Invariance Principle
Recent papers in Invariance Principle
This paper presents a deterministic model for monitoring the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in a human population. The model has a diseasefree equilibrium, which is shown to be globally-asymptotically... more
In this paper we give an essentially self-contained account of some general structural properties of the dynamics of quantum open Markovian systems. We review some recent results regarding the problem of the classification of quantum... more
Assuming the compactification of 4 + K-dimensional space-time implied in Kaluza-Kleintype theories, we consider the case in which the internal manifold is a quotient space, G/H. We develop normal mode expansions on the internal manifold... more
The formalism based on the equal-time Wigner function of the two-point correlation function for a quantized Klein-Gordon field is presented. The notion of the gauge-invariant Wigner transform is introduced and equations for the... more
A systematic method for constructing Wess-Zummo supergauge transformatmns ~s exhibited
The notion of a kth iterated Kiefer process ν t k for k ∈ and ν t ∈ is introduced. We show that the uniform quantile process β n t may be approximated on [0, 1] by n −1/2 n t k , at an optimal uniform almost sure rate of O n −1/2+1/2 k+1... more
My previous monographs justifying architecture as the making of metaphors were steeped in deductive formal reasoning since we could not find new research about metaphors. Many of my monographs included analyzing and explaining the... more
While aesthetics is a guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty and taste, metaphor is the warrant to taste and is used to form works of art and architecture. Aesthetics is also reasoning matters having to do with understanding... more
FIBER BUNDLES can express an exact mathematical analogy be tween the movements of the Philippine folk dance Binasuan ("wine dance") and the qua " ntum-mechanical effect of a magnetic field on the spin of a neutron. In the wine dance the... more
1 A deterministic model for the transmission dynamics of a strain of dengue 2 disease, which allows transmission by exposed humans and mosquitoes, is de-3 veloped and rigorously analysed. The model, consisting of seven mutually-4... more
Dividing the discipline’s metaphors between technical and conceptual is a reality not fully explored, nor I believe never noticed. In addition to the multidisciplinary relevance and general use of metaphors, metaphoric axioms, arguments... more
In another time when kingdoms created their dynasty’s iconic buildings, the architect and artisans took their ques from the reigning monarch. In our modern pluralistic society the free reign of ideas and opinions as to contexts and their... more
We elaborate on an earlier discussion of CP conservation of strong interactions which includes the effect of pseudoparticles. We discuss what happens in theories of the quantum-chromodynamics type when we include weak and electromagnetic... more
This work deals with the problem of locating the omega-limit set of a bounded solution of a given autonomous vector field on a Riemannian manifold. The derived results extend LaSalle's invariance principle in such a way that the newly... more
Twenty eight dominant axioms and 54 sub-dominant axioms (total of 82) are evidence of the case that architecture is an art resolved that architecture was the making of metaphors because it (architecture) made metaphors, personified by... more
Early monographs were steeped in deductive reasoning since we could not find new information pertaining to metaphors. This included analyzing and explaining the syllogism: • Art[I] is the making of metaphors • Architecture (design) is... more
By pointing out the spurious regression problem, Granger and Newbold~1974! have shown the importance of stochastic trends in time series data in the context of linear regression models+ At the time, removing trends by differencing was... more
A direct, bundle-theoretic method for defining and extending local isometries out of curvature data is developed. As a by-product, conceptual direct proofs of a classical result of Singer and a recent result of the authors are derived.
The decays B → P P , where P denotes a pseudoscalar meson, are analyzed, with emphasis on charmless final states. Numerous triangle relations for amplitudes hold within SU(3) symmetry, relating (for example) the decays B + → π + π 0 , π 0... more
... the fermionic case, one must also include a jacobian for fixing 6, O. The (super)jacobian for ... action is thus 1 Sconf 47 f d2zd2e [ZDXf'DXG,,(X)+BDC+BDC], (3) and its ... For the closed superstring of Green and Schwarz [29],... more
We consider a non-nestling random walk in a product random environment. We assume an exponential moment for the step of the walk, uniformly in the environment. We prove an invariance principle (functional central limit theorem) under... more
This paper argues for the integration of Turner and Fauconnier's concept of blending within the general architecture of cognition provided by production models. It also revises the notion of blending as proposed by Turner and Fauconnier... more
The Coulomb field of a charge static in an accelerated frame has properties that suggest features of electromagnetism which are different from those in an inertial frame.
