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      Condensed Matter PhysicsSpectroscopyNMR SpectroscopyIonic Liquid
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      ChemistryGreen ChemistryIonic LiquidSoft Tissue Preservation
Effects of an ionic liquid, 1-n-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([C14MIM] Br), as a foaming additive on the foaming behavior of polypropylene(PP) by supercritical CO2 technique was reported. Mass ratio of PP/[C14MIM] Br up to 100:... more
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      Ionic LiquidsMicrocellular foamsPolypropyleneSupercritical carbon dioxide
This paper examined the effect of several pyridinium and imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs) on the protease stability in aqueous solutions. In general, the enzyme was found quite active at low concentrations of hydrophilic ILs. In... more
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      EnzymologyIonic LiquidsBiocatalysisEnzyme Engineering
[where trpy = 2,2':6',2''-terpyridine and CN-Me = 3methyl-1-(pyridin-2-yl)-imidazolylidene] has been prepared and thoroughly characterized by spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. The complex has been tested in epoxidation... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryOrganic ChemistryElectrochemistry
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      CatalysisCarbon NanotubeIonic LiquidPolymers
Removal of air pollutants, such as nitrogen and sulphur containing compounds from a model oil (dodecane) was studied. An ionic liquid (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [C 2 mim] [Cl]) was used as an extractant. Liquid-liquid... more
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      Ionic LiquidsEnvironmental protectionEXTRACTION
In this paper, it is shown that high vacuum conditions are not sufficient to completely remove water and oxygen from the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. Complete removal of water demands heating above 150 1C under... more
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      Ionic LiquidsCopperPhysical sciencesVacuum
Surfactants responsive to pH, temperature, CO 2 , and light are well known. Here we report for the first time ionic liquid surfactants that are magneto-responsive, thus offering the potential to perturb liquid emulsions simply by the... more
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      Ionic LiquidsCHEMICAL SCIENCESMagneticsSurface Tension
Densities, viscosities and refractive indices have been determined for mixtures of acetophenone with N,N-dimethylethanolamine or with N,N-diethylethanolamine over the entire composition range at temperatures of (303.15, 313.15 and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringThermodynamicsIonic LiquidsSeparation processes
The differential capacitance of the electrical double layer at glassy carbon, platinum and gold electrodes immersed in various ionic liquids was measured using impedance spectroscopy. We discuss the influence of temperature, the... more
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      ChemistryElectrochemistryCarbonIonic Liquid
Recently, ionic liquids (ILs) are used for biomass valorization into valuable chemicals because of their remarkable properties such as thermal stability, lower vapor pressure, non-flammability, higher heat capacity, and tunable solubility... more
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      BiomassIonic LiquidsSugar TechnologySugars
In this study, a different class of high nitrogen content ionic liquids were designed. The physicochemical properties of [DMT][4-XPhSO3], (X = NH2, OH, H, F, Br, CHO, CF3, CN and NO2) IPs based on the triazolium cation and substituted... more
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      Computational ChemistryIonic LiquidsDFT calculationTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY
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      Analytical ChemistryComputational ChemistryQuantum ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
The selection of separation process of organic compounds is a critical issue in the chemical industry. Different conventional methods, such as coagulation, precipitation, ion exchange, electrodialysis, adsorption, ultrafiltration and... more
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      Slope StabilitySeparation TechniquesMembrane TechnologyIonic Liquids
A simple and mild method for regioselective anomeric deacetylation of peracetylated glycopyranoses using copper(ii) acetate dihydrate and methanol/water (9 : 1) is described.
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      Analytical ChemistryComputational ChemistryQuantum ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
Nanostructured polyanilines (PANIs) with a variety of morphologies were synthesized in acidic aqueous solutions with an added ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. The influence of various reaction conditions, i.e., the... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsScanning Electron MicroscopyMorphology
The magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties of soluble metal nanoparticles (MNPs) depend primarily on their size, shape, and type, and on the nature of the stabilizer. The generation of MNPs of controlled size and shape has been... more
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      NanoparticlesIonic LiquidIonic LiquidsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The influence of the alkyl chain length and of the anion on the lubricating ability has been studied for the room-temperature ionic liquids (IL) 1-n-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium X − [X = PF 6 ; n = 6 (L-P106). X = BF 4 ; n = 2 (L102), 6... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectron MicroscopyIonic Liquid
Ionic liquids are widely studied as alternative solvents in organic synthesis and catalysis, in electrochemistry and the separation sciences; with their many applications they will soon be produced on an industrial scale. Available... more
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      EcotoxicologyIonic LiquidRisk assessmentIonic Liquids
Work relating to the electrodeposition of the Group I Alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs) from a range of ILs will be described, an extensive range of fundamental parameters briefly presented, and the electrochemical analysis and... more
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      ThermodynamicsChemistryPhysical ChemistryKinetics
Ionic liquids are emerging as important materials for applications in electrochemical devices, green chemistry etc. For device applications, ionic liquids are generally, either incorporated in polymer matrices or confined in porous... more
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      EngineeringIonic LiquidsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) has been proved to be a powerful tool for the rapid sample treatment of liquid samples providing at the same time high enrichment factors and extraction recoveries. A new, simple and easy... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyIonic LiquidIonic Liquids
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      ThermodynamicsMolecular Dynamics SimulationIonic LiquidsTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY
Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel, is gradually receiving more popularity for use in internal combustion engines. However questions continue to arise with regard to its compatibility with elastomeric materials. The present work aims to... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBioinformaticsMathematicsThermodynamics
Biodiesel has been produced by transesterification of canola oil with methanol in the presence of highly Brønsted acidic ionic liquids based on 1-benzyl-1H-benzimidazole, and the effect of reaction temperature, type and amount of... more
