Interstellar Medium
Recent papers in Interstellar Medium
Our laboratory research program is about the formation of molecules on dust grains analogues in conditions mimicking interstellar medium environments. Using surface science techniques, in the last ten years we have investigated the... more
An anomalous radio continuum component at cm-wavelengths has been observed in various sources, including dark clouds. This continuum component represents a new property of the ISM. In this work we focus on one particular dark cloud, the... more
New models of thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars of low mass and solar chemical composition are presented, namely, Z \ 0.02, and Y \ 0.28. The inÑuence of 1 ¹ M/M _ ¹ 3, various parameters (such as the initial core... more
Zodiacal Light: an Old Problem and New Hypotheses A.V.Byalko Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, RAS (Moscow, Russia) Zodiacal light is a white luminous cone that is easily observed in the west a few hours after the sunset or in the... more
According to the internal-external shocks model for γ-ray bursts (GRBs), the GRB is produced by internal shocks within a relativistic flow while the afterglow is produced by external shocks with the ISM. We explore the early afterglow... more
A mission to interstellar space has been under discussion for over 25 years. Many fundamental scientific questions about the nature of the surrounding galactic medium and its interaction with the solar system can only be answered by in... more
We are presently on the verge of expanding our technology in the outer solar system environment. Voyager 1 has landed its first step outside the hemisphere. Data transfer at large distances of astronomical units and light years is a... more
A review is presented of the scientific benefits of rapid (v 0.1 c) interstellar spaceflight. Significant benefits are identified in the fields of interstellar medium studies, stellar astrophysics, planetary science and astrobiology. In... more
I review those properties of the interstellar medium within 15 light-years of the Sun which will be relevant for the planning of future rapid (v ≥ 0.1c) interstellar space missions to the nearest stars. As the detailed properties of the... more
Advances and applications of microwave spectroscopy are recommended, and the instrument structure and principle are also illuminated. Its applications in the analyses of molecular structure, conformation, weakly bound complexes,... more
Planetary systems are angular momentum reservoirs generated during star formation. Solutions to three of the most important problems in contemporary astrophysics are needed to understand the entire process of planetary system formation:... more
Astrophysical fluids, including interstellar and interplanetary medium, are magnetized and turbulent. Their appearance, evolution, and overall properties are determined by the magnetic turbulence that stirs it. We argue that examining... more
"The ether-drift experiments of Dayton Miller (c.1906-1929) using a highly sensitive Michelson lightbeam interferometer, demonstrated systematic positive effects. Subsequent work by Michelson-Pease-Pearson (1929), Galaev (2001-2002) and... more
We present a model for nonlinear decay of the weak wave in three-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. We show that the decay rate is different for parallel and perpendicular waves. We provide a general formula... more
The multivariate technique of principal component analysis (PCA) is a powerful statistical tool with which to describe spectral line imaging observations of the molecular interstellar medium. In particular, as formulated by Heyer &... more
We propose the concept of a "Galactic Habitable Zone" (GHZ). Analogous to the Circumstellar Habitable Zone (CHZ), the GHZ is that region in the Milky Way where an Earth-like planet can retain liquid water on its surface and provide a... more
The first gamma-ray line originating from outside the solar system that was ever detected is the 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Galaxy. Despite 30 years of intense theoretical and observational investigation, the main... more
Stellar nucleosynthesis of heavy elements such as carbon allowed the formation of organic molecules in space, which appear to be widespread in our Galaxy. The physical and chemical conditions-including density, temperature, ultraviolet... more
Low mass stars, like our Sun, are born from the collapse of a molecular cloud. The matter falls in the center of the cloud, creating a protoplanetary disk surrounding a protostar. Planets and other solar system bodies will be formed in... more
(Abridged) We have discovered a strong DLA coincident in redshift with the faint QSO Q2343-BX415 (R = 20.2, z_em = 2.57393). Follow-up observations at intermediate spectral resolution reveal that the metal lines associated with this... more
Superbubbles surrounding OB associations provide ideal laboratories to study the stellar energy feedback problem because the stellar energy input can be estimated from the observed stellar content of the OB associations and the... more
We estimate the cosmic production rate of helium relative to metals (DeltaY/DeltaZ) using K dwarf stars in the Hipparcos catalog with accurate spectroscopic metallicities. The best fitting value is DeltaY/DeltaZ = 2.1 +/- 0.4 at the 68%... more
Context. Significant quantities of magnetized plasma are transported from the Sun to the interstellar medium via Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs). Magnetic Clouds (MCs) are a particular subset of ICMEs, forming large scale... more
The interaction of the solar wind with the local interstellar medium is characterized by the self-consistent coupling of solar wind plasma, both upstream and downstream of the heliospheric termination shock, the interstellar plasma, and... more
The first gamma-ray line originating from outside the solar system that was ever detected is the 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Galaxy. Despite 30 years of intense theoretical and observational investigation, the main... more
We present here the results from an extensive scintillation study of twenty pulsars in the dispersion measure (DM) range 3 – 35 pc cm−3 carried out using the Ooty Radio Telescope, to investigate the distribution of ionized material in the... more
The AMIGA project (Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies) is an international collaboration led from the Instituto de Astrof\'isica de Andaluc\'ia (CSIC). The group's experience in radio astronomy databases... more
We revisit the question of the ionization of the diffuse medium in late-type galaxies, by studying NGC 891, the prototype of edge-on spiral galaxies. The most important challenge for the models considered so far was the observed increase... more
The SPEAR micro-satellite payload consists of dual imaging spectrographs optimized for detection of the faint, diffuse FUV (900-1750 Å) radiation emitted from interstellar gas. The instrument provides spectral resolution, R~750, and long... more
The Herschel Reference Survey is a guaranteed time Herschel key project and will be a benchmark study of dust in the nearby universe. The survey will complement a number of other Herschel key projects including large cosmological surveys... more
The Herschel Reference Survey is a guaranteed time Herschel key project and will be a benchmark study of dust in the nearby universe. The survey will complement a number of other Herschel key projects including large cosmological surveys... more
Organic compounds are synthesized in the interstellar medium and can be delivered to plan- etary surfaces such as the early Earth, where they mix with endogenous species. Some of these compounds are amphiphilic, having polar and nonpolar... more
Technical detailed analysis of a suspected document against plagiarism on "interstellar voyage and language issues".
The main objective of a paper is to discuss the most important Concepts for any Cosmological model: Space, Time, and Gravitation; Cosmological principle (homogeneous and isotropic universe); Universality of physical laws; Law of the... more
available online at Abstract-We report combined micro-infrared, micro-Raman, and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) analyses of particles collected by the Stardust spacecraft during its flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 on 2... more
An introductory exposition of Chandrasekhar's gravitational dynamical friction, appropriate for an undergraduate class in mec hanics, is presented. This friction results when a massive particle moving through a ``sea'' of much... more