Recent papers in Intrapreneurship
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper insight into the organizational factors and personal motivations of intrapreneurs that may foster intrapreneurial behaviors of employees in a new technology-based firm (NTBF).... more
Les sciences de gestion s'interrogent de plus en plus sur leur rigueur et la capacité à construire une connaissance sur un modèle cumulatif. Le présent article examine la solidité conceptuelle d'un construit très utilisé en... more
The purpose of this research is to identify priority actions to be taken in Mexico in order to encourage tourism entrepreneurs to take advantage of and to meet domestic tourist demand. In order to do this, the role that domestic tourism... more
Les sciences de gestion s'interrogent de plus en plus sur leur rigueur et la capacité à construire une connaissance sur un modèle cumulatif. Le présent article examine la solidité conceptuelle d'un construit très utilisé en... more
The aim of this research is to quantitatively explore the role of intrapreneurial behavior and psychological factors on the individual performance of middle managers in Nigerian medium enterprises (MEs).The issue of intrapreneurial... more
This study defines the conceptual structure of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) by looking at the terms scholars have used over the last 26 years of research. With the use of a co-word analysis, five distinctive dimensions of CE and the... more
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Een verkenningstocht door de leden van het lectoraat HRM en Persoonlijk Ondernemerschap LECTORAAT HRM & PO.
Een verkenningstocht door de leden van het lectoraat HRM en Persoonlijk Ondernemerschap LECTORAAT HRM & PO.
Organizations often hide creativity and talent. This paper describes how to make engineers active in the field of intrapreneurship within large firms where they often are employed in R&D. This development is seen, in Europe at least, most... more
The author sets out the basis for a new research programme designed to demonstrate that by encouraging managers of small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs [1]) to take a positive approach to social and environmental risks, embedding and... more
—Dans un environnement turbulent et souvent chaotique, l'innovation est essentielle pour la performance des entreprises. Pour y répondre, les organisations doivent maintenir une dynamique intrapreneuriale. L'entrepreneuriat n'est pas... more
Strategic intrapreneurship stands out as an emerging concept especially in recent years since it plays a crucial role for both large and small and medium-sized enterprises. In this scope, the strategic intrapreneurship concept refers a... more
The present document is an intrapreneurship proposal for reducing significantly the water consumption of selected domestic households by building customised rainwater collection systems. The value proposition for the client is to generate... more
The paper analysis the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation and the implications of this relationship for individuals and organizations. It went further arguing that innovation and entrepreneurship are two closely related... more
The aim of this research work is to examine the effect of intrapreneurship on organizational productivity of companies. To this end the following objectives among others were set to examine the effect of intrapreneurship on product... more
The realization of economic development is closely related to the importance given to entrepreneurship. Today, it can be observed that especially developing countries utilize policies in order to encourage entrepreneurship and provide... more
A culture of fear, control, and meaninglessness can effectively kill the entrepreneurial spirit within an organization. This chapter will explore why such a culture typically takes root and how it is deadly for the organization's... more
Türkiye’nin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri olduğu gibi, zayıf yönlerini düzeltmesi ve güçlü yönlerini geliştirmesi için karşısında fırsatlar da söz konusudur. Türkiye’nin güçlü yönünü genç nüfus oluştururken, teknolojik gelişmeler de büyük... more
The paper discusses the implications of poverty and youth unemployment on Nigeria economy. Nigeria was recently ranked 158 th on the human development index an indication that poverty and unemployment is very prevalent in the country with... more
Purpose: Framework of experiential project-based 4-Year BS Entrepreneurship Program is provided to cover the educational, value creation and strategic management gaps that has been caused due to lack of several parameters, such as the... more
Changing domains of economic mobility has brought in perspectives of innovation which are quite different from the earlier traditions in the so-called readings of Schumpeterian ways of innovative thinking. The new pandemic has taught us... more
Dr. Dallas' research includes developing educational technologies for deployment to under-served regions of the world. His research group has developed MEMS-based educational technologies that have been commercialized, expanding... more
Social innovation is a realized action that transfers from profits to social needs by using entrepreneurial skills. Social innovation is an action which is carried out by transferring profits to social needs with the help of... more
The concept of strategic intrapreneurship emerges through the combination of two potentials, namely intrapreneurship and strategic management. Strategic intrapreneurship help organizations seek to achieve strategic goals in order to... more
Intrapreneurship, which represents entrepreneurial activity within an existing enterprise, is a means of sustaining businesses' activities in a highly competitive environment. Certain mechanisms are necessary to support and sustain the... more
Ulrich Bröckling claims that the imperative to act like an entrepreneur has turned ubiquitous. In Western society there is a drive to orient your thinking and behaviour on the objective of market success which dictates the private and... more
The aim of this study is to identify South African constructs of Intrapreneurial Orientation aiding the internal growth of SMEs. The study is qualitative in design and utilizes a triangulation approach by performing a Delphi study with... more
Le présent livre qui porte sur l’entrepreneuriat explique les concepts sur lesquels la culture entrepreneuriale est fondée. Le livre se base sur les piliers essentiels de cette culture dont la connaissance importe plus; une connaissance... more
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper insight into the organizational factors and personal motivations of intrapreneurs which may foster intrapreneurial behaviors of employees in a new technology-based firm (NTBF).... more
Purpose-In the past, a plethora of studies has investigated the organizational and individual outcomes of high-performance work systems (HPWS). However, less is known about the mechanism through which HPWS impacts employees' behavior,... more
Intrapreneurial is one of the indicators of innovation performance success in business. The purpose of this research is to summarize local and international theories of a framework of factors affecting intrapreneurship behaviors in an... more
The main objective of any service organisation should be to make a profit. This objective can only be achieved by increasing the employees’ performance, which is subsequently related to Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Job Satisfaction.... more
Researchers have been studying the antecedents and impacts of entrepreneurial orientations and the climates of intrapreneurship with a special focus on organizational effectiveness in terms of market and financial performance. However,... more
Improving organizational adaptive capacity is one of the main prerequisite for any organization to remain competitive in today's dynamic business environment. Adaptive capacity enables an organization to modify itself to suit changing... more
Multi-source data from 18 organization settings was utilized to examine intrapreneurship in the nonprofit sector. Specifically, individual level and firm level variables were introduced concurrently to capture competing and complimentary... more
Few authors have referred to the existing relationship between the topics of entrepreneurship and family business, but the number is in crescendo. In this work, we will make a description of each type of entrepreneurship offered by the... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper insight into the organizational factors and personal motivations of intrapreneurs that may foster intrapreneurial behaviors of employees in a new technology-based firm (NTBF).,The paper... more
This chapter examines business innovation processes as an ongoing set of activities comprising invention, development, and implementation. Invention implies the emergence of novel ideas of potential value. However, to realize this... more
Many studies have been carried out on the barriers to intrapreneurship or corporate entrepreneurship, but a few ones have prioritized these studied barriers to the domestic atmosphere of Eastern countries. Therefore, as a case study, Work... more
The transport industry holds a prominent place in the South African economy, positively contributing to the fiscus, as well as acting as a change agent in alleviating socioeconomic ills by creating employment and thereby alleviating... more
Intrapreneurship has been recognized an effective way of gaining and maintain competitive advantage in the dynamic business environment. However, less is known about the antecedents of intrapreneurship in organization. Therefore, this... more