānī (1892–1941), an Iranian religious scholar, made a brief reference in the final chapter of his Tārīkh al-Qurʾān to an... more
This chapter seeks to place Iran’s recent foreign policies in the Cold War and beyond in the broader context of the country’s experiences in international affairs. Modern Iran emerged around 1501, when Esma‘il I, a youthful prince... more
The Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Bonn is advertising two Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant Positions which are attached to the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Islamic Studies (Prof. Dr. Judith Pfeiffer).... more
Рахно К.Ю. Легенда про походження запорожців та її східноіранські паралелі // Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Філологічні науки. – Запоріжжя, 2017. – № 2, 2016. – С. 179-185.
In Hurufi history, the identity of Faḍlallāh’s children is a controversial subject. Although the Hurufi writings provide information on Faḍlallāh Astarābādī, the information related to his family has been analyzed incorrectly. More than... more