Internet Art

336 papers
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Internet Art is a contemporary art form that utilizes the internet as a medium and platform for creation, distribution, and interaction. It encompasses various digital practices, including web-based artworks, online performances, and social media projects, often engaging with themes of technology, culture, and the digital experience.
By analysing a series of exhibition projects responding to central changes in web technology since its public unveiling (1991), this study identifies a historical trajectory for discussing the evolution of curating on the web. Such... more
Digital language has meant a revolution in the methods of production, distribution and conservation of contemporary art. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the new status of museums within the digital age. Works using new media... more
An interactive artwork takes on the shape of an event. An artist does not make a final, completed piece of art, instead produces an area of activity for the receivers, whose interactive actions bring to life an artwork-event. Regardless... more
This article addresses the complex relationship between digital activism and Internet art, from the initial proposals in the 1990s up to the present day. The analysis focuses on those projects that have most impacted the convergence of... more
This paper is about the research component of a digital art methods class, where preservice teachers and art students encounter art making and art learning as a conversation with materials, history, and peers. The conversation happens... more
J8?g#|\;Net. Art{-^s1 [...] Nel dicembre del 1995, la Rete forniva dunque a C´osic´un nome per l'attività in cui era coinvolto. Eccitato ed emozionato, l'artista iniziò a divulgarlo immediatamente. Pochi minuti dopo aver ricevuto... more
Thinspiration images, meant to inspire weight-loss, proliferate online through platforms that encourage the circulation of user-generated content. Despite numerous alarmist critiques in mass media about thinspiration and various academic... more
This chapter charts the outcome of a 1 0-year collaboration, which has sought to develop alternative software, and network artifacts to those promoted by mainstream technology providers. 'System Poetics and Software Refuseniks' is split... more
Exhibition Review, 'Free', New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
This article investigates the relationship between art and technology, pointing the constants of a process of cultural digestion which is mediated by the very sovereign technological environmentthe Internet. Relying on the multiplicity... more
Our reality is now integrally determined and dependent on information technology. Phenomena such as social media, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, skeuomorphism, cryptocurrencies, the metaverse and related issues of convergence,... more
Internet usage began to shift towards mass participation from the first years of the new millennium, which was identified by the neologism of “Web 2.0”. This study points out that the concept used in diverse ways by IT, business, and... more
The complexity of the relationship between art and the technological environment is richer than ever, in the context of a contemporary ultra-technological culture, structurally dependent on the media and responsible for relativizing the... more
Bu makalede internet çıkışlı bir alt kültür estetik akımı olan Vaporwave ve bu akımın geçmiş zaman ile olan yakın ilişkisi çeşitli açılardan araştırılacak, sosyoloji, psikanaliz ve sanat tarihi felsefesinden referanslarla... more
Fine Arts and Literature Chapter for Living Out Loud: An Introduction to LGBTQ History, Society, and Culture
This paper examines the use of appropriation in contemporary internet art-postinternet art-in terms of internet technology and web content. The paper suggests that postinternet art reflects our cultural reality through the ubiquity and... more
This paper examines the role of Internet technology as an important factor in the creative processes of art making. The paper’s focus is on digital time, the physical life of internet art and the artist’s choices relating to that. By... more
Learning To Love You More (2002-2009), a creation by Harrell Fletcher and Miranda July, is a collective and contemporary online artwork piece. In this multimedia website, Fletcher and July gave assignments addressed to the public in... more
Borrowing from the vocabularies of montage theory and found photography to look ay net art's "pro surfing" community, on the cusp of the postinternet movement.
In an essay for the catalog of Collect the WWWorld: The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age, an exhibition installed most recently at 319 Scholes in Brooklyn, Josephine Bosma announces that the wilderness is back. Though modernity... more
This paper aims to provide an analysis of the past and present digital preservation practices of the Rhizome ArtBase, and to extract from this a sustainable framework for the future that bears in consideration the fluidity of the field.
RESUME Cette oeuvre d’art web (Net Art), est une performance d’art relationnel où un joueur ou interacteur entre dans un dialogue, par le jeu, avec l’interface. Mon dispositif enligne est accessible sur le site... more
The development of the use of computers and software in art from the Fifties to the present is explained. As general aspects of the history of computer art an interface model and three dominant modes to use computational processes... more
This chapter offers an overview and analysis of the virtual art gallery and museum constructed by the Brazilian and internet and digital artist and curator, Regina Célia Pinto. The Museu do Essencial e Além Disso (The Museum of the... more
Wikipedia Art is many things: an open-ended concept, an immanent object, a collaborative text, and a net-work that complicates the very possibility for these distinctions. This chapter most specifically explicates and unfolds the... more
The aim of the research is to create a software musical instrument that allows for an aware exploration of the self, through self-refection in music. The investigation is interdisciplinary and operates across the fields of musicology,... more