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      EcopsychologyTranspersonal PsychologyPsychedelicsShamanism
The decline of critical habitat structures, such as large old trees, is a global environmental challenge. The cavities that occur in these trees provide shelter and nesting sites for many species but can take centuries to develop.... more
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      Ecological EngineeringComputer Aided EngineeringDesignArchitecture
In territorial songbirds, duets between mates represent one of the best-known examples of communal display, with the main function being the defence of joint resources. In this study, we found evidence of a coordinated choral display... more
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      Animal ScienceBioacousticsAnimal BehaviorEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)
Biosemiotics postulates that signaling between organisms is a complex process that can often occur across multiple channels simultaneously. Olfactory pheromonal cues, aural vocalizations, and visual movements and patterns, for example,... more
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      SemioticsAnimal StudiesInterspecies CooperationBiosemiotics
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the cognitive mind of the great ape. This assessment will examine the multiple facets of ape cognition, what it consists of, and its many dimensions. The current investigation seeks to... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPerceptionAnimal BehaviorAnimal Studies
This chapter ethnographically explores the relations between humans and elephants in logging operations in terms of interspecies labour, presenting elephants as collaborating participants rather than merely animate instruments. This... more
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      CollaborationInterspecies CooperationNortheast IndiaLogging
What may displace Homo Deus as the main mover in evolution? A prime candidate is a hybrid lifeform of greater scope. A new genus of superorganisms, Deus Narrans, will have an opportunity to engage actual and virtual beings across species... more
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)Sociobiology
This chapter ethnographically explores the relations between humans and elephants in logging operations in terms of interspecies labour, presenting elephants as collaborating participants rather than merely animate instruments. This... more
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      GeographyCollaborationInterspecies CooperationNortheast India
Can a method for making materials and forms for fashion be developed that is contingent on relationships between local communities of humans and nonhumans—creating material and form between growing and making? Climate scientists have... more
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      Fashion designInterspecies CooperationSustainable Fashion Textiles Research
EdibleEcologies is series of social sculptures that work collaboratively with local communities (human, microbial, ecological) to resuscitate endangered food practices in an effort to remediate a cultural memory disorder that we call... more
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      Landscape EcologyMicrobiologyDigital HumanitiesInstallation Art
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      HistoryAnthropologyPhilosophyHuman-Animal Relations
Human action — agriculture, and industrialization, and globalization — has significantly impacted the systems of Earth. Understanding the extent of these changes has problematized the dualism behind dominant Western worldviews and raised... more
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      Interspecies CooperationBioartCollaborative DesignBiodesign
Luke, D., & Yanakieva, S. (2016, June). The transpersonal psychedelic experience and change in ecological attitude and behaviour. Paper presented at the International Conference on Psychedelics Research, Stichting Open, Amsterdam, 3rd-5th... more
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      Plant EcologyEnvironmental PsychologyEcopsychologyTranspersonal Psychology