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In this work, we introduce the Coordinated Cross Plane Session Termination, or CXPST, attack, a distributed denial of service attack that attacks the control plane of the Internet. CXPST extends previous work that demonstrates a... more
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      Distributed Denial of Service AttackDDoSBotnetInternet Use
Purpose Research into the explanations of digital inclusion has moved from investigations of skills and usage to tangible outcomes, what we label here as the third-level digital divide. There is a lack of theoretical development about... more
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      Digital DivideMedia LiteracyDigital InequalityInternet Use
We present a model of energy consumption in IP networks. Using this model, we identify energy ldquohotspotsrdquo and estimate how energy consumption will grow with increasing network capacity. Todaypsilas Internet uses less than 1% of the... more
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      OpticsMedical ImagingFiber OpticsTelecommunications
This study examined children's media use (i.e., amount of television and Internet usage) and relationships to children's perceptions of societal threat and personal vulnerability. The sample consisted of 90 community youth aged... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTerrorismSocial Problems
DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTADÍSTICA, ESTRUCTURA ECONÓMICA Y OEI Plaza de la Victoria, 2 28802 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) Teléfono: 91 885 42 01 /departamentos ... THE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON THE
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      TourismInternet UseEmpirical AnalysisE Commerce
The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer understanding of the pattern of video game and internet use among college students and to examine how electronic leisure was related to risk behaviors (i.e., drinking, drug use, sex),... more
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      PsychologyVideo GamesVideo GameRisk Taking
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      MarketingResource AllocationEmerging MarketBusiness and Management
Objectives: to ascertain the views of midwives on Internet use in midwifery practice, to elicit the extent and nature of pregnant women's use of the Internet from a midwifery perspective, and to explore midwives' perceptions of pregnant... more
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      Social ChangeNursingQuality ImprovementMidwifery
This paper reports an exploratory analysis of the relation between Internet addiction and patterns of use among Portuguese adolescents (n ¼ 2617) from the WHO 2010 Health Behavior in School-aged children study, with a short version of... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet AddictionAdolescentsInternet Use
Media reports on incidences of abuse on the internet, particularly among teenagers, are growing at an alarming rate causing much concern among parents of teenagers and prompting legislations aimed at regulating internet use among... more
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      Social WorkLegislationUnited StatesInternet Use
The new psychological disorder of Internet addiction is fast accruing both popular and professional recognition. Past studies have indicated that some patterns of Internet use are associated with loneliness, shyness, anxiety, depression,... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunication
Due to the continuous growth and spread of the internet using Web Mining to improve the quality of different services has become a necessity. Web Mining is nothing else than applying data mining techniques and algorithms on web data. In... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsData MiningWeb Mining
Internet use by older people has increased dramatically during the past 10 years. According to different sources, the number of users over age 65 has more than doubled since 2000. Besides, the inevitable effect of younger users aging will... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationLifelong Learning
Objective. To explore the Internet use and interpersonal interactions of youth reporting deliberate self-harm as defined by any non-fatal act, regardless of intention.
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      Preventive medicineRisk TakingAdolescentInternet Use
This study examined problematic gaming behavior and depressive tendencies among people who play different types of online-games. Other game-related variables were investigated to determine if other differences between three game types... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceAddiction
Internet addiction (IA) is a relatively new field of academic inquiry. Empirical studies suggest that IA, like other well researched addictive behaviours, has an effect on many aspects of a person"s life, including academic/work... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMental HealthEducational Psychology
This study examined a modified version of the Loneliness and Sexual Risk Model (LSRM), which predicts that sexual risk behavior results in part from a link between loneliness and compulsivity. A convenience sample of 49 adolescent males... more
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      PsychologyInternet UseSexual AddictionCross Section
In the industrialized world, Internet use has grown exponentially to become a global communication and business resource. For the time being, both theoretical and empirical research on consumption and the Internet are still in their... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsConsumer PolicySustainable Consumption
Although the Web audience is growing exponentially, little research has explored the benefits that the audience derives from their use of the Web. This study took a cost-benefit approach to exploring the specific benefits and opportunity... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceUses And GratificationsWorld Wide Web
With more than 1 billion Internet users worldwide, the World Wide Web has inevitably made its mark on the global healthcare industry. As an EU nation, Greece has not conducted many e-health trends surveys due to the low penetration of the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringE HealthTelemedicineThe Internet
Although computers and the internet, indispensable tools in people's lives today, facilitate life on the one hand, they have brought new risks with them on the other. Internet dependency, or problematic internet use, has emerged as a new... more
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      Computer Mediated CommunicationSelf Efficacy1:1 Computers in EducationCorrelation
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceCognition
Searching product information and buying goods online are becoming increasingly popular activities, which would seem likely to affect shopping trips. However, little empirical evidence about the relationships between e-shopping and... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningStructural Equation ModellingLand UseInternet Use
Within developed countries, the penetration of cell phones and the Internet has risen in tandem and the point of market saturation has nearly been reached in both markets. In contrast, the African continent has been characterized by more... more