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      CatalysisRecyclingBiodieselIonic Liquid
A collaborative investigation has revealed new insight into how room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) conduct electricity, which may have a great potential impact for the future of energy storage. [18] The phenomenon of ionic wind has... more
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    • Ionic Liquids
Spatial confinement in nanoporous media affects the structure, thermodynamics and mobility of molecular soft matter often markedly. This article reviews thermodynamic equilibrium phenomena, such as physisorption, capillary condensation,... more
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      ThermodynamicsPhase TransformationsWaterSoft Condensed Matter Physics
In this study, a novel fructose-based DES of choline chloride (2-hydroxyethyl-trimethylammonium) has been synthesized at different molar ratios. The physical properties such as density, viscosity, surface tension, refractive index and pH... more
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      Analytical ChemistryRenewable energy resourcesSurface Tension Driven FlowIonic Liquids
A new 3-alkylpiperidine compound (À)-acanthocyclamine A (1) has been obtained from the methanolic extract of Acanthostrongylophora ingens (order Haplosclerida, family Petrosiidae) collected from Wakatobi Marine National Park in South East... more
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      Analytical ChemistryComputational ChemistryQuantum ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
Pretreatment technology is a prerequisite to facilitate the release of sugars from a lignocellulosic biomass prior to fermentation. Recently, some pretreatment methods have been tried with ionic liquids, but they were still expensive and... more
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      BiotechnologyIonic LiquidMultidisciplinaryIonic Liquids
The aim of this work is to investigate extraction of ruthenium(III) from acidic aqueous solutions with such phosphonium ionic liquids as: trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride (Cyphos IL 101), trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium... more
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      Ionic LiquidsLiquid Liquid Extraction
A new technology to form nanoparticles of hydrophobic organic actives at high concentration and yield, as well as methods to characterize the process, are presented. In Flash NanoPrecipitation, an organic active and an amphiphilic diblock... more
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      Analytical ChemistryComputational ChemistryQuantum ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
The ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate proves to be an excellent reaction medium for the acetylation of alcohols and phenols, providing better conditions than the acidic 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bisulfate. Reactions were... more
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      Organic ChemistryIonic LiquidIonic LiquidsRoom Temperature
The aggregation behaviour of alkyl triphenylphosphonium bromide (CnTPPBr, n = 10,12,14,16) in presence of non-ionic Triton X-100 in aqueous solutions is investigated by different analytical techniques viz. surface tensiometry (ST), dye... more
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      Soft Condensed Matter PhysicsPolymer ChemistryLight ScatteringSurfactant Science & Technology
The self-organization and micelle formation of ionic liquids in aqueous solution is significant to the future use, application and environmental fate analysis of ILs. This review analyzes and summarizes the results obtained to date by a... more
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      EngineeringIonic LiquidIonic LiquidsMicelle
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      Analytical ChemistryComputational ChemistryQuantum ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
Biodiesel production from abundant bio-sources has drawn the attention of the academic as well as the industrial communities in recent years. However, one of the most serious obstacles for using biodiesel as an alternative fuel is the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBiodieselSeparationIonic Liquid
Anionic complexes of iridium(IV) were extracted from acidic solutions of HCl using ionic liquids (IL). The influence of the cationic structure of IL and of the aqueous phase pH on the distribution coefficients of IrCl 6 2À was... more
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      Ionic LiquidsPrecious MetalsSolvent ExtractionRSC
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      Ionic LiquidIonic LiquidsCHEMICAL SCIENCESPhysical Properties
Electronic structure theory (density functional and Møller−Plesset perturbation theory) and vibrational spectroscopy (FT-IR and Raman) are employed to study molecular interactions in the room-temperature ionic liquid... more
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      Quantum TheoryIonic LiquidsFourier transform infrared spectroscopyTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY
Phosphonium cation-based ionic liquids (ILs) are a readily available family of ILs that often offer superior properties compared to ammonium cation-based ILs. Recently investigated applications include extraction solvents, electrolytes in... more
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      EngineeringPolyelectrolytesIonic LiquidsPolymer
Deprotection of various substituted alkyl and phenolic TBDMS ethers were carried out using prepared silver exchanged silicotungstic acid (AgSTA) salt as heterogeneous catalyst in methanol at room temperature. The Brönsted acidic protons... more
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      Organic ChemistryGreen ChemistryIonic Liquids
Ionic liquids (ILs) have been used as solvents or materials, or both, in many applications, including pharmaceutics and medicine due to their exceptional properties consisting of the combination of “green” properties with tunable... more
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      Drug Delivery SystemIonic Liquids
Ionic liquid (IL) surfactants have attracted great interest as promising substitutes for conventional surfactants owing to their exceptional and favorable physico-chemical properties. However, most IL surfactants are not eco-friendly and... more
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      Surfactant Science & TechnologyIonic Liquids
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      EngineeringOrganic ElectronicsIonic LiquidsAdvanced Functional Materials
Green production of glycerol 1,2-carbonate with an environmentally friendly catalyst was proposed. Screening and optimisation of the catalysts were comprehensively performed. The basic ionic liquid (emim[Ac]) showed best catalytic... more
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      CatalystsIonic LiquidsGlycerolTransesterification
A B S T R A C T A molecular screening of 64 ionic liquids (IL's) for the solubility of monosaccharides such as D-(+)-Glucose, D-(+)-Xylose, D-(À)-Fructose and D-(+)-Galactose were performed by continuum solvation model (COSMO-RS) over the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringIonic LiquidsClassical PhysicsFluid phase equilibria
Thermoplastic starch (TPS) plasticized by 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([BMIM]Cl) was obtained by melt processing. The resulting electrically conductive TPS samples were less hygroscopic than glycerol plasticized TPS samples.... more
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      Organic ChemistryIonic LiquidIonic LiquidsInteractions