Interwar Period History
Recent papers in Interwar Period History
The Paris Peace Conference put the First World War in the past. Signatures of individual peace treaties with defeated countries Germany, Austria, Hungary and their allies Bulgaria and Turkey put an end to one of the cruelest conflicts of... more
In this essay, I examine the public discourse about Oswald Spengler's ideas in Britain in the 1920s and 1930s, particularly the »cultural morphology« he developed in his two-volume work Der Untergang des Abendlandes (translated into... more
Thèse de doctorat en histoire de l'art, soutenue le 13 novembre 2020 à l'université Paris Nanterre, sous la direction de Rémi Labrusse et Christian Joschke. PhD dissertation "Graphic Propaganda : Photomontage in the Visual Culture of... more
is is the first study to show how the Royal Navy’s ideas about the meaning and application of seapower shaped its policies in the interwar period. Drawing on a wide range of unpublished sources, the author challenges the accepted view... more
Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more
This thesis will examine how British male cross-dressing performance remained commercially and critically popular from 1918-1970, despite increased cultural anxieties about the links between gender variance and transgressive acts,... more
In 1935 the Venice Biennale organized an atypical exhibition commemorating its 40th anniversary. The “Mostra dei Quarant’anni” was mostly devoted to art from the Triveneto. Yet four rooms showed works by European artists who had exhibited... more
This article questions whether there exists a 'revisionist' current that not only to undermine the 'consensus' on the Second Republic, but also to demonstrate the latter's 'illegitimacy'. Such is the position of a small group of... more
Године 1933. иницирана је обнова родне куће Вука Караџића у Тршићу. Паралелно са том иницијативом је предложена изградња Дома културе Вук Караџић у Лозници који би служио као центар културних и еманципаторских активности овог места.... more
SOCIOCULTURAL LITHUANIZATION (BECOMING LITHUANIANS) IN KAUNAS CITY PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN 1918–1940 The article analyses the processes of sociocultural Lithuanization (becoming Lithuanians). The dissemination of the Lithuanian language and... more
Η Ελληνο-ιταλική προσέγγιση πριν από το σύμφωνο της Ρώμης του 1928: Ένα ανέκδοτο έγγραφο ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 1995 Η 1 η σ ε λ ί δ α ε ί ν α ι 5 1 7 κ α ι η τ ε λ ε υ τ α ί α 5 6 6 Η Μικρασιατική καταστροφή αποτέλεσε αναμφισβήτητα ολέθριο πλήγμα... more
Jednym z najważniejszych problemów społecznych, który do końca II Rzeczpospolitej nie został rozwiązany, była sprawa ubezpieczeń społecznych. W okresie zaborów na ziemiach polskich obowiązywały systemy ubezpieczeń społecznych państw... more
The interwar period in Europe marks a tendency towards authoritarian leaders in politics as well as the classicizing practices of the visual arts. However, the extent and modality of both tendencies vary from state to state: mapping... more
This introduction frames a selection of papers that encourage a richer spatial understanding of the years before the Partition of India. The papers respond to two types of questions. One type is spatial (at what scale do we approach... more
Course Policies ……………………Page 8 Academic Accommodations………Page 9 Course Description This course is an enquiry into a specific moment in the history of 20 th-century European thought: the interwar period (1918-1939). This period could be... more
Un aspect particulier de la Première Guerre mondiale, les mécanismes de collaboration entre Alliés dans le domaine (alors encore expérimental) des chars de combat.
Review by Drew Flanagan, Brandeis University.
У овом раду разматраћемо процес конституисања левичарски оријентисаног сегмента у пољу музике и културе у Краљевини Југославији концентрисаног око чланова и симпатизера КПЈ и сродних организација, као и активности које су спроводиле... more
This thesis will examine how British male cross-dressing performance remained commercially and critically popular from 1918-1970, despite increased cultural anxieties about the links between gender variance and transgressive acts,... more
Forthcoming review for H-Humanities (H-War)
Mstislavas Dobužinskis (1875-1957) almost became the author of the official Lithuanian state coat of arms and the flag. Despite his considerable heraldic and vexillological legacy, today, undeservedly, he is forgotten. Dobužinskis is... more
U radu se na temelju arhivske građe i lokalnog tiska pokušava rekonstruirati proces formiranja režimske Jugoslavenske radikalno seljačke demokracije / Jugoslavenske nacionalne stranke na području Broda na Savi i brodskog kotara. Na... more
The main purpose of this article is to discuss the achievements of biographical research at the Institute of Social Economy of the Warsaw School of Economics, with particular emphasis on the memoirs of the unemployed. The article has... more
Présentation de ma thèse par le jeu des questions/réponses sur le blog spécialisé dans les affaires militaires Mars attaque
• A Sanitary Journal for Common People: Yaşamak Yolu, Health, Culture and the Human Body: Epidemiology, Ethics and History of Medicine, Perspectives from Turkey and Central Europe (der. İlhan İlkılıç, Hakan Ertin, Rainer Brömer, Hajo... more
This is an extract from the Fall and Winter 2017 catalogue by Yale University Press, containing information on my new book on the Nazi stormtroopers that will be published in October. Thanks for your interest!
Zerrissene Zeiten, Krieg, Revolution und dann? Braunschweig 1916-1923. Eröffnungsrede am 3. Oktober 2018 im Städtischen Museum Braunschweig Sehr geehrter Herr Oberbürgermeister, sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Hesse, sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Joch,... more
Wystąpienie stanowi ilościową analizę dyskursu politycznego na łamach "Monitora Polskiego" w 1918 roku. "Monitor Polski" - publikator wydawany przez rządy podległe Radzie Regencyjnej - od lutego do października 1918 roku pełnił dodatkową... more
This article deals with Yugoslavia’s tactics against Bulgarian and Hungarian minority petitions, which were filed before the League of Nations and later promoted before the European Congress of Nationalities.
This book speaks about an unexplored question that had to do directly with the Greek minority living conditions in Albania and also with the way it was treated by the political world of that country. All the material for this treatise has... more
In Hungary, following the World War I, the main basis of the rightist radical movements was the youth, especially the university students. This generation witnessed the defeat in the war, the collapse of the dual Austro-Hungarian Empire... more
Med Albert Scherfig, Daniel Madsen og Nadia Zarling En aften i august 1936 cykler tre brødre af sted fra København. Destinationen er Spanien, hvor et fascistisk oprør er brudt ud en måned tidligere. De frygter, at hvis det lykkes for... more
The article deals with the issue of Jewish youth movements’ contribution to women's empowerment in interwar Poland using the example of the socialist movement Tsukunft. The article explores the movement's politics of memory in the... more
The role of neutrality during the War in the Pacific has been overlooked by World War II scholars and researchers of neutrality alike. The reason for that is somewhat understandable; to the European neutrals, Japan was far, far away. Why... more