International cooperation policy
Recent papers in International cooperation policy
The article introduces Urban Food Policies (UFP) in the field of decentralized cooperation as a relatively new field of work, exchange and action-oriented research within and between cities, and local authorities in the global North... more
Questo libro offre elementi per rispondere a diverse domande sulla cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, tracciando un percorso fondato sull'analisi critica dei diversi contesti politici, economici e sociali della storia recente;... more
This chapter contains a brief analysis of the institutional evolution of Colombian international development aid cooperation, and its organisation and mandates. It deals with Colombia’s approach to both ‘traditional’ relationships between... more
Resumen Los importantes cambios que afectan a la financiación del desarrollo, y los desplazamientos del poder que se observan en el sistema internacional están modificando las políticas de cooperación en América Latina y el Caribe. Este... more
Este artículo investiga en primer lugar cómo han evolucionado en los últimos veinte años los PRM en el escenario internacional y las brechas de desarrollo que están encarando en la actualidad, por un lado, y cuál es su posicionamiento en... more
The Broadcasting reform in the post reform Indonesia has been signified by the presence of Broadcasting Law of 32/2002 which has promoted media democratization, as well as the Press Law No 40/1999 which has contributed to media... more
Report on the TECT Conference at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, 15-18 September 2009. Conference title: “Evolution of Cooperation: Models and Theories”; prepared especially for the... more
This aim of this study is to explore the development assistance system and its multiple challenges in the global economy: an obstacle for assisted countries. Development aid is one of the instruments of international cooperation whose... more
Regulation of Private Military and Security Companies and the Question of Public Versus Private Military Foreign Military Intervention in Internal Conflicts and Creating a General Approach to Asymmetric Warfare, particularly regarding... more
This aim of this study is to explore the development assistance system and its multiple challenges in the global economy: an obstacle for assisted countries. Development aid is one of the instruments of international cooperation whose... more
In Kyrgyzstan as elsewhere, foreign aid agencies fund the development and use of technical expertise in their support of institutional reforms. However, do the government, business/social and foreign aid actors involved treat this... more
Reseña publicada en la Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, N° 117, Diciembre 2017 (pp. 232-235). Barcelona: Centro de Estudios y Documentación Internacionales de Barcelona (CIDOB) [ISSN [i] 1133-6595 & [e] 2013-035X].
Il turismo responsabile è il turismo attuato secondo principi di giustizia sociale ed economica e nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente e delle culture, come sottolineato dall’OMT negli artt. 1 e 2 del Codice mondiale del Turismo, da cui si... more
Entre los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y la cooperación sur-sur: actores y políticas de la ayuda al desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe
Los Programas de Transferencias Condicionadas (PTC) se orientan a fomentar la acumulación de capital humano entre las poblaciones más vulnerables, especialmente en los más jóvenes, a fin de detener la transmisión inter-generacional de la... more
Recent discussion of the relationship between legal authorities and the people within their communities emphasize the benefits to legal authorities of gaining voluntary deference and willing cooperation from the people with whom they... more
Reseña publicada en la revista Documentos y Aportes en Administración pública y Gestión estatal (DAAPGE), N° 28, Enero-Junio 2017 (pp. 235-238), Santa Fe (Argentina): Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
This article deals with the highly topical issue of the character and results of scientific and pedagogical cooperation of universities and cultural institutions in the field of artistic Regional Studies. For a number of federal public... more
Today's spacefaring nations lack a systematic framework for evaluating international cooperation proposals that takes both political and technical concerns into account. By simultaneously considering technology and policy, a more informed... more
Our research choose an “orchestral” perspective on communication not only as a tool, but as the way in which the social communicator relies both on multistrategical approaches and dynamics of social actors involved in a process of... more
- by Pina Lalli
- Communication, International Cooperation, International cooperation policy, ethnography, comparative visual media, humanitarianism, human rights, biopolitics, Marxist critique, postcolonial studies, documentary studies, critical theory and cultural studies, posthumanism, animal studies, discourses of the child
Está especializado en crecimiento y desarrollo y relaciones económicas internacionales. Es vocal experto del Consejo de Cooperación para el Desarrollo y miembro del Committee for Develop
Reseña publicada en la Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, Nº 40, Julio 2017 (pp. 197-199). Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
In Kyrgyzstan as elsewhere, foreign aid agencies fund the development and use of technical expertise in their support of institutional reforms. However, do the government, business and foreign aid actors involved treat this expertise as... more
Reseña publicada en la revista Pluriverso, N° 8, Enero-Junio 2017 (pp. 129-133). Medellín: Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana. [ISSN [i] 2357-4615]
This briefing paper discusses how provisions on environmental cooperation in trade agreements can contribute to better environmental outcomes. It is frequently assumed that the more enforceable environmental commitments are, the more... more
Think global, act local " è la vision che è alla base delle attività di cooperazione internazionale decentrata. La cooperazione internazionale decentrata non è solo espressione della solidarietà internazionale di una comunità... more
A deterrence model of legal authority is not only expensive and minimally effective; it also undermines forms of social capital that promote long-term public commitment to the law and, crucially, the public cooperation on which legal... more
In Kyrgyzstan as elsewhere, foreign aid agencies fund the development and use of technical expertise in their support of institutional reforms. However, do the government, business/social and foreign aid actors involved treat this... more
International cooperation in the South China Sea among ASEAN countries in the current context has become an urgent need. To well implement international cooperation, the concerned countries should have consultations based on scientific... more