Representations and generators for SU(4) symmetry are obtained SU(3) content of SU(4) is derived. A general formula for the c.c. series of the direct product of two representations of SU(4) symmetry is obtained.
We formulate Hamiltonian lattice Chern-Simons theory which has the property that the Chern-Simons gauge fields of the theory can be eliminated by making matter lields multivalued operators with anyonic statistics. We prove that, when the... more
Resumo Escrito em 1979, Companhia resume todos os esforços de Samuel Beckett para cruzar as fronteiras entre a narrativa e o drama. Neste trabalho, concentro-me sobre a relação entre o espaço e a comunicação em obras desse autor... more
Conformal covariance is shown to determine renormalization properties of composite operators in QCD and in the cp:-model at the one-loop level. Its relevance to higher-order (renormalization group improved) perturbative calculations in... more
This paper presents a deterministic model for monitoring the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in a human population. The model has a diseasefree equilibrium, which is shown to be globally-asymptotically... more
L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l'I. H. P., section B » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale... more
A W-spin algebra is defined on the (Bargmann-Wigner) internal carrier space of the spin group of any kind of object: time-, space-, light-like or null. This W-spin algebra is the same in all four cases and is conserved in collinear... more
Earlier results by the authors showed constructions of Lie algebraic, partial feedback linearizing control methods for pitch and plunge primary control utilizing a single trailing edge actuator. In addition, a globally stable nonlinear... more
Recent results from the ASDEX Upgrade experimental campaigns 2001 and 2002 are presented. An improved understanding of energy and particle transport emerges in terms of a 'critical gradient' model for the temperature gradients. Coupling... more
The static magnetic quadrupole moment of a nucleus, induced by the T- and P-odd nucleon-nucleon interaction, is investigated in the single-particle approximation. Models are considered allowing for an analytical solution. The problem is... more
INTRODUCTION -L'originalité essentielle de ce Colloque a été de réunir pendant une semaine un assez grand nombre de physiciens et quelques mathématiciens n'ayant que rarement l'occasion de se rencontrer bien que travaillant tous avec les... more
Recent advances in non-critical string theory allow a unique continuation, preserving conformal invariance, of critical Polyakov string amplitudes to off-shell momenta. These continuations possess unusual, apparently stringy,... more
We show that the linearization of all exact solutions of classical chiral gravity around the AdS3 vacuum have positive energy. Non-chiral and negative-energy solutions of the linearized equations are infrared divergent at second order,... more
Without assuming that the interaction diagraph is strongly connected or contains a directed spanning tree, this paper studies the second-order leader-following consensus problem of nonlinear multi-agent systems with general network... more
Quantum chromodynamics for static c-number sources is studied nonperturbatively using the canonical formalism with 2 =0. Solutions to the functional differential homogeneous Gauss-law equation are found and the issue of Gauss-law... more
We present a complete explicit N=1, d=4 supergravity action in an arbitrary Jordan frame with non-minimal scalar-curvature coupling of the form $\Phi(z, \bar z)\, R$. The action is derived by suitably gauge-fixing the superconformal... more
We analyze the distribution of the chromoelectric field generated by a static quark-antiquark pair in the SU(3) vacuum and revisit previous results for SU(2). We find that the transverse profile of the flux tube resembles the dual version... more
This paper investigates the problem of exponential synchronization of switched stochastic competitive neural networks (SSCNNs) with both interval time-varying delays and distributed delays. The distributed delays can be unbounded or... more
In this paper we develop an invariance principle for dynamical systems possessing leftcontinuous ows. Speciÿcally, we show that left-continuity of the system trajectories in time for each ÿxed state point and continuity of the system... more