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Elise Crull (Found Phys. doi:10.​1007/​s10701-014-9847-4, 2014) claims that by invoking decoherence it is possible (i) to obviate many “fine grained” issues often conflated under the common designation of measurement problem, and (ii) to... more
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      Foundations of Quantum MechanicsInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
It has been claimed by some in creationist circles that modern physics is derived from a priori atheistic reductionistic presuppositions. On the contrary, it is claimed in this paper that it is possible to construct a Christian theistic... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceQuantum MechanicsProbability
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsNumber Theory
In questo articolo prendo in esame gli argomenti proposti dal fisico Carlo Rovelli nel suo recente libro Helgoland. In particolare, dimostro che le sue conclusioni contraddicono l'esperienza e che il suo "naturalismo senza sostanza" non... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceMaterialismDialectical MaterialismAlbert Einstein
In a previous paper we outlined a series of historical touchpoints between classical aether theories and modern theoretical physics which showed a shared conceptual lineage for the modern tools and methods of the most common... more
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      Plasma PhysicsInformation TheoryGeneral RelativityHistory of Science
In this monograph, I develop 1) a new interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, 2) an interpretation of Kant's philosophy of science in his Critique of the Power of Judgment that is consistent with 1) and 3) a new Kantian... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum InformationKant-studiesQuantum Field Theory
In 2005, an essay was published in Nature asserting that the universe is mental and that we must abandon our tendency to conceptualize observations as things. Since then, experiments have confi rmed that — as predicted by quantum... more
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      Quantum PhysicsMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Mind
In this paper, we revisit the oscillator model of an electron, applying Wheeler's 'mass without mass' concept to the Zitterbewegung model of an electron. We then use this model to derive the electron properties (spin, magnetic moment,... more
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      Quantum PhysicsInterpretation of Quantum MechanicsInterpretations of Quantum Mechanicsrealist interpretation of quantum physics
Nanotechnology (the mechanics of Quantum Theory) is science, engineering, medicine and technology conducted at the Nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 Nanometers (1 billionth of a meter) on the metric scale and involves imaging, measuring,... more
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      NanoscienceInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
The status and justification of the quantum equilibrium hypothesis (QEH) in Bohmian mechanics is "a rather delicate matter". In this paper, I present a new analysis of this hypothesis. It is argued that the QEH should be regarded not as a... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsGeometry And TopologyAlgebraic GeometryNon Euclidean Geometry
Due approcci alla non-località in fisica, prefazione al libro di C. Tortora "Quale realtà?La visione del mondo in fisica quantistica" ( Aracne, 2015)
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      Quantum PhysicsEpistemologyHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of Physics
This paper summarizes the basic principles of the common-sense interpretation of quantum physics that we have been exploring over the past few years. We also touch on some areas we did not explore before. We note, for example, that the... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of Mathematics
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      Philosophy of Quantum MechanicsNeo-KantianismHistory of Quantum PhysicsFoundations of Quantum Physics
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of PhysicsFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
Cognitive psychology researchers have developed techniques that can detect the effects subliminal priming has on human reaction time. These methods can be used to bring the Von Neumann/Wigner Consciousness Causes Collapse interpretation... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of PhysicsIdealismMetaphysics of Consciousness
The first famous t.hought experiment of Einstein gives rise to his theories of relativity. the bedrock of modern astrophysics and cosmology. His second famous thought experiment begin..c; the investigation iuto the foundations of quantum... more
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      Foundations of Quantum MechanicsInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
When David Bohm published his alternative theory of quantum mechanics in 1952, it was not received well; a recurring criticism was that it formed a reactionary attempt to return to classical physics. In response, Bohm emphasized the... more
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      Foundations of Quantum MechanicsHistory and Philosophy of PhysicsScientific RealismBohmian Mechanics
This paper explores the assumptions underpinning de Broglie’s concept of a wavepacket and related questions and issues. It also explores how the alternative – the ring current model of an electron (or of matter-particles in general) –... more
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      Quantum ComputingQuantum PhysicsFoundations of Quantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics
The domain of applications of quantum mechanics (QM) is enormously successful. However, as diverse ontologies emerge from different interpretations of QM, it is difficult to find a satisfactory interpretation of the theory. This article... more
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      Quantum PhysicsInterdisciplinarityScience and ReligionScientific Realism
The article offers a historical genealogy of the so-called "quantum mysticism" argument, i.e. the tendency to consider quantum mechanics in accordance with issues coming from Eastern mysticism or New Age spirituality. Specifically, the... more
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      History of PhysicsSociology of SciencePseudoscienceInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
In this paper, we try to show where and why quantum mechanics went wrong – and why and when the job of both the academic physicist as well as the would-be student of quantum mechanics turned into calculating rather than explaining what... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceFoundations of Quantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics
This review is forthcoming in American Journal of Physics
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsInterpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Recently I published an article in this journal entitled “Less interpretation and more decoherence in quantum gravity and inflationary cosmology” (Crull in Found Phys 45(9):1019–1045, 2015). This article generated responses from three... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
This paper analyzes Albert Einstein's statement in a 1926 letter to Max Born saying, "Quantum theory yields much, but it hardly brings us close to the Old One's secrets. I, in any case, am convinced He does not play dice with the... more
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    • Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
A brief explanation of the development of the continuous concept of matter, as represented by the general theory of relativity and the unified field theory, is offered, as opposed to the discrete theory of matter represented by quantum... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
