Sanatçılar, 20. Yüzyılda, elektronik teknolojilerin doğuşu ve evrimi sürecinde ortaya çıkan bilgi iletişim teknolojilerini, eserlerini üretmek ve halka sunmak için kullanmaktadırlar. İnternet teknolojilerinin gelişimiyle, 2004 sonrası... more
Este artigo apresenta experiência no contexto universitário que integra ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Discute-se o impacto dos meios digitais no campo das artes visuais em relação à disciplina Laboratório de Arte e Telemática de graduação... more
This paper turns towards a film that you could not have seen and will never see: The Mark of the Brief Night, part of the web-based and installation film project Seances (2016) by Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, and the National... more
Art made by using and reflecting upon new media and new technologies helps us understand how our lives are being transformed by these very media and technologies -Charlie Gere, "New Media Art and the Gallery in the Digital Age." This... more
Frida Kahlo's "Self Portrait with Stalin" 1954, has been related to biographical, cultural, and national references. It is examined as an allegory of the artist's troubled personal relationships with political figures; her antagonism... more
If I draw on my humble memory, I could point out that the most significant global mo(nu)ments produced in recent years are mostly acts of destruction, whose memory seems to be embedded, and that remain more present even than what we have... more
Si el cambio de la sociedad de la información a la sociedad de los medios de acceso a la información había resultado especialmente fructífero para el desarrollo de multitud de vías de media art, las mutaciones que estaban conduciendo... more
Questo saggio intende esplorare l’impatto dei media digitali sulla comprensione del kitsch e sulla sua relazione con l’arte attraverso il concetto di “kitsch digitale”. Il kitsch digitale è qui inteso come la forma predominante della... more
La aparición de los NFT (non fungible token) marcó un antes y un después en la comercialización de bienes digitales. Aunque, en términos informáticos, los NFT son identificadores digitales únicos registrados en una cadena de bloques o... more
Viviamo in un mondo connesso da reti di comunicazione e voli low cost, dove la politica parla attraverso i social media, la guerra si fa con i droni, l’economia si fonda su processi smaterializzati. Ed è per questo motivo che una... more
This paper discusses the post-internet artist Molly Soda and her almost two decades of online expression. Soda's artistic practice is participatory, performative, and entangled with the internet. She has created a complex,... more
The increase of multimedia information over the past few years has led to the creation of mechanisms that enable its organization through descriptions or keywords. A popular way of associating such descriptions to content is tagging. It... more
This chapter conceptualizes T. G. Masaryk's international correspondence activities in the context of digital humanities and network analysis.
Fredag den 5. oktober var 100 gæster inviteret til åbningen af særudstillingen ÆGLØSNINGER At få børn med teknologien. Udstillingen, der skal opleves på strømpefødder, blev åbnet af prorektor Mette Bock
Unpublished experimental book draft based on my PhD research. Most of the text is from the PhD thesis, but there are nonetheless numerous essential changes. Abstract: Specta(c)torship in Net Art(?): Individuation After Simondon is an... more
The 1980 comedy The Gods Must Be Crazy explores how an unprepared and unsuspecting society is transformed by the introduction of an alien technology. The slapstick racism of the lm portrays the 'Bushmen of the Kalahari' (the San people)... more
Lev Manovich. Unreliable Memories. Centro de Arte e Cultura, Évora, Portugal, 2024. 140 pages. Exhibition catalog with images by Lev Manovich and texts by José Alberto Ferreira, Antonio Somani, Manovich. **** Text by exhibition curator... more
The paper maps the use of the principle of randomness in artistic activity with a focus on visual art and the placement of Czech art in the world context. It examines the hypothesis of whether randomness in the hands of the artist becomes... more
Das vorliegende Rahmenkonzept adressiert die Herausforderungen zum Erhalt des digitalen kulturellen Erbes im Land Brandenburg. Es wird ein explizit kulturspartenubergreifender Ansatz vorgestellt, welcher fur alle Institutionen offen sein... more
Today there is nothing in the giant cauldron of the internet that doesn't create an avalanche of memes in response. Considering memes as the result of the use of creativity to express ourselves, our humor, values and generally our... more
Critical making is an approach to scholarship which combines discursive methods with creative practices. The concept has recently gained traction in the digital humanities, where scholars are looking for ways of integrating making into... more
Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten beschäftigt sich der Berliner Medien-und Konzeptkünstler Aram Bartholl mit den gesellschaftlichen Folgen von Digitalisierung und Internet. Dabei hat er sich nie auf ein Medium festlegen lassen: Mit Drucken,... more