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      Digital DivideDeveloping CountryTime DelayUser profile
Internet use among small businesses has recently become a popular topic for researchers in the fields of Information Systems and Entrepreneurship. In view of the media hype this topic has received over recent months, it is important for... more
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      MarketingSmall BusinessCase Study ResearchTourism
To date, research focused on ''traditional'' (i.e. in-person) youth bullying behaviour has documented serious psychosocial challenges for those involved. How this literature translates to youth engaging in aggressive behaviours online has... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthJuvenile DelinquencyPublic Health
À partir d’une approche combinant sociologie des usages d’internet et gérontologie critique, le but de cette thèse est d’abord de montrer que le contexte sociohistorique de ces dernières décennies, qui a vu apparaître des représentations... more
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      Digital DivideDigital Media & LearningInternet & SocietySociology of Ageing
A multimethod exploration of undergraduates' high-speed Internet use in residence halls took a uses-and-gratifications approach (U & G) and revealed Internet use as integral to students' lives. Students' negative comments about Internet... more
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      Higher EducationUses And GratificationsInstant MessagingLocus of Control
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      Decision MakingBirthPregnancyInternet Use
with dispositional or daily well-being. However, as suggested by intimacy theory, the closeness of instant message communication partners was associated with daily social anxiety and loneliness in school, above and beyond the contribution... more
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      SociologyPsychologyInternet UseSocial Issues
The Internet is first and foremost a communication technology, with the potent ial to change peoples' social interaction. This paper reviews 16 surveys that examine how Internet use can affect social interaction. Our meta-analysis shows... more
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      Social ChangeResearch DesignSocial InteractionCommunication Technology
The growth in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) production and consumption has been exponential in the last two decades. This has been as a result of the rapid changes in equipment features and capabilities, decrease in prices,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringDigital DivideTelecommunicationsElectronics
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      Mental HealthInternet Use
The present study investigated the extent to which inter-personal skills, personality, and emotional intelligence (EI) were related to the extent of usage of the Internet, as measured with the Internet Addiction Scale, on a sample of... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotional intelligence
In Nepal the Internet penetration rate is just about 15%. The digital divide extends not only to access to ICTs but also users’ ability to exploit these to ease their lives. This study aims to examine how the Internet is exploited as an... more
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      EducationSocial MediaNepalTeenagers
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersAddictionDepression
Facebook is quickly becoming one of the most popular tools for social communication. However, Facebook is somewhat different from other Social Networking Sites as it demonstrates an offline-to-online trend; that is, the majority of... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive SciencePsychometrics
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      StressUniversity StudentsInternet Use
In the increasingly user-generated Web, users' personality traits may be crucial factors leading them to engage in this participatory media. The literature suggests factors such as extraversion, emotional stability and openness to... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
Broadband changes everything. Or so we are told. But does it? There is only one way to find outfollow people who move from narrowband to broadband internet access and see what changes. This paper reports exactly this kind of analysis... more
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      Social CapitalSocial impactLibrary and Information StudiesInternet Use
The current study examined the longitudinal associations of time spent on Internet activities for communication purposes (i.e., IM-ing) versus time spent on Internet activities for non-communication purposes (i.e., surfing) with... more
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      PsychologySocial AnxietyDepressionSocialization
This study examines the Internet usage of high school students for educational purposes in relation to their learning approaches. In the study, 921 secondary school students were subjected, and Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) was... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learningDistance Education
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      Urban And Regional PlanningStructural Equation ModellingLand UseInternet Use
As computer and Internet use become a staple of everyday life, the potential for overuse is introduced, which may lead to addiction. Research on Internet addiction has shown that users can become addicted to it. Addiction to the Internet... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceVideo Games
Social network sites (SNSs) are commonly used to maintain existing relationships and form connections with new contacts. Recently, concerns of have been expressed over the way these Web-based technologies are used. Estimates suggest that... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceInternet Measurement
Depuis le milieu des années 2000, le taux d'équipement informatique et de connexion à l'internet des retraités français ne cesse de croître, contribuant à combler la situation de « fracture numérique » que l'on associe traditionnellement... more
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      Digital Media & LearningInternet & SocietySociology of AgeingInternet Use
This study explores the role of urban public spaces for democratic and social engagement. It examines the impact of wireless Internet use on urban public spaces, Internet users, and others who inhabit these spaces. Through observations of... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaMobile TechnologyInformation Communication Technology
This paper analytically explores the recent rise of Internet use among American Muslims who are looking for marriage. Because American Muslims are a heterogeneous community consisting of individuals who, while confessing to a single... more
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      Cultural StudiesReligion and Popular CultureInternet Use
Recent research at colleges and universities has suggested that some college students’ academic performance might be impaired by heavier use of the Internet. This study reviews the relevant literature and presents data from a survey of... more
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      CommunicationEducational TechnologyHigher EducationSocial Interaction