Internship Report on Bank
Recent papers in Internship Report on Bank
Banking sector is one of the largest and important sector for a nation’s economy. Bank provides enormous and quality services to its customers so that a person or an institution can have a safety of their money, financial assurance and... more
KATA PENGANTAR Beberapa hal yang baru selalu muncul mengikuti perkembangan dunia yang semakin cepat berubah karena adanya teknologi-teknologi terkini yang hadir. Perubahan itu suatu hal yang pasti tanpa seorangpun bisa mencegahnya.... more
This is my internship report that I have completed for the partial requirement of my MBA degree. This report is thoroughly monitored and supervised by Md. Mahmudul Huq sir. I have created this report based on my internship at Southeast... more
This report is an individual assignment as a part of the internship program under the BBA curriculum of IUBAT. The primary objective of this report is to know what marketing strategy Jamuna Bank is following and how they are promoting... more
Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited is a relatively new emerging bank and it is trying to get market share in the presence of national and foreign banks operating in the country. It has played an important role in boosting the economy of... more
DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this accomplishment offline to my parents and to my teachers with the support of whom I'm standing at this step of my life stairs.
This study aims at measuring and comparing the financial performance of three branches of National Bank Limited in Bangladesh. In a competitive financial market bank performance is very important because it provides signal to depositors... more
The two-week work at the ICICI Sri Lanka has been particularly enriching and educational. The report elaborates the working practices learnt at the RPC, Treasury, Finance and Trade departments at the internship. It is followed by a... more
This report is prepared for the partial fullfillment of BBA-BI Pokhara University at the 6th Semester on December,2015.
Acknowledgment The internship opportunity I had with Global IME Bank Limited (Koteshwor Branch) was a great chance for learning and professional development. I am also thankful for having a chance to meet so many delightful people and... more
This report contains the Detailed Information about Customer Relationship Management procedure at Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.
Di dalam anggaran komprehensif yang telah disusun termuat di dalamnya laporan anggaran. Laporan anggaran (Budget Report) adalah laporan yang sistematis dan terperinci tentang realisasi pelaksanaan anggaran beserta analisis dan... more
The report presents a concrete analysis of the overall training effectiveness of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (AIBL) while focusing on the Sonargaon Janapath Branch as the key investigation area. The objective of this report is to... more
To evaluate the loans and advances management section of ONE Bank Limited To have idea regarding various types of Loan and Advances of ONE Bank Limited. To identify the loan sanction procedure in different sectors in last some... more
This report is prepared based on Internship experience and opinion of the customers’ on Foreign Remittance Activities of Bangladesh Krishi Bank Nilfa Bazar Branch, Gopalganj. The main objective of this study is to know about Foreign... more
Social Islami Bank Limited (SBL) is a private commercial bank in Bangladesh registered under the Companies Act, 1994. SIBL incorporated in 5th July 1995 and being into its commercial operation on 22nd November with a view to provide... more
Latest annual reports of the sample enterprises have constituted the principal source of secondary data. The annual reports of the sample enterprises which contained valuable financial and non-financial information about the corporate... more
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