This paper primarily dwells on graphics created using computers. Computer Graphics could generally be described as graphics created using computers and, more generally, the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer. The... more
As tecnologias informaticas e os meios audiovisuais tem vindo a caminhar para uma progressiva e dominante utilizacao de interfaces que possibilitam um maior dialogo com o utilizador/espetador. Esta abertura redimensiona a relacao entre... more
The central provocation of this article is to analyze three artworks that operate by inducing a failure or interruption in the functioning of a certain system. Based on Vilém Flusser's apparatus concept, in dialogue with other authors... more
A provocação central deste artigo é a análise de três obras artísticas que operam induzindo uma falha, uma interrupção no funcionamento de determinado sistema. A partir do conceito de aparelho de Vilém Flusser, em diálogo com... more
A provocação central deste artigo é a análise de três obras artísticas que operam induzindo uma falha, uma interrupção no funcionamento de determinado sistema. A partir do conceito de aparelho de Vilém Flusser, em diálogo com... more
What determines the life span of a complex autonomous system? We expect that objects of this kind, which some view as testaments of contemporary culture, will survive into the future. After a few decades of experimentation with data... more
This paper presents the analysis of two poles in the spectrum of image creation: the primal drawing process and the coding process in the field of generative design. The reflection upon these design processes is conducted in order to... more
Google Maps & Co. als Ausgangsphänomen Die Mission der Firma Google Inc. lautet: «Die Informationen dieser Welt organisieren und allgemein zugänglich und nutzbar machen.» 13 Dieser Leitspruch auf der deutschen Startseite des Unternehmens... more
A partir del año 2004, presenciamos la evolución de un conjunto de prácticas artísticas que, iniciadas con el incipiente a principios de los años noventa, encontrarán nuevos caminos de desarrollo en torno a las nuevas dinámicas... more
Der Beitrag nähert sich dem Thema Speicherbibliothek aus systematischer Perspektive. Ausgehend von einer Begriffsanalyse arbeitet er fünf verschiedene Typen von Speicherbibliotheken heraus und diskutiert deren Vor-und Nachteile. Am... more
The aim of this dissertation is to offer a different perspective for the quality NFTs in terms contemporary art gestures, aesthetics and their side effects that are created by established contemporary artists such as Hirst, Abramovic and... more
Internet has been incorporated into our lives for almost two decades now. Within this time, it has proven itself to be so much more than a new technology for a new machine or "a medium of mediums." Its relation to every aspect of life... more
Tous droits réservés © Revue d'art contemporain ETC inc., 2007 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous... more
Under the premise of problematizing the initiatives that safeguard the audiovisual culture and its difficulties to endurance, I point out common challenges to audiovisual Latin American Archives in the present, and the answers articulated... more
/biography 'Digital Art' practice often suggests an over emphasis upon applications rather than objects, reproduction over authenticity. Can 'New Media' be considered within a fine-art framework, or should it be considered as a separate... more
Quale migliore occasione di questa per celebrare una delle operazioni artistiche che, prescindendo dai clamori del sistema, hanno davvero modificato le cose dell'arte? Giusto vent'anni fa due ragazzi di stanza a Bologna, Eva e Franco... more
Towards achieving BPS-Statistics Indonesia missions, the dissemination process of statistical products must be carried out well. One of BPS-Statistics Indonesia statistical products is the microdata. In this case, the activity of... more
Since the 1960s, artists and programmers have used computers to create prints, drawings, paintings, photographs and digital artworks. This display celebrated 50 years and more of computer-generated art, exploring aspects of chance and... more
Digital literature has given rise to an amalgamation of traditional literature with technology that leads us to enhanced text. It is a new form of literature that is read through clutters, gutters, and the touch of the screen rather than... more
What could our future look like? The absurdity and extra-ordinariness of how things are makes this a preposterous question to raise, let alone respond to. Nonetheless Thus, it is imperative that we insist, persist, and resist, by making,... more
This thesis explores the vulnerabilities and future prospects of blockchain-based artworks, focusing on 81 Horizons byRafaël Rozendaal. A risk assessment of the artwork is conducted using the Brokerhof method. After the contextualization... more
Recent scientific advancements have led to a growing number of artists working in the field of science and arts in collaboration with scientists. This interaction between art and science has a long history with cybernetics in the 1950s... more
In conceptual art, the idea is not only starting point and motivation for the material work, it is often considered the work itself. In algorithmic art, thinking the process of generating the image as one instance of an entire class of... more