Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Recent papers in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
This paper used complementary panel data models that are fixed effect regression model and panel vector auto regression model. The study was motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and microeconomic variables have an effect on... more
The purpose of this paper is to develop a particular portfolio investment strategy limiting its downside risk, assuming low risk and maximizing its performance. This kind of portfolio is suggested for Pension Funds or Insurance companies... more
Mutual fund management companies have offered to reduce the absolute level of fees and alter the fee structure as a step to reaching a settlement with the New York Attorney General. This has raised questions about how these changes will... more
Purpose: This study conduct on University Students during 2013 and sample chose from Federal Urdu University Islamabad. This study examine that which factors are reason of stress among University students, and how these factors affecting... more
Einleitung 3 Definition 4 Entscheidungskategorien 5 Entscheidungstechniken: 6 ➣ Pro & Contra-Listen 7 ➣ Der Entscheidungsbaum 9 ➣ Die Entscheidungstabelle 11 ➣ Die... more
Security Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives integrates the many topics of modern investment analysis. It provides a balanced presentation of theories, institutions, markets, academic research, and practical... more
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto del factor de aversión al riesgo en la formación de portafolios de inversión internacionales mediante el modelo de Black-Litterman
Purpose: To investigates the causes of job satisfaction among the employees of different organizations and how can maximize the performance of employees through job satisfaction. Design/ Methodology - Questionnaires were designed and... more
Nigeria is a west African country with abundant natural resources and harbours a long term aspiration is to be among the top 20 economies in the global world by the year 2020. These lofty objectives can only be achieved and or realized... more
Food insecurity is an overriding problem of most developing countries like Ethiopia, which requires empirical evidence pertinent to food security policy formulation and implementation. This paper investigates food security situation of... more
The research paper aims to provide clarity on the role fees play in terms of the performance achieved by these funds and to determine what the relationship is between fee structure and performance achieved by equity retail funds in the... more
The purpose of this book is to help you learn how to manage your money to derive the maximum benefit from what you earn. Mixing investment instruments and capital markets with the theoretical detail on evaluating investments and... more
The popularity of mutual fund investing among private investors has grown dramatically all over the world during last 40 years. Therefore, the research in mutual fund has increased significantly. Despite this huge demand of mutual fund... more
Brownlees, Engle and Kelly (2012) [BEK12] presented a volatility forecasting comparative study within the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH)1 class of models. They considered 5 models chosen from the vast literature... more
This paper used complementary panel data models that are fixed effect regression model and panel vector auto regression model. The study was motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and microeconomic variables have an effect on... more
Nigeria is an African country with abundant natural and human resources with an aspiration to be among the top 20 economies in world by the year 2020. Such objective can only be achieved through requisite infrastructural development... more
One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative launched by People’s Republic of China in 2013 is currently the biggest globally undertaken industry investment portfolio. In accounts for construction of numerous large scale infrastructure projects,... more
The purpose of this book is to help you learn how to manage your money to derive the maximum benefit from what you earn. Mixing investment instruments and capital markets with the theoretical detail on evaluating investments and... more
It has been a major issue for argument amongst the investors, academicians and practitioners for quite some time now as to whether stock markets in India operate independently or its volatility can be attributed to its reaction towards... more
What exactly are the drivers of Buffet's alpha? How consistent are they over time? How great an investor has Warren Buffet been and just how good does he remain today? Spoiler alert - times have changed, it's not clear that Buffet has, at... more
so zreteľom na analýzu Markowitzovho modelu, CAPM a APT) DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCA Ján SKÁCEL Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave Fakulta managementu Katedra financií a ekonómie Študijný odbor: Manažment Špecializácia: Finančný manažment a finančné... more
This Research Project is undertaken to acquire the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA). It can be helpful for all future researches related to Reversal and Momentum effects. Reversal effect is a theory that stock prices... more
This study will examine the portfolio performance of a portfolio constructed from index Kompas 100 and index Bisnis 27. Porfolio formed using the Single Indes Model method. The data used for the research was the list of company that are... more
Food insecurity is an overriding problem of most developing countries like Ethiopia, which requires empirical evidence pertinent to food security policy formulation and implementation. This paper investigates food security situation of... more
In empirical applications the hedge ratios must be estimated based on some statistical models. As the hedge ratios are determined by the second moments of the spot and futures prices only, we may conclude that different statistical models... more
Investigating the presence of the classical dividend signalling effect based on the Australian stock market with aggregate data in the latest time series between 2007 and 2012 by employing Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and... more
This paper used complementary panel data models that are fixed effect regression model and panel vector auto regression model. The study was motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and microeconomic variables have an effect on... more
Food insecurity is an overriding problem of most developing countries like Ethiopia, which requires empirical evidence pertinent to food security policy formulation and implementation. This paper investigates food security situation of... more
The importance of examining the effect currency fluctuation has on commercial banks profitability cannot be over emphasized, particularly, given this era of Global financial integration. Most commercial banks are said to suffer from... more
Global Recession to Global Recovery: MACRO AND MICRO DYNAMICS OF TRADE, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT ISBN 978-93-81361-72-6 , Pages – 462 + xxi, Rs.1800, US$ 80 About the book The book contains the selected papers presented at... more
Valuation of technology companies
The paper investigates the effectiveness of the Multi-Factor Model (MFM) by constructing an enhanced index fund (EIF) based on an ad hoc approach in weight adjustment. Based on a two-stage method maximizing the information ratio to btain... more
The purpose of this book is to help you learn how to manage your money to derive the maximum benefit from what you earn. Mixing investment instruments and capital markets with the theoretical detail on evaluating investments and... more