In this paper, we bring the Zitterbewegung electron model and our photon model together to provide a classical explanation of the scattering of photons by electrons. We understand electron-photon interference (which is usually referred to... more
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      Quantum PhysicsFoundations of Quantum MechanicsLight ScatteringPhilosophy of Quantum Mechanics
I argue that quantum decoherence—understood as a dynamical process entailed by the standard formalism alone—carries us beyond conceptual aspects of non-relativistic quantum mechanics deemed insurmountable by many contributors to the... more
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      Philosophy of PhysicsQuantum GravityQuantum MechanicsCosmology
An exploration of how Hegel’s triadic “logic” as developed in Phenomenology of Spirit might be applied to the functional role of light in relativity theory. In this exploration, the triadic form of light produces an exteriorization of... more
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      MetaphysicsMetaphysics of TimeHegelTheology and Science
Any realist model of an atom must explain its properties in terms of its parts: the electrons and protons. We, therefore, need a realist model of an electron and a proton. Such model must explain their properties, including their mass,... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum Field TheoryInterpretation of Quantum MechanicsInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
This essay is written by a true believer in the Possibilist Transactional Interpretation (PTI) of quantum mechanics, certain that it is right (although criticism and coherent disagreement is encouraged). There are scientifically more... more
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      Quantum ComputingQuantum PhysicsQuantum ComputationInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
The inability to measure “definite locations, energies, or any other property, until the time of measurement.” as phrased by Bohr, can be due to the lack of degrees of freedom. If there are 4 large spatial dimensions (or more) instead of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsFlavor issues and Yukawa hierarchies in Randall-Sundrum modelsUniversePhisycs
Those who are acquainted with Grete Hermann’s 1935 essay on the natural- philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics have, rightly, understood one of her main aims to be in line with that of many neo-Kantians: to preserve the law of... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsQuantum MechanicsHistory of Physics
Triadic (systemical) logic can provide an interpretive paradigm for understanding how quantum indeterminacy is a consequence of the formal nature of light in relativity theory. This interpretive paradigm is coherent and constitutionally... more
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      SemioticsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsMetaphysicsOntology
This groundbreaking work is bringing together quantum physicists and philosophers in an unprecedented way... Making a tabula rasa from all its historical and heuristical developments, it presents Quantum Field Theory in its modern form in... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
Science does not " wander " , it is not like the proverbial drunken sailor who let go of the light pole that is holding him up and tries to walk away, and it certainly does not wander toward any 'specific' goal. Science does not... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Sommario E’ sempre più diffusa l'idea di una scienza "pura" che indaga le "verità ultime” dell'uomo e dell'universo. Questa tendenza è proporzionale e funzionale ai processi di mercificazione e spettacolarizzazione dell'attività... more
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsEconomicsEpistemology
Quantum mechanics has always been regarded as, at best, puzzling, if not contradictory. The aim of the paper is to explore a particular approach to fundamental physical theories, the one based on the notion of... more
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      Primitive ontologyInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
Using Peirce as a guide, this paper explores the way in which light mediates finitude through the relational process of semiosis. Embodying the triadic logic of identity, difference and return, light creates space, time and matter.... more
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      SemioticsMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Biology
In this thought-provoking book, Richard Healey proposes a new interpretation of quantum theory inspired by pragmatist philosophy. Healey puts forward the interpretation as an alternative to realist quantum theories on the one hand such as... more
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      Quantum PhysicsFoundations of Quantum MechanicsRealism (Philosophy)Scientific Realism
In a previous paper we outlined a series of historical touchpoints between classical aether theories and modern theoretical physics which showed a shared conceptual lineage for the modern tools and methods of the most common... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)General RelativityHistory of ScienceHistory of Physics
In the de Broglie-Bohm formulation of quantum theory, the quantum force exactly cancels the Coulomb attractive force in atomic \emph{s}-states. In this paper it is contended, based on energy conservation, that the force on a charge in a... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsParticle Physics
Based on the Sheaf Logic approach to set theoretic forcing, a hierarchy of Quantum Variable Sets is constructed, which generalizes and simplifies the analogous construction developed by Takeuti on boolean valued models of set theory. Over... more
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      Set TheoryModel TheoryLogicFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
This short paper summarises the proof that a causality violation formed from a bounded region requires matter that violates the null energy condition. Therefore the answer to the question in the title is yes. This is one of the results on... more
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      Philosophy of MindInterpretations of Quantum Mechanics
The celebrated Dreimännerarbeit by Born, Heisenberg and Jordan contains a matrix-mechanical derivation by Jordan of Einstein's formula for blackbody fluctuations. Jordan appears to have considered this to be one of his finest... more
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      Statistical MechanicsPhilosophy of PhysicsQuantum MechanicsHistory and Philosophy of Physics
I show explicitly how concerns about wave function collapse and ontology can be decoupled from the bulk of technical analysis necessary to recover localized, approximately Newtonian trajectories from quantum theory. In doing so, I... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
The understanding of entanglement in quantum mechanics is still a widely debated subject after all these decades. The photon experiments performed by Alain Aspect and his collaborators are considered to have provided the most conclusive... more
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      Quantum entanglementInterpretations of Quantum MechanicsPhilosophy of Physics and Cosmology
... With John Gribbin i) Introduction ii) What is Interpretation? Iii) Shut up and calculate! iv) Limits to John Gribbin's Pluralism v) Only Maths? vi) Waves and Particles vii) Conclusion viii) Afterthought This piece doesn’t claim to... more
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      Quantum PhysicsRichard FeynmannInterpretations of Quantum MechanicsPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac
As indicated by the name "quantum erasure," the most common interpretation of certain classes of delayed choice quantum experiments is that they, in some fashion, erase or undo past decisions. Unfortunately, this interpretation cannot be... more
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    • Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics