Internet Safety
Recent papers in Internet Safety
Utkastet til et kurs (på norsk) som jeg begynte å utvikle i 2011 med noen generelle retningslinjer for å hjelpe foreldre til å hindre internettrelaterte farer som berører deres barn. Så snart jeg kan, vil jeg laste opp den engelske... more
iPredator Notes is a PDF paper with concept definitions & terms related to the Information Age dark side of cyberspace construct called iPredator authored by NYS Licensed Psychologist, Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.
Today almost half of the global population is online and an estimated 3.2 billion people stay connected. How many of them will fall victim to cybercrimes and cyberbullying? How many will suffer from Internet Addiction and cyberrelated... more
Internet has become a big part of our lives. It provides a lot of opportunities, at the same time exposing its users, and children in particular, to new risks. Rapid technological development, together with growing accessibility to the... more
Reintroducing the Cyborg Concept to Explain Internet-Related Safety Issues Tommaso Bertolotti ([email protected]) Department of Humanities, Philosophy Section University of Pavia, ITALY Lorenzo Magnani ([email protected]) Department of... more
In this paper I explore the current state of internet safety with regard to teacher education, curriculum, and educator, parental and student perceptions. I discuss internet security and ethics in an educational and social networking... more
This Digital Childhood paper considers how growing up in the digital environment directly impacts on a child’s development trajectory. It concludes that a managed route from infancy to adulthood is as important in the digital environment... more
The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A... more
In this paper I explore the current state of internet safety with regard to teacher education, curriculum, and educator, parental and student perceptions. I discuss internet security and ethics in an educational and social networking... more
Technological devices and the internet have become standard tools used by young people in their social, recreational and educational contexts. The utility of digital technology continues to expand and influence the ways young people... more
Książka stanowi pogłębioną naukową monografię problemu agresji realizowanej przez młodzież za pomocą nowych mediów (internetu i telefonów komórkowych). Zawiera wprowadzenie teoretyczne dotyczące nowych mediów, funkcjonowania młodych ludzi... more
Today almost half of the global population is online and an estimated 3.2 billion people stay connected. How many of them will fall victim to cybercrimes and cyberbullying? How many will suffer from Internet Addiction and cyber-related... more
In the last decade, the media all over the world have covered the stories of teens who committed suicide or suffered severe harm following periods of online harassment. Cyberbullying statistics of 2014 are alarming. Only last year, 52... more
Vastly growing online free-hospitality networks are a phenomenon of modern times. They have been already subject of social and peace studies, here explored from the perspective of information science. The main focus in this research,... more
Ключевые слова: девиантное поведение на базе гиперспособностей, одаренный ребенок, формы девиантного поведения на базе гиперспособностей, школа.
The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A... more
**This is a working version of a paper subsequently revised and published in Journal of Cyber Policy 3(2) ** Like all markets, online platforms need rules. Their rules are... more
The world is currently ravaged by the novel coronavirus which has so far affected 82,410 persons in 50 countries with a death toll of 2,808 as at 27 th February 2020, and code-named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 th... more
Previous studies have highlighted that the internet offers various online opportunities to users, for example, children, and that the internet possesses great potential to boost their education and provide health information. Scholars... more
This report presents initial findings for Ireland from the pan-European EU Kids Online survey – a large 25 country survey conducted by EU Kids Online and funded by the EC’s Safer Internet Programme. The questionnaire was designed by the... more
This document, prepared for the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General for the Province of British Columbia, suggests that a provincial strategy to combat online sexual exploitation of youth should be based on a human service... more
The main objective of this study is to justify the necessity of developing a conceptual framework on risk-taking behaviours of adolescents while using the Internet in Bangladesh. In all, 507 adolescents participated in a survey on... more
ÖZET: Bu çalışmada çocukların İnternet kullanımına yönelik ebeveynlerinin arabuluculuğu ile karşılaştıkları İnternet risklerinin birlikte incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama araştırma modelinin benimsendiği... more
Безперечно, сьогодні, в цифрову епоху, бути батьками складніше, ніж будь-коли раніше. Це пов’язано з тим, що ми, батьки, не маємо такого досвіду користування Інтернетом та цифровими пристроями, як наші діти. Пропонуємо декілька ідей, які... more
-Describe how login identity and passwords can be improved to protect access to software and data. -Describe two additional methods of controlling access to hardware, software and data. -Describe what is meant by the term ‘virus’.... more
This paper advocates a re-introduction of the notion of cyborg in order to acquire a new perspective on studies concerning the development of human cognition in highly technological environments. In particular, we will show how the notion... more
"According to various sources, Estonian children are among the Top 5 in EU in both using new ICT solutions as well as experiencing the downsides (various online threats). Yet, the coordinated efforts in e-safety awareness rising are... more
Birçok ülkede, çocuklar için İnternet risklerini en aza indirmek ve aynı zamanda İnternet'in sunduğu fırsatları da en üst düzeye çıkarmak adına çalışmalar ve uygulamalar geliştirilmiştir. Türkiye'de de güvenli İnternet kullanımına yönelik... more
We are in a time when technology adoption by our youth is almost immediate. But student forays into the online world have not been without unfortunate drawbacks. Misinformation, crime, viruses, and stalkers are online too waiting for our... more
Previous studies have highlighted that the internet offers various online opportunities to users, for example, children, and that the internet possesses great potential to boost their education and provide health information. Scholars... more
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de son yıllarda hızla artan internet kullanımıyla birlikte önem kazanan İnternetin doğru, güvenli ve etkin kullanımı konusunda yaşanan gelişmeler ve bu bağlamda dünyada ve Türkiye’de gerçekleştirilen bilinçlendirme... more
Digital competences have become one of basic skills in XXI century. Due to the ability to digitally access data and manage information and use electronic services, the quality of life has improved, and there has been an improvement in... more
This is my Final Exam for COLL100 @ American Public University.
The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A... more
As we already know, the problem with privacy and safety is not only related to the Internet. The root of the problem had emerged even sooner. It had developed from the first cameras all the way to tagged photos on Facebook. It is... more
Objective: The current study examines an increase in youth online harassment over the last decade in order to better explore the implications of the trend for prevention initiatives. Method: The Youth Internet Safety Surveys (YISSs)... more
The use of the Internet has become highly pervasive among adolescents. While these people derive numerous benefits from their use of this technology, they are also faced with a challenge of being exposed to many cyber risks. Nigeria is a... more
Bu çalışmada da güvenli İnternet kullanımına ilişkin yapılacak uygulamalara ve eğitimlere referans oluşturması açısında Türkiye'nin değişik bölgelerinde bulunan çocukların İnternet kullanımları ve gerçekleştirdikleri etkinliklerin... more
We found that most of the solutions used by schools to ensure e-safety are either technical or purely regulation-based, only some schools appeared to have studied or elaborated on pedagogical or behavioural aspects. Problems are defied by... more
The goal of our paper is to find out the readiness in Estonia to raise awareness of cyber security related social engineering, especially among common people. We have conducted a study involving schoolchildren and ICT students as well as... more
Cybercriminals are exploiting the panic associated with COVID-19 to attack vulnerable digital assets using ransomware, email phishing and social engineering scams. The impacts on the cyberspace are examined, and recommendations for... more