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      Interstellar MediumDark MatterMultidisciplinaryNature
We describe techniques for incorporating feedback from star formation and black hole (BH) accretion into simulations of isolated and merging galaxies. At present, the details of these processes cannot be resolved in simulations on... more
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      Interstellar MediumStar FormationActive Galactic NucleiGas Dynamics
We show that spiral waves in galaxy discs churn the stars and gas in a manner that largely preserves the overall angular momentum distribution and leads to little increase in random motion. Changes in the angular momenta of individual... more
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      Interstellar MediumGalaxy Formation and Evolution
We have re-examined the classical problem of the macroscopic equation of state for a hydrostatic isothermal self-gravitating gas cloud bounded by an external medium at constant pressure. We have obtained analytical conditions for its... more
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      Interstellar MediumDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Equation of StateForm Factor
We model the effects of repeated supernova explosions from starbursts in dwarf galaxies on the interstellar medium of these galaxies, taking into account the gravitational potential of their dominant dark matter haloes. We explore... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaGalaxy evolution
▪   Turbulence affects the structure and motions of nearly all temperature and density regimes in the interstellar gas. This two-part review summarizes the observations, theory, and simulations of interstellar turbulence and their... more
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      Interstellar MediumMagnetohydrodynamicsStar FormationDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)
We present models of photometric evolution of galaxies in which the effects of a dusty interstellar medium have been included with particular care. A chemical evolution code follows the star formation rate, the gas fraction and the... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaStar Formation
We present a physically motivated model for the early co-evolution of massive spheroidal galaxies and active nuclei at their centers. Within dark matter halos, forming at the rate predicted by the canonical hierarchical clustering... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaCoevolution
This Atlas ofGalactic Neutral Hydrogen contains maps showing the distribution ofemission from atomic hydrogen, the principal component ofthe interstellar medium in the Milky Way, as measured over a five- year period with the ...
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      Interstellar MediumPrincipal Component AnalysisMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Context. Thanks to its excellent 5100 m high site in Chajnantor, the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) systematically explores the southern sky at submillimeter wavelengths, in both continuum and spectral line emission. Studying... more
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      Interstellar MediumStar FormationGalaxy Formation and EvolutionDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)
The goal of this paper is to present the results of a preliminary analysis of the extended infrared (IR) emission by dust in the interstellar medium (ISM) of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We combine Spitzer Surveying the Agents of... more
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      Interstellar MediumStar FormationLuminous Infrared GalaxiesDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)
The DIRBE on the COBE spacecraft was designed primarily to conduct systematic search for an isotropic CIB in ten photometric bands from 1.25 to 240 microns. The results of that search are presented here. Conservative limits on the CIB are... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaStar Formation
▪   The central half kiloparsec region of our Galaxy harbors a variety of phenomena unique to the central environment. This review discusses the observed structure and activity of the interstellar medium in this region in terms of its... more
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      Interstellar MediumStar FormationBlack HolesDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)
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      Interstellar MediumActive Galactic NucleiProcess ControlMultidisciplinary
We present the Ðnal results of a ROSAT PSPC program to study the soft X-ray emission properties of a complete sample of low-z quasars. This sample includes all 23 quasars from the Bright Quasar Survey with z ¹ 0.400 and cm~2. Pointed... more
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      Organic ChemistryX Ray AstronomyInterstellar MediumAstrophysical Plasma
New models of thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars of low mass and solar chemical composition are presented, namely, Z \ 0.02, and Y \ 0.28. The inÑuence of 1 ¹ M/M _ ¹ 3, various parameters (such as the initial core... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaStar Formation
We use the Gaussian-fit results of Paper I to investigate the properties of interstellar HI in the Solar neighborhood. The Warm and Cold Neutral Media (WNM and CNM) are physically distinct components. The CNM spin temperature histogram... more
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      PhysicsOrganic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical Plasma
Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey, is an Open Time Key Project of the Herschel Space Observatory. It will make an unbiased photometric survey of the inner Galactic Plane by mapping a two-degree wide strip in the... more
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      Interstellar MediumStar FormationHerschel Space ObservatoryEarly Universe
We develop a physical model for how galactic disks survive and/or are destroyed in interactions. Based on dynamical arguments, we show gas primarily loses angular momentum to internal torques in a merger. Gas within some characteristic... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaStar Formation
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      Interstellar MediumMagnetohydrodynamicsMultidisciplinaryNature
A significant fraction of the energy density of the interstellar medium is in the form of highenergy charged particles (cosmic rays) 1 . The origin of these particles remains uncertain.
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      Interstellar MediumHigh Energy Density PhysicsMultidisciplinaryNature
The first gamma-ray line originating from outside the solar system that was ever detected is the 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Galaxy. Despite 30 years of intense theoretical and observational investigation, the main... more
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      Interstellar MediumX-ray BinariesModern physicsPhysical sciences
This paper presents a theoretical framework for understanding plasma turbulence in astrophysical plasmas. It is motivated by observations of electromagnetic and density fluctuations in the solar wind, interstellar medium and galaxy... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumMagnetohydrodynamicsTurbulence
According to the internal-external shocks model for γ-ray bursts (GRBs), the GRB is produced by internal shocks within a relativistic flow while the afterglow is produced by external shocks with the ISM. We explore the early afterglow... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumGamma Ray BurstSpectrum
This paper, a review of the present status of existing models for particle acceleration during impulsive solar flares, was inspired by a week-long workshop held in the Fall of 1993 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Recent observations... more
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      Interstellar MediumMagnetohydrodynamicsMultidisciplinaryMagnetic field
In recent years, the evidence for the existence of an ultra-compact concentration of dark mass associated with the radio source Sgr A* in the Galactic Center has become very strong. However, an unambiguous proof that this object is indeed... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaBlack Hole Physics
In this review, we present an overview of our recent work on the infrared spectroscopy of mass-selected gas-phase molecular ions. The ions are stored and isolated in a quadrupole ion trap where they are investigated with infrared multiple... more
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      EngineeringPlasma PhysicsThermodynamicsAnalytical Chemistry
We infer the velocity distribution of radio pulsars based on large-scale 0.4 GHz pulsar surveys. We do so by modelling evolution of the locations, velocities, spins, and radio luminosities of pulsars; calculating pulsed flux according to... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaSurvey data
Extraterrestrial organic matter in meteorites potentially retains a unique record of synthesis and chemical/thermal modification by parent body, nebular and even presolar processes. In a survey of the elemental and isotopic compositions... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryInterstellar MediumInterplanetary dust
A self-consistent gasdynamic model of the solar wind interaction with the local interstellar medium (LISM), which took into account the mutual influence of the plasma component (electrons and protons) of the LISM and the LISM H atoms that... more
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      Interstellar MediumMultidisciplinarySolar WindGeophysical
New abundances for neutron-capture (n-capture) elements in a large sample of metal-poor giants from the Bond survey are presented. The spectra were acquired with the KPNO 4-m echelle and coudé feed spectrographs, and have been analyzed... more
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      Organic ChemistryStellar NucleosynthesisInterstellar MediumAstrophysical Plasma
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaX Rays
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      Interstellar MediumScienceMultidisciplinaryMagnetic field
Most of the visible matter in the Universe is in a plasma state, or more specifically is composed of ionized or partially ionized gas permeated by magnetic fields. Thanks to recent advances on the theory and detection of cosmic magnetic... more
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      Interstellar MediumStar FormationGalaxy ClustersMagnetic field
We have investigated the mass-metallicity (M-Z) relation using galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.0 from the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) and Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS). Deep K and z ′ band photometry allowed us to measure stellar masses... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaStar Formation
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      Organic ChemistryStellar EvolutionInterstellar MediumAstrophysical Plasma
We present the results of numerical studies of supernova remnant evolution and their effects on galactic and globular cluster evolution. We show that parameters such as the density and the metallicity of the environment significantly... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaKinetics
Theoretical models suggest that Type-II SNe are efficient dust factories, able to produce 0.1-1 M⊙ of dust within 0.01-0.1 Gyr from the progenitor birth. These sources can easily explain the observations of dust emission in high redshift... more
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      Interstellar MediumShock WavesHigh Redshift UniverseSize Distribution
We present intermediate results from a long-term program of mapping the neutral absorption characteristics of the local interstellar medium, motivated by the availability of accurate and consistent parallaxes from the Hipparcos satellite.... more
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      Interstellar MediumDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Molecular CloudsAstronomy
We generalize the technique of Lada et al. (1994) to map dust column density through a molecular cloud (NICE) to an optimized multi-band technique (NICER) that can be applied to any multi-band survey of molecular clouds. We present a... more
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      Interstellar MediumAstrophysicsMolecular CloudsAstronomy
The solar wind blows outward from the Sun and forms a bubble of solar material in the interstellar medium. The termination shock occurs where the solar wind changes from being supersonic (with respect to the surrounding interstellar... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
The European Space Agency's Planck satellite, launched on 14 May 2009, is the third-generation space experiment in the field of cosmic microwave background (CMB) research. It will image the anisotropies of the CMB over the whole sky, with... more
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      Interstellar MediumData AnalysisDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Cosmic Microwave Background
We calculate the {\it afterglow} emission for Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) going off in an extremely low density medium, referred to as {\it naked bursts}. Our results also apply to the case where the external medium density falls off sharply... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaOperations Research
Recent experimental results about the formation of molecular hydrogen on astrophysically relevant surfaces under conditions close to those encountered in the interstellar medium are analyzed using rate equations. The parameters of the... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaKinetics
Stellar nucleosynthesis of heavy elements such as carbon allowed the formation of organic molecules in space, which appear to be widespread in our Galaxy. The physical and chemical conditions-including density, temperature, ultraviolet... more
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      GeneticsInterstellar MediumInterplanetary dustChaos Theory
The early Universe had a chemical composition consisting of hydrogen, helium and traces of lithium 1 , almost all other elements were created in stars and supernovae. The mass fraction, Z, of elements more massive than helium, is called... more
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      Interstellar MediumEarly UniverseMultidisciplinaryNature
▪   Interstellar turbulence has implications for the dispersal and mixing of the elements, cloud chemistry, cosmic ray scattering, and radio wave propagation through the ionized medium. This review discusses the observations and theory of... more
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      Interstellar MediumDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Cosmic RaysWave propagation
1] Empirically derived kappa distributions are becoming increasingly widespread in space physics as the power law nature of various suprathermal tails is melded with more classical quasi-Maxwellian cores. Two different mathematical... more
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      Plasma PhysicsStatistical MechanicsInterstellar MediumKinetics
Protons with energies up to ~ 10 15 eV are the main component 1 of cosmic rays, but evidence for the specific locations where they could have been accelerated to these energies has been lacking 2 . Electrons are known to be accelerated to... more
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      Interstellar MediumMultidisciplinaryNatureMolecular Clouds
We propose a simple theoretical model for star formation in which the local star formation rate in a galaxy is determined by three factors. First, the interplay between the interstellar radiation field and molecular self-shielding... more
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      Organic ChemistryInterstellar MediumAstrophysical PlasmaStar